Story : The story of bonding and working to achieve something together is not new. Many series have it, it's just the sport that differs.
Tumbling is a wonderful sport, I was always a fan of it. Also watching good looking boys do it it's more than entertaining. A bonus to the story is the background of the characters, most of them have problems that they must learn to overcome. My favorite characters are Ryosuke and Ryuichiro but Hino and Mizusawa are really interesting.
Acting/cast : Aside Yamamoto Yusuke who's character I found a little too much to bear(similar to Tamaki from OHSHC), I liked everyone.
Music : It didn't make me frantically look for the OST and I can't really remember one song from it but it was good.
Rewatch : Maybe I'll see it again but it won't be the same as the surprise factor is gone.
Conclusion : Not a bad series, not best either but the sport and the boys are wonderful.
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