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Sing My Crush korean drama review
Sing My Crush
0 people found this review helpful
by luneify
Nov 25, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

An Adorable Sleeper Hit

I didn't go into watching this one with high expectations, but I ended up adoring this show.
This review won't be very long just because it's a solid, fluffy romance, and given my rating, I don't have much to critique! Take this as a sign to watch Sing My Crush!

The two main leads are so fucking cute, on their own but also when they're together. They've made me laugh and smile like an actual doofus. The side characters are just as lovable (except one)!

I also got Coming of Age vibes from this series. We watch them stumble and deal with what life throws at them, even though the story only spans a few years of their lives. They learn to depend on each other through adolescent hardships and injustice, and eventually develop feelings for each other. But even apart from the romance, the main leads' friendship is just as wholesome and sweet.

I didn't at all feel like the story or episodes were drawn out. I get maybe it feels a little slow at times, but it fits the story's build-up and frankly, I liked the characters so much, I didn't mind watching them spend more time together.

There were two instances of drama I felt were a little manufactured/already overdone in the BL industry, but it didn't bother me as much, because I had faith in these characters. It's the typical "angsty" misunderstanding stuff you can expect from these slice-of-life vibe fluffy romances.

TLDR; Im Han Tae/Son Hyun Woo's smile is so bright and cute and adorable that it expelled all my demons.
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