This movie is all about life around an odd family managing so-called single-room, run-down hotel somewhere in Okinawa. The story is told from perspective of the youngest daughter of this family, namely Mieko. She is very energetic (and tomboy) kid who loves to play with her friends. During a summer, she has to face a reality that her mother and sister going abroad, leaving her with his dad, a brother, grandmother, and sole guest in the hotel.
Nothing to glaring or special, but this is definitely a fun watch! Frankly speaking, I have a soft spot for slice-of-life movies and dramas. Prior to watching this show, I already loved Okinawan culture and looking forward to go there. This show adds my enthusiasm and curiosity of it. The girl playing Mieko is so exciting to watch, I wonder why talent of this caliber so far hasn't make it big.
Trivia: the girl playing Mieko eventually plays in asadora Amachan (2013) as one of GMT 5 idol member. After 11 years, she is still the same funny, mood-maker though.
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