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Cute Little Love by Chance Story
Overall, I thought the series was pretty good. It's the story of two young men, Ae and Pete, who happen to meet by chance and Ae begins to help and take care of Pete (especially with a homphobic bully trying to blackmail him). Of course, Pete is gay and begins to confide to Ae, whom is very understanding and helps Pete to deal with the complexities of being a young gay male in certain societies. As a result of Ae's kindness, understanding, and assistance, Pete begins to develop feelings for Ae. Ae, who is "presumably" straight, eventually begins to develop feelings for Pete, and this is where we get the "Love by Chance" idea. Ae and Pete throughout the series go through numerous and sometimes humorous trials and tribulations establishing their relationship. Although some of the sex scenes between Pete and Ae were a "bit much". LOL However, the sex scenes are somewhat believable, given that their supposed to be upper teenage boys exploring their sexualities...The series was cute and kept your attention, especially with the growing relationship between the other main characters, Tin and Can. Tin is a rich , egotistical snob, and Can is just a average soccer "jock" whose a little naive when it comes to relationships. But, Can is a staunch defender of Ae and Pete's relationship... especially, against Tin, who doesn't think Pete should be having anything to do with "The Thai Program" as he calls Ae, Can and their friends. Tin and Can's relationship start off as the typical Love/Hate, Rich/Poor scenario, but eventually starts to develop into something else. I really liked that relationship, (especially Tin's character). To watch Tin's development during the last episodes, learning of the abusive and arguably cruel treatment by his older brother (a person whom he most cherished and trusted in the world at that time) --- to watching him learn to love and trust again with Can. It's a good basic storyline.
Now, I know that BL dramas have to have their tragic situations.... But, there are a couple of disturbing scenes in the series that will make you want to throw an item at your TV or computer. The scene included a rape, which was not only perpetrated by someone the victim knew, but with the assistance of a family member of the victim. The other tragic turn in the series dealt with Tin and Can's relationship and how the storyline was left unresolved. This was most upsetting mainly due to the possibility there might not be a season 2. Hopefully, they'll at least do a mini-series (about 4 episodes) or possibly a movie, featuring the Tin and Can storyline, and give them a happier resolution... I think the fans would go absolutely wild!!! LOL
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I will this review short, sweet, and to the point. As far as the quality of the BL series, I thought it was pretty good. The acting was good, the flow of the series was good, and the use of stereotypical tropes was kept to a minimum (which was especially good). I kind of wished they had used the actor from LBC to play Type, instead of recasting that position with a new person, especially when they had cross-over actors from LBC to do cameo appearances in TharnType the Series. But, there may be a legitimate reason for that.The only problem I have with this series is that the relationship started between Tharn and Type based on an old stereotypic trope (a person who is the victim of a sexual assault falling in love with their attacker). I realize that some of the young BL fans may think that there is somehow romance associated with being assaulted! BUT, IT IS NOT! Remember, Tharn assaulted Type while he was sleep, even after finding out that he had issues with gay people! His actions were planned and intenioned! Now, we're not sure that Tharn actually had sex with Type (although we're led to believe that possibly not). However, what he did to him WAS NOT COOL! And, anyone wishing a person who does that to another person who's vulnerable (asleep) is not a good person. I hope that one day the BL fans, BL novel writers, and series' directors can get get passed using this AWFUL trope to start the beginning of an LGBT+ relationship.
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No Train Wreck, But a 12-Car Pile Up
The storyline for Together with Me The Next Chapter was very weak. The only things that saved this series was the acting skills of the actors and the obnoxiousness of the story. It was sooooooo bad, you didn't have any other choice but to wait and watch the next episode. However, once you've watched that episode, you were just disgusted about how things turned out, even though, you probably had guessed what was going to happen. The writers and director of this series had great opportunities to teach some good lessons about love, trust, hurt, forgiveness...but totally missed it. Instead, they chose to follow the same patterns and tropes as other BL dramas. At times, the storyline was so predictable, it seemed as if the writers were trying to test your intelligence. Many posts (including my own) labeled the series a "train wreck". After watching 11 episodes, I'm now not so sure that "train wreck" is the proper label??? It's more like a "twelve car pile-up" on an icy snow-covered highway....Was this review helpful to you?
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Still SMH Over This Series!
I usually don't write detailed reviews of the BL series because I know my thoughts about the series tend to change over time. But with Love in the Air, my thoughts never changed, because I really couldn't think about what was going on in this series. However, I think if I give my personal PROS and CONS, it may make more sense.PROS:
1) All four mains were certainly "eye candy!" No doubt about that.
2) The two stories were fairly easy to follow and not that complicated to understand.
3) The cinematography was pretty good (meaning the technical aspects of the series were really good). It felt like a quality
production. The pacing of the episodes was pretty good.
4) The acting of the main characters was not bad, especially since most of the main characters were novices prior to this series.
5) It had a lot of good discussion from the posters about the actions in several of the scenes. Whether you liked the scenes or not, it did elicit good discussion.
6) Finally, the sex scenes between Phayu/Rain and Prapai/Sky were pretty hot! Remember, PRO #1 did say that the mains were "eye candy." "Eye candy" having wild passionate sex will certainly bring in the viewers!
Now for the CONS.
1) The biggest Con, IMO, is this is a MAME production. Each time I've had the opportunity to watch a series based on her books and novels (as well as read the novels), I wonder what is going on with this chick! Is she a female sadist? Is she overly obsessed with sexual assaults, sexual violence, and rape? Is she trying to make an analogy of the treatment of women and girls in male-dominated cultures such as in Thailand and other southeastern Asian nations by using male LGBTQ2+ characters? Finally, is she trying to "make a statement" within the LGBTQ2+ community, simply make money, or both?
2) I was NOT a fan of some of the scenes in the series. For example, 1) the scene in which Phayu messes with Rain's car just so he would break down and have to be "rescued", 2) the scene in which Phayu gives Rain a "forced enema" as "punishment," 3) the scene in which Prapai "coerces" sex from Sky in order to allow Sky to leave his room, and 4) the scenes in which Prapai is "stalking" Sky. These are merely a few examples of some very disturbing behavior in this series. There are also quite a few other scenes just as questionable when it comes to the behavior between individuals who are "supposed" to care for one another.
However, some of this CON is mitigated by some posters providing the opinion that the relationships portrayed in this series represent a "Dom/brat" or "daddy/son" type of LGBTQ2+ relationship. If this is what MAME had intended, then this CON is simply another of my personal dislikes.
3) Another CON is how with the complexities of the relationships mentioned in the previous CON, it appeared that by the end of the two series (remember it's broken into two sessions), everyone has fallen in love and wistfully jotting off into the future to be "life-long" loves. Yeah right! LMFAO!
Those are my primary PROS and CONS. All-in-all, it was not a bad series, just a series with some plot flaws. If the plot flaws were intended, then I would guess that it's a matter of opinion whether anyone would enjoy this type of series. All I can say is that I would've probably enjoyed the series more if the sexual assault and deviant stuff in the series was either addressed more "maturely " or rewritten. In other words, treat mature themes as mature themes and not as some form of high school or college hijinks.
But, any of you who read this (and probably not many), watch the series and make your own judgements and conclusions.
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It's A Good Series, But Certainly NOT a Great Series
I will make this review as short as possible given the complexities of this series.THE GOOD:
1) The series obviously seems to have had a big budget. No expense was spared in the scenery, costumes, film sites, etc. The series had the feel of a "bi budget movie." The flow of the story (such as it was) was pretty good. There were several subplots within the main story, or at least it seemed that way to me. These subplots, IMO, were just as significant as the main story. Some things in the series kind of depended on whether or not you've read the novel ahead of time. However, it should be noted that there several differences between the novel and series. And, IMO, I think that was probably a good and wise decision for the director, screenwriter and producers to vary from the novel.
The action in the series made it feel like a true action series, and NOT just a BL.
2) The cast was pretty darn good, even though it was a large cast. Some of the characters were very different than what we are used to in a BL series, and I think that made the series kind of refereshing. I especially like the character of Tankhun, Pete, Vegas, and Yok (the bar owner). These characters (although were support characters) really made some of the storyline come alive.
3) The steamy sex scenes between the mains. Yes, some posters commented that the scenes bordered on "porno." But, they were hot, steamy, and the chemistry of the mains during these scenes seemed genuine.
1) First and foremost is the violence. There's a lot of it. Yes, it's a mafia-based series and it is expected that there would be mafia-like violence, such as murder, torture, drug deals, mass killings, etc. This is most definitely something that is different than in most BLs durint he past several years.
2) The questionable sex scene between Kinn and Porsche, as well the treatment and sex scene (and eventual relationship) between Vegas and Pete. Several posters found some of this behavior questionable at best, and down right wrong at its worst. Many threw around suggestions of Stockholm syndrome with Vegas and Pete, which stirred a lengthy and heated "discussion" amongst posters. I'm not going to entertain a comment -- you can view those scenes and decide for yourself.
3) Although many will disagree, IMO, KinnPorsche, with as new and different a BL as it was, still kind of clinged on to a aged old stereotypes and tropes. Here are a few examples:
a. The series appeared to still hold to the old "seme/uke" standard. It appeared that Kinn and Vegas were the semes and Porsche and Pete were the ukes. These roles seemed to not vary at all during the series.
b. The dreaded "drug" sex between Kinn and Porsche. This also lends to the trope that "Kinn turned Porsche gay" and the two falling in love after one night of sex. What, never heard of one-night stands???
1) All the main characters were attractive "pretty boys," even the bodyguards in Kinn's organization (the major family). They all looked liked they walked out a GQ magazine spread. There were NO "ugly" bodyguards in the bunch. Now, in Vegas' organization (the minor family), those bodyguards seemed like what we've come to see in other mafia genre movies and series. The bodyguards of the "main family" were also all very young, fit, and dressed like Men in Black. That was kind of interesting to me.
2) It was interesting that the two sons of mafia families were openly lgbt+ and no one seemed to have any kind of problem with it, not even their mafia fathers. I know that was probably part of the BL fantasy part of this series. But, it was still very interesting.
3) It was interesting that both Porsche and his younger brother, as well as Kinn and his younger brother ended up liking men. Yes, it may be slightly out-of-touch to make such as statement. However, it is still unique (although not impossible) to have mostly lgbt+ sons in one family, something not duplicated much in real life.
4) I also found interesting how the series managed to have drama, suspense, humor, sex, violence, and family all rolled up into one series. Yes, at times, it did not make much sense. However, at other times, it did make sense.
5) Finally, so overall, I would say that KinnPorsche was a really good series for what it was, DIFFERENT. And, different made it interesting. And, being interesting is what made me stick with it for 14 episodes, when I intitially wanted to drop it around episode 6 or 7.
On that note, I shall end it here.
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Love by Chance Season 2: A Chance to Love
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It's Not the Same Ole LBC1
Okay, I normally do not right formal reviews of these series, as it is (IMO) just a tv or internet series and not a major box office production.First of all, I generally do not like "redos" of series as they tend to make many changes in the wrong direction. For example, the story may change the actors playing the roles, or change the behavior of the characters from the original to the redo. Often, there are plot changes in the redo that vary from the original, which make it difficult for the audience to follow and comprehend. Such is the case with Love By Chance 2: A Chance to Love (LBC2).
In this redo version of Love by Chance (LBC1), what the fans were expecting was the continuation of the Tin/Can love story that ended not too favorably in LBC1. Specifically, that story line ended with Can rejecting Tin's request to become and couple and having Tin give a "crying shower" scene that brought down the house. Instead, the fans received a "retelling" of the original love story minus many of the original characters and the addition of new characters. To say that this "new" story line was confusing, would be an understatement. The redo also changed a few actors playing familiar roles, such as a younger, more handsome version of Tin's brother, "Tul." More importantly, IMO, was that redo changed the behavior of the two main characters, Tin and Can. In LBC1, Tin was snobbish, arrogant, at times unfeeling, and lonely. It was established that the reason Tin was they way was due to the torment of him by his family, mainly his older brother Tul. However, in LBC2, Tin is creepy and distant, and giving an air of some type of psychopath. Can on the other hand, in LBC1, is portrayed as naive, slightly childish, loving of his family, and immensely loyal to his friends. In LBC2, Can is very weak minded, silly, and not nearly as loyal in defense of his friends. I think in LBC2, both Tin and Can's characters were NOT the same as their characters in LBC1. Therefore, it was difficult as a fan to actually believe their love story progress in LBC2 as it did in LBC1.
LBC2 also glossed over the other story lines in the series from LBC1. The Kla/No story, which was terrible IMO, was given a little screen time, as was the Tar/Tum story line. At least there was some finality and closure with the Tar/Tum story line that kind of may sense, even if it took several episodes within the story to flesh out. Now, as for the Kla/No story, there was no definitive resolution, possibly setting the premise for LBC3. Finally, although the Ae/Pete story was not as significant to LBC2 as it was in LBC1, the way in which the series handled Pete not being in the series, and the behavior of Ae in the series was a total mess. Any good writer or director "worth his salt" (a western expression) could've made much better use of Ae's screen time than what was portrayed. Ae's character in LBC2 was a waste of space. It would've probably been better NOT to even have the character in the series. It also probably would've been better to do a complete "reboot" of the series, with all new actors in the roles, similar to what was done in 2Moons and 2Moons2. Each was distinctive. Each had its good and bad points. And, each was different enough to separate it from the other.
If you're a diehard LBC1 fan, and I am (along with many others), then watch LBC2 and attempt to have an open mind. Because, it is different. The question you'll have to answer for yourself is this, "Is different okay?"
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It Really was just OK!
The Sign wasn't nearly as good as its MDL rating would suggest. I've seen many other BLs from different countries that were far better in the plot, cinematography, direction and action that didn't receive the rating that The Sign received (8.6). For example (and these are merely examples): My School President 8.5, KinnPorsche 8.1, Last Twilight 8.5, The Eclipse 8.3, and HIStory3: Trapped 8.4. All of these BLs were just as good or even better than The Sign in many aspects, which further makes me believe that probably much of a poster's rating is based on their personal likes and dislikes, which is still ok.What i like about the series:
1. The first episode was interesting and had a good premise.
2. I thought it was good that the producers brought in other aspects of Thai culture, such as their belief system in past lives (reincarnation) and the various gods and deities that play part of their beliefs.
3. There was good attempt to make this series a cinematic masterpiece, and the addition of CGI.
4. The actors were ALL gorgeous and definitely great "eye candy," especially Babe! He's certainly got the appropriate nickname.
5. I thought it was interesting that the story would have almost a complete unit of police officers who were lgbtq+ AND lovers! Again, I know it's fantasy. I guess there's no one who could protect your back better than someone you have sex with.
Now, what I thought was a little much (at least for me):
1. I though that Tharn (Babe) went from being a badass early on in ther series to a crybaby wimp near the end of the series. But, Likewise, so did Phaya (Billy). I guess their love made them "weak."
2. The doctor's story as the villain wasn't really hashed as well as it could've been, especially in the ending episodes. We never really got to see the real connection between he and Tharn.
3. I know they were trying to look like a big budget production. But the CGI scenes really needed some work. At times, it looked more like a saturday morning kids show than adult production.
4. Someone else commented there were too many subplots. YES THERE WERE!!!
Now, that I've stated these points, I will say that I did like the series. I didn't particularly like the ending with the way Tharne left and Phaya was so broken hearted that he would become a broken down bum. But, it was interesting. Is it worthy of an 8.6. IMO, if all were talking about is whether you personally liked it not, then probably so. However, if you really wanted to apply equal merit to its scenery, cinematography, direction. and plot, then probably not. One other Thai BL received a MDL rating of 8.6 was Night of a Thousand Stars. Hmmm! Think about it.
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