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This is not my parallel universe


This is not my parallel universe
Secret Garden korean drama review
Secret Garden
28 people found this review helpful
by claudya87
May 13, 2011
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 3
Overall 4.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
I know I\'\'m weirder than most people but still I don\'\'t understand why all the fuss about this series. Is it because of the way Hyun Bin looks like? I won\'\'t judge a story after the grade of hotness an actor has. I most certainly didn\'\'t enjoy the story. Actually I liked more the supporting casts namely Oska/Seul. I have to say that I also like the main actor - as he looks like of course because in the end I\'\'m a superficial person - but I didn\'\'t see any chemistry between him and the main actress. At all. NOT EVEN A BIT ! Love should not be comprehensible and can hit you at any time? :)) Sure, I understand that fact but I refuse to accept it as an excuse for an undeveloped storyline. I may seem harsh and many will curse me under their breath. All I can say is : \"I\'\'ve seen better!\" and those series were unappreciated or not so widely known because no \"star\" played in them. Amusing scenes? All I saw were actors trying to be funny. Realness of the story? Of their love? Gradually convincing action? Where? Maybe it all went past me and I missed it. I don\'\'t like series that don\'\'t convince me of their value and I had to try my best to not drop this one.
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