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This is not my parallel universe


This is not my parallel universe
Regatta japanese drama review
6 people found this review helpful
by claudya87
May 18, 2012
9 of 9 episodes seen
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
I picked randomly.. I thought Matsuda Shota will make me watch it even if it's bad. I was half wrong as even Shota can't save a mediocre series, but I still finished it. Story : There is nothing new about giving up a sport because of an incident and then encouraged by someone you decide to try again. The only original thing about it is the regatta part. Acting : I'm a little disappointed by Hayami Mokomichi, he did a lousy job in this series. Still, I'll continue to watch his shows, at least he has potential. Music : One song that repeats over and over. I like the song but it gets boring after a while. My advice: Watch it only if you're a fan of the actors or you have nothing better to do with your free time. It's also good for people that like this type of motivational series.
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