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Strong Woman Do Bong Soon korean drama review
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon
2 people found this review helpful
by odetodramas
Jan 16, 2018
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 6.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
I absolutely adored Park Hyung Sik in Strong Woman Do Bong Soon. He was hilarious, sweet, and heartwarming. Also, super stylish - I loved all his outfits. Park Bo Young was also great as the title character. I loved their interactions and would 100% rewatch their scenes. The rest of it... eh, I accepted it as the price to pay for all of Park Hyung Sik's cute moments. This drama is a strange mix of romantic comedy with a disturbing crime mystery storyline, but I actually didn't mind the crime part as it tied in with Do Bong Soon's power. It was the bizarre side plot with the gangsters that I really didn't care for.   Towards the end I skipped past those parts entirely.

I have no memory of the music so I just gave that a generic 5.0.
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