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Golden Kamuy
0 people found this review helpful
Jun 15, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 8.5
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I didn't know the story and, consequently, not even the manga on which this film was based, but we have to praise that the screenwriters knew, in a simple and intelligent way, how to show us who the characters are and their characteristic profiles. In the post-credits scenes, they showed us the new characters that will come in future sequels.
One thing I miss in the vast majority of Chinese and Korean productions is the quality of CGI, costumes, and makeup that we find in almost all Japanese productions. I didn't feel embarrassed by any scene or dialogue, on the contrary, the quality of everything was great. I didn't know the "Golden Kamuy" universe, but I feel satisfied with what was presented here and I look forward to the continuation.

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0 people found this review helpful
Jun 9, 2024
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.5

Coréia do Sul e sua obsessão por: Conexões

Este é um drama político com um roteiro bem construído e que está de acordo com a realidade sul-coreana, onde os conglomerados, a política e a imprensa se tornam um só em muitas ocasiões. A questão não é apenas o vil dinheiro, mas uma palavra que é típica e dita em todos os dramas coreanos: "É importante ter conexões".

O protagonismo de Kim Hee Ae no drama foi fortalecido por sua parceria com Moon So Ri, que deu um tom de feminismo assertivo à história e deixou tudo bem delineado para a batalha sangrenta que há na política e os meios mais abjetos para se chegar ao topo. Quero elogiar também a atriz Seo Yi Sook, que interpretou a presidente Son como uma ótima vilã, meio humanizada e meio diabólica, mas tudo no tom certo. Ela mostrou que, ao mesmo tempo em que queria derrubar Do Hee, tinha admiração e um certo carinho por ela. Complexo, não é? Mas é por aí.

O drama começou de forma frenética, com uma Do Hee proativa, destemida e super inteligente. Porém, ao longo do enredo, vi uma protagonista que se tornou ingênua e tola em vários momentos. No geral, foi uma boa experiência assistir a esse drama.

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Chief Detective 1958
0 people found this review helpful
May 29, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.0


The actor who played the elderly YoungHan is the same one who played YoungHan in the series of the same name in the 70s and 80s. Another situation that moved me was that the actors who played YoungHan's companions in the 1971 series have already passed away.

It was a drama with perfect setting, costumes consistent with the 50s and 60s, and we had a text with a more traditional and assertive humor. I found few episodes, I believe they could have easily had 16 episodes.

Moreover, I found the participation of actor Choi Bool Am delicate and sensitive, portraying the lonely YoungHan in 2024 and waiting for the moment to meet his companions.

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The World of the Married
0 people found this review helpful
May 28, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.0


I started watching this drama because I was curious to know which drama had the highest ratings in South Korea, since "Queen of Tears" was breaking several ratings records, except for being the most watched drama on South Korean television, so I got curious and looked it up.
About the drama, the first episodes were breathtaking and made you shocked with each event or discovery. However, the drama lost its momentum towards the end and became a bit boring. The lesson that the drama teaches us is that we should not bear all the problems in the world on our shoulders and judge others by our own standards. Another important lesson is that sometimes stepping out of our comfort zone allows for adrenaline and excitement. However, by losing it, you also take responsibility for it and must bear the consequences.

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Loan Boy
0 people found this review helpful
May 13, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 6.5
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Simple films with a clumsy protagonist.

It's a movie with a simple premise and a well-known cast. We have to praise Yoo In Soo's consistently exceptional and well-developed performance as the villain in this film. Everyone knows that this actor usually plays comedic roles, but whenever he portrays villains, he transforms himself. In other words, he's an actor with great stage presence who can seamlessly transition from humor to drama and vice versa.

Now, it's necessary to mention that Yoo Sun Ho's performance as the film's protagonist is very lacking and stiff. It seems like he's holding back. He portrayed a very monosyllabic and emotionless protagonist.

The film has its flaws, for example, what's the backstory of Da Young's "stalker friend"? In three minutes, that could have been explained and developed. It felt somewhat random. What's the significance of that epilogue? What important post-film finale factor does that scene have?

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Tokyo Vice Season 2
0 people found this review helpful
Apr 22, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

Um drama bem desenvolvido e bem dirigido

Foi uma excelente experiência assistir a esse drama. Gostei de como o enredo foi construído e desenvolvido, e a atuação dos atores foi sempre segura e bem conduzida. Quero destacar os atores que interpretaram Sato e Shinzo Tozawa; eles deram uma aura mais realista aos seus personagens, o que foi muito valorizado.

Sobre o drama, eu não li a obra do jornalista onde a série foi baseada, mas não percebi nenhuma brecha para uma continuação. O arco Tozawa foi concluído com sucesso e a história, ao meu ver, se fechou. Há empolgação e possível enredo para mais temporadas? Acredito que sim, mas como telespectador, estou satisfeito por agora.

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Apr 8, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 7.0

A protagonist extremely weak and irritating.

I don't want to be offensive to fans of this manga, but based on this trilogy of films, I'd like to express an opinion and question: is the protagonist really so irritating and weak in the manga? Because, let's face it, he only relies on the power of love and dialogue, constantly getting beaten up by everyone, allies or enemies alike. He can't fight, can't persuade, just shouts, cries, and complains.

Since the first film, there has been no evolution whatsoever; the outcome is just beatings, tears, and more beatings. His body must be made of titanium, as in all three films he has been beaten in every possible way, it's a miracle he hasn't suffered a cranial trauma.

Anyway, I can't judge the protagonist in the manga because I've never read it, but Takemichi in the films is a naive, complaining, weak character who believes the power of love can fix everything. If there are no more sequels, that's fine by me.

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Flex X Cop
0 people found this review helpful
Mar 24, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.0


The first season surprised me on several levels. It was a drama that had no episodes without importance or dragging. The whole story had good dynamics and followed a well-defined course. I always appreciate dramas that use episodes 15 and 16 to conclude the story. Most dramas use episode 16 for conclusions full of amenities and frivolities. However, FlexXCop used it differently, dosing its story effectively in 16 good episodes. It is a drama that deserves the success it achieved in South Korea and has the energy and potential for its second season, which I believe will only be released in 2026.

I liked the villain built in a complex way and shaped by the ambitions and neuroses of his mother, brought to us by Shi Yang with his character Seung Joo. This drama has a high level of quality and deserves only praise, there is nothing to criticise.

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Burn the House Down
0 people found this review helpful
Mar 16, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.5
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A very satisfying ending.

Although I find some things there surreal and nonsensical, it was a drama I enjoyed and thought it presented a solid storyline, without the usual drag found in dramas of this theme. Suzuki Kyoka deserves positive mentions for her portrayal of the nonsensical and narcissistic villain in the drama; she was restrained and exaggerated just right, as her character aimed for every step of greed and acceptance from others. I found Anzu and Kiichi's ending together cute, and I found it bold and amusing that she asked to take care of him for the wicked mother.

I understand some might have wanted imprisonment or death for Makiko, but I understand the drama wanted to give a realistic tone to this ending, showing that evil may not always be eradicated but can be defeated. I am currently watching Japanese dramas and am enjoying them immensely; I currently prefer Japanese dramas to Chinese ones.

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My Happy Ending
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 27, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
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A happy ending their way…

It was a drama I followed eagerly from the start, trying to craft theories, and it was excellent how the writers developed all the plots in 16 well-constructed episodes. The villains had good developments. The most assertive criticism is that our villain Yoon-Jin tormented for 15 episodes and, in the end, decided to apply the death penalty, which I find unusual for someone so envious, narcissistic, and egocentric, but it was the appropriate way the writers found to end her cycle of suffering and obsession. In terms of acting, I really liked the duplicitous scoundrel Nam Tae-Joo, portrayed by the veteran Park Ho-San, and the simple portrayal of Lee Ki-Taek, being an unconditional protector when playing Yoo Teo. As for Na-ra, she interpreted the central protagonist of the drama well and carried it through to where we are now.

Regarding the romantic part of the drama, the writers’ fanservice treated us to a bittersweet and open-ended ending between Jae-Won and Yoo Teo, and I think they were happy with this action. Finally, as I’ve always said since the review of episode 2 that I do here: A fully happy ending doesn’t exist; there’s the one that God or the Universe provides us, and we have to be wise to value and try to understand that not everything in life is simply complete or entirely happy.

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Marry My Husband
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 22, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.0

Lee Yi Kyung was the biggest highlight.

Before starting to analyse the drama itself, I would like to praise the art director and visual effects team who created and made the beautiful scene of the petals dancing with the air in the art gallery, contrasting with the gigantic painting. It was one of the most beautiful and touching things I have ever seen in a drama. Everything there fit together: the couple, the painting, the colours, the lighting; everything worked very well.

Regarding the drama, the success in terms of audience and ratings was deserved, but I don't think it needed to have 16 episodes. I believe that in 10 to 12 episodes, we would have had a more robust story, without too much dragging. I confess that from episode 11 onwards, I noticed a more sluggish plot, with the clear intention of saving the main decisive events for the last two episodes. The secondary and tertiary couples had no development at all, which is a shame. Nevertheless, it was a good drama that had an extremely interesting synopsis. I liked it.

I would like to give an honourable and positive mention to Lee Yi-kyung's performance, which was exceptional and above average in portraying the comical and heartless scoundrel Min-Hwan. On the other hand, a not so positive mention goes to BoA, who had more facial expressions than actual acting. In my opinion, her character did not add anything significant.

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A Shop for Killers
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 9, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.5
This review may contain spoilers

SEASON 2 IN 20......... ?

The drama had a very well-developed plot and a well-written story, and the dynamics of the episodes intertwining the future and the flashbacks were not boring or unreasoned, especially in episodes 6 and 7, which brought in detail everything that happened to get to where we are.

In the first episode, I reported and suspected Ji-Man's inert reaction, but the episodes mentioned above showed how he suffered and was desperate for the death of his loved ones. The fight scenes and weapon technologies were completely above average and showed Disney's investment power in the drama. The entire cast was very good, but the highlight for me was Pasin, who excellently portrayed his role, with Thai mannerisms and accent to give greater authenticity to the character.

I think the negative point, if we can call it that, was this super open ending for a hypothetical second season. Sometimes they don't even continue it, but with endings like this, there we are waiting. Anyway, I liked it and would watch it if there is a second season.

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Badland Hunters
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 2, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.0


The utilization of the same location as "CONCRETE UTOPIA" for the building scenes appears to be a curious choice, adding a layer of familiarity for viewers. While unconventional, this sequence provided an enjoyable diversion. The visual effects maintained a consistent level of quality, with CGI that, while not groundbreaking, was competent. However, the reliance on clichés such as the mad scientist, zombies, and transformed humans felt uninspired and failed to captivate. As a result, the film may ultimately be relegated to the realm of forgettable entertainment, lacking the originality needed to leave a lasting impression. Despite this, there's still some enjoyment to be found in its execution, making it a passable option for casual viewing.

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0 people found this review helpful
Jul 21, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.5


We had a very histrionic villain who was very well constructed by the established Nomura Mansai II, who knew how to lead his character well without making him caricatured, showed that he is an actor with good resources. The protagonists had secure and forceful performances in my opinion.

The drama wanted to show that one crime can never justify another under any circumstances, no one can be penalized for something they did not, they should only be blamed for mistakes made and proven. Furthermore, even under pressure, one should never sacrifice the life of another. And the hardest part: acting in a beneficial way will never erase the crime you committed and nor will it mitigate it.

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My Name Is Loh Kiwan
0 people found this review helpful
Mar 16, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.5

Very corny Western cast.

Yesterday, while watching this movie, I made an interesting self-discovery. To be blunt: I prefer Song Joong Ki's acting in movies more than in TV dramas. His acting in TV dramas is below average, and his facial expressions are the same for sadness, anger, happiness or emotion. In the movies, I see it differently; it seems that the director extracts all the artistic quality he has, and I consider that commendable. Anyway, now I have discovered what bothered me about his acting: the pasteurization that Korean TV dramas suffer. Korea is always more concerned with what the public thinks or will think than with the art itself of the product it broadcasts.

About the drama, I found the synopsis interesting and the events very well developed and dynamic. However, it is necessary to mention the terrible acting of the Western cast of the film, all acting in a very corny way and causing embarrassment in every speech. I wonder how NETFLIX selected this cast, based on what?

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