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The last episode doesn't feel like it was the last...The theme song and them humming it throughout the show is such a tease! STAYS WANT IT NOW!!!
I'm sure all stays really enjoyed watching Changbin being the maknae...he achieved a lot in each episode. From washing his own hair, cracking/cooking eggs, and doing the laundry...our dwekki is out here working hard.
And as always, we really love the cute interactions they have with one another. Stealing each other's blanket, cuddling, and bonding through childhood stories.
Since the Skzoo characters are also used in the set, Stays have really been keeping an eye on Jiniret and how the members/skzoo interact with it. Hyunjin stans really miss him a lot.
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Tissues are required to watch this drama
The first episode was a lot. The characters gave me GOONG vibes - you'd think this drama would be cheesy...BUT IT AIN'T!I did not expect to ball my eyes out in the first episode. The topic of DA really hits me hard. I think the director and actors did well in conveying what some scenarios are like (and how victims may feel/think). It really does suck for Jang KiHo's situation (Father being a police officer - can't really report him with how corrupt the government/society is).
As you go through the drama, some things may seem expected/predictable, but it's still such a well-told drama (so far, as i haven't completed the drama yet). I've cried almost every episode, as each episode brings up different challenges and back stories of each character - the struggles!
I'm such a fan of all the dramas Park EunBin has been in, and her costars are always so amazing (good team work).
Also, I had high expectations when I saw who the screenwriter (Park Hye Ryun) and Director (Oh Choong Hwan) were, as they have been responsible for many amazing dramas I love.
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Better than expected
Had a bad feeling when I read that this drama would be in the K-pop idol industry, as I've watched a few in the past - always super cringy (overly fantasized and poor quality).THIS drama however has such an amazing cast (so many amazing actors in this) and story that it's just so worth watching. Yes, it's still very fantasized, but you have to expect it since it's about a magical realm. Some of these actors played very relatable characters that made it funny in a cute way (kim dam for example in the first episode - a true k-pop fan).
I think what made this drama different from the other "idol" dramas I've watched is that it focuses on mental health issues and relationship issues that are always happening around us. The screenwriter added a lot of elements that made it more serious than cringy. Production quality was also not bad (not chefs kisses quality - like hotel del luna or little woman)...doesn't feel like a low-budget project that was rushed (such as Top Management - sorry not sorry).
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When is the full episode being released?
So from my understanding - these episodes are just clips from their upcoming reality show "1 Night and 2 Days".I love what I see so far, so I'm really looking forward to it. So many betrayals! The funny and cute interactions they have with one another. If you love their family skit, your gonna love this too.
The last episode is a really big spoiler though...not sure how i feel about it. Kinda wish they didn't spoil it :(
All the activities they do are new and refreshing. there is 1 or two which is something similar to what they have done before, but overall...ALL NEW GAMES!!!
If you watched the last episode, it reminds me of the Bachelors hahaha. Director/Producer really knows what STAYs like (don't piss the off). So many romantic scenes, cute loving scenes, funny sibling scenes, and savageness.
Personally, I feel like a lot of the arrangement was preplanned. Such as the sleeping arrangements and teams. I say this because it felt predictable...or maybe it's just i'm at that point where I have figured them out hahaha.
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a better version of MacBeth
With the amount of action, mystery, and plot twist...this drama was almost perfect. I think the main thing that made it something i would recommend and enjoy is the message/story regarding politics."Absolute Power corrupts absolutely"
When a leader/person has lost sight of their original belief and gets blind-sighted with the power obtained...they forget who they are and start following a false belief. Every character in this drama either failed to realize in time or got killed for standing up for the people. Reality is scary. This is why people today have trust issues, it's true and a chance to become true.
I hope to see some of these actors in more dramas! The way they played their character was perfect.
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Long Overdue Show...and now waiting for next season
So far (season 1), has been amazing. STAYS are really pleased with the new show. Not only do we get to see 3 of our fav StrayKids members, but we also get to learn/hear about the other members. I personally don't think the random letters are unplanned...but who knows, might be a coincidence that it started from Bangchan, then Lee know, then Changbin (oldest to youngest).Each menu request has a special story behind it, and it's really cute and meaningful. STAYS also have been trying to find easter eggs and such through each video...and it's really funny. #minsung #maknaeontop
We can all agree that we can't wait for more...as 3 episodes for a season is not much. Such a shame to go on pause so fast. Some say it may be because Hyunjin is next (if following the age theory) - Hyunjin is still on hiatus, so they might not be able to release it. In all honestly, even if that is the case...why can't they just throw the age theory out the window and go to the next member? cause Hyunjin should be back before the series end. If it's due to production issues...it really do be sad times.
Oh well...back to watching Stray Kids on Kingdom, on repeat lol.
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Cute and Funny Characters
As predictable and expected each scenario was, it's super cute. The way each character interacts and develops is great.Compared to some other e-sports drama, this one discusses some of the problems/issues the industry actually faces. It's very relatable and made to easily let viewers understand. Things like parent's expectations and disapproval, post-graduation career hunting, love life in a work-heavy job (the struggles), and other business-related stuff in the industry.
I also really love the spaces they used. the base's architecture is nice.
The only downside for me is more towards the few awkward/cringy moments. When things are too planned out, it just feels like the actors are forcing it - creating a fake emotion...in other words, bad acting. This might be the director's fault as well?
There were a few episodes where the cut-off was awkward too. Like they went a second too far, ending the episode in an awkward climax.
Overall, I really love the story and style of production. Everything is really cute, especially the intros. A super cute young adult love story. I definitely see myself rewatching this again in the future. Would recommend as well :)
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It is what it is :)
Honestly...what do you expect from a tv show competition. not saying it's rigged, but it's kinda obvious there will be some weird rankings to make things less predictable.With the controversies being complained - did they not expect big companies to reuse expensive props that have been used previously to stay within the price limit but still make the stage look cool? or have connections with other companies to help them produce props for a lower cost? I'm assuming they added some rules/guidelines for future rounds to make it more fair.
Will say I am BIAS of StrayKids (not one to stream nor even vote, but they are the reason I'm watching). TBF, I recently got back into kpop, so have 0 idea of the other groups (I only really ever heard of IKON cause of their iconic "love scenario" song). All groups are amazing after seeing their stages, and I love the little behind-the-scenes/reaction clips of the members interacting (always cheering each other on and showing so much love for one another).
*Replying to that review of the person saying changbin rap too fast...he purposely did that to show he wasn't lipsyncing. like yeah, maybe it wasn't the smartest idea for new viewers...as non-STAYS will think he was nervous and messed up, but it's whatever. I think with that being said, most of the groups were fairly nervous for their intro stages. Round 1 (episodes 2 & 3), all their stages were amazing, and lots of respect for all the other groups (such talented souls).
Overall, I can't wait to see all the different stages/performances in the remaining episodes.
FANS! please don't hate on one another...as competitive as most of ya'll are, it's all just fun and games. Support your favs. As long as they are having fun and are proud of what they put in, that's all that matters.
For example, I heard other fandoms have been mad at STAYS for continuously streaming and mass voting for the StrayKids, and I'm honestly a bit embarrassed...as I definitely understand how frustrating it may be (unfair). I apologize, but again...just enjoy the show and do what you can to support your favs. I believe they are all winners and are equally as worthy for 1st place.
update: LOVE THE COLLABS!! Mayfly really is the dream team. I feel bad for IKON, TheBoyz, and SF9...hopefully they will be able to get more points in the last few rounds.
Stay safe and be happy <3
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The story every woman wishes
This drama covers a lot about the ever-existing topic of heroic female figures and the trust issues and negative associations between males/females (stereotypical scenarios).The female lead's personality and talent are something I look up to. I hope to be as brave and strong as she is. So talented - too good to be true. You can say it's a bit over-exaggerated. tbf, they did make a point about how nobody is perfect. that's the reality - someone might seem perfect on the outside at first, but it's just that they are aware of their charms and know how to use them to their advantage (confidence).
The idea and topic of having the female lead be the hero was also shown within the drama too. Such a cute and heartwarming drama (shed so many tears). Looking at the screenwriter's previous works, they definitely know how to relay that message. Love a lot of their stories - GOOD JOB! can't wait to see more of their stories come to life in future dramas.
the supporting character's love story is also cute. I keep finding myself cheering on for them. Their relationship buds more like a typical drama - which helps keep those viewers staying.
Highly recommend watching it! It might now be everyone's fav, but it's worth it. It's also a super short drama (10 episodes) - doesn't take long to binge watch haha.
the missing 0.5 star is more cause I think there is some room for improvement. Kind of like the story, nothing is perfect. I did however give the drama 10/10 on my list, as it just helps me keep track of dramas i love and respect in my personal list.
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Love this series...but it's going downhill
I love watching people interact and learning about different cultures. It was great relating to these siblings and bonds while also seeing how different each one is to mine.I didn't know much or was a fan of most of these celebrities, but I enjoyed watching them. Some of them I was curious and ended up looking up (really good cast overall).
I think it started going downhill with the recent episodes 30-40+. the concept went on a bit of a turn and just wasn't as fresh and fun as it was. Only thing that is keeping me watching are the new celebrity guests.
The new addition of couples counselling doesn't really fit this series in my opinion. it's more a separate thing on it's own.
I hope they focused more on the guests' stories with their siblings. Parts where they challenge to get closer to each other and shared loving moments (which inspires other siblings to get along more). My fav are the sibling banter, cause those are the most relatable and funny.
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Supporting characters are always the best
Love the characters in this drama, they all have a unique story and personality.I personally am in love with Won Suk and Ho Dol's relationship. it's so cute and funny. I kept looking forward to their part of the story more than the main characters.
At the start, i was shipping Seo Yeon and Min Hyuk, as I personally thought they made a cute couple...but it's always a first love kind of relationship.
Kang Hee and Won Jae had an interesting relationship too. Loved Kang Hee, she really had a strong businesswoman vibe that all the girls often looked up to.
I'm not the biggest fan of Baek Jang Mi, but her character's story is something i find fascinating. At one point, i thought she was going to steal Seo Yeon's identity...
Overall, this is a great romcom to watch. definitely worth watching.
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True Crime Lovers
This drama has a lot of cases that are very similar to real-life (true) crime cases. If you are someone who likes to hear those stories, this would be something you would enjoy. There are moments where you as a viewer would start to wonder who the killer is and be part of the detective team. If you guessed right, it's rewarding!The beginning is slow and a bit boring, but things start to get interesting in episode 4. Lots of mini cases that creates up and downs.
there are a few emotional scenes, so if you are like me, you might cry a bit. Love how things start to unravels, and the relationship comes in piece by piece.
I'll recommend this but i personally am not in love with it.
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Could had been good...
Do I recommend it? No...I think like many, there are a lot of parts that were just boring and or bad. I really wanted to like this drama, but overall it was just not as exciting and interesting. It became a drama where I skipped through or had in the background while doing other things. It wasn't a drama that I wanted to focus on nor rewatch.
There had been some who had been frustrated with the character development and ending, and I see why. I personally don't mind as I feel like the writer did it as a stereotypical scenario. Forgiveness is great and I love that it's implemented, but it's just bland. I would have appreciated it more if the philosophy was expressed more.
My fav character was ShuangShuang btw, she's so cute. there were times where the acting was not the best (very forced and fake), but her character overall was the most relatable.
Cute intro, and beautiful production. A very typical style, so I came in with low expectations.
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Drama Description...cause it currently doesn't have one
Although I haven't finished watching the whole drama, I thought others might be curious about what it's about before starting it. As far as I know, the series hasn't released an English sub yet... My Chinese is a bit rusty, but the story (so far) is pretty easy to understand even without knowing the language.The drama takes place more in the modern day (not historical). Tang Qizi (the female lead) is a "doctor". She's not the smartest and isn't really a certified doctor, as she diagnoses her clients based on typical symptoms she notices. Of course, her father is against this, as she's pretty much scamming customers (and misdiagnosing them).
While she was cleaning up the storage room, she found an old painting of a historical figure. Her bracelet and the bracelet worn in the painting start to glow. The man in the painting comes to life....Tang Qinhang (male lead) is a doctor/Director of the Imperial Physician's Office, and he's from the Kaiyuan period of the Tang Dynasty.
Quinhang tells Qizi about the jade bracelet history, and pretty much explains how it's a married couple's bracelet. The bracelets are connected by an invisible red string - links them together and keeps them always 10ft close.
With that being said, the drama seems to be based on how these two will work together and break the tie. Will they fall in love despite agreeing that they don't want to actually marry each other? or would they find a way and life happily with their own lives? - Some might already know what will happen, as it's kind of predictable. There are some other expected factors throughout...but I won't spoil too much :)
FYI the episodes are super short (4-5 minutes on average). it's really just a short fairy tale to binge while working on other stuff. Not my favorite kind of drama, but it's okay.
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Fun Mystery Stories
If you watched the first season, the story style is very similar (in other words, it's predictable). That being said, I've enjoyed all the cases that they have covered so far and love that there has been some easter eggs in each one. (spoiler) I especially love how they gave CheunJiHoon from One Dollar Lawyer a special guest appearance in one of the episodes. Loved One Dollar Lawyer so that scene/episode made me very happy.At the moment, I personally loved season 1 more (but that could be bias).
I'd love to see LeeGiHoon play other types of characters in future dramas. He plays this character so well and it's funny to watch.
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