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This is not my parallel universe


This is not my parallel universe
Stars Falling from the Sky korean drama review
Stars Falling from the Sky
4 people found this review helpful
by claudya87
Jul 7, 2012
20 of 20 episodes seen
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
I had moments when I liked the series, when I got bored or simply thought that the story was forced. But if we get over the first episodes that are hard to believe there were some funny moments that made me continue. The children were also cute but from my point of view the brothers were the ones who sustained the series. Story : Was forced most of the times but the relationship between the children and the uncles/nephew was fun to watch. I couldn't understand Jae Young's stubbornness and actions and compared to her mother, I actually gave the last more credit. It's strange to say this but for me Pal Kang remained useless from beginning to end. My favourite character was of course Kang Ha who was very complex and offered great scenes. The sibling rivalry was well portrayed and intense. Acting/cast : I felt that everyone played their roles well. I can't give it a 10 because there were a few flaws, not worth mentioning but still..Also this series lacked chemistry from the main actors, maybe I would've loved the series more if I saw some sparks flying. Music : So many songs played in this series, a mix of global music. Older, newer, Korean, American, European..all good music. Rewatch value : To be sincere, I don't plan on rewatching the entire series, maybe just the funny scenes.
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