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He Lian

Chengdu, China

He Lian

Chengdu, China
Remarriage and Desires korean drama review
Remarriage and Desires
2 people found this review helpful
by He Lian
Jul 27, 2022
8 of 8 episodes seen
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.0

Worth your time

It's already a known fact that after the epic success of "The world of the Married" there has been a sharp increase in similar dramas. But for me, this is so far the BEST of them. Like really something good to watch after so long. The story is intriguing, the villain is extremely hateful, and the love story is sweet. I think the main leads manage to bring out the emotions of their characters in a profound way that you can't help loving their respective characters. This is one of those good, handsome, capable CEO who is not a jerk falling in love with the poor mary-sue character. This story is not too dark or not too light and at the same time despite making you want to strangle the villain, they still give you a few sugar scenes in between.

I would recommend anyone to watch this drama cuz this is definitely worth your time.
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