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Waiting for You in the Future chinese drama review
Waiting for You in the Future
2 people found this review helpful
by pash
Oct 28, 2020
36 of 36 episodes seen
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 10.0


Some 15 years ago, that masterpiece going by the name of "1 lt. no Namida" got me hooked on J-dramas. And now, after all those years of strict japanophile observance (in which I've watched about 250 J-dramas), I've got the strong feeling that this masterpiece going by the name of "Waiting For You in the Future" will definitely get me hooked on C-dramas! Such a strong impression it has left me with! ^__________^
And how could it have been otherwise? Everything here is absolutely top notch!
Coming from J-dramas, which normally (of course, apart from asadora and taiga dorama) consist of 3 to 12 episodes, I must confess all my initial skepticism, when I started this drama made of 36 episodes of around 50' each (we're talking of 3/4 of an asadora!). But my hat goes off to the writer(s), 'cause not a single episode felt draggy or redundant!
The premise is very interesting (matter of fact, I've discovered this drama precisely 'cause I was looking for something similar to the J-drama "High Position" which I really loved) but, as my fellow reviewers already so aptly pointed out, this is much, much more than a mere time-travel story: it's about life, friendship, love, and it portrays an inspirational, life-changing path of personal growth. All filled with beautifully written characters who are so endearing that, by the end of the drama, you feel like you've just said goodbye to a bunch of friends!
Let me also spend some words about the acting: of course each country, each different culture has its peculiarities when it comes to acting styles (for example, Italian actors act similarly to French or Spanish ones, but pretty differently than, say, Brits or Scandinavians). I distinctly remember that when I had started watching J-dramas, at first I couldn't help but notice the different acting style, though I soon got used to it and now I must confess I find the Japanese acting style much more to my liking than, say, the "hollywoodian" one. Regarding the Chinese acting style, I had already watched a few Chinese movies, so I wasn't totally unfamiliar with it; as a result, adapting to it was totally effortless. And the whole cast does a superb job in this production, seriously! Particular praises go to Li Guang Jie, Fei Qi Ming, Sun Qian, Xu Jie aka Jelly and Zhang Zhi Lu, but they all did wel, really!
Praiseworthy are of course also the direction and the photography, both at a definitely higher level than those of most Japanese productions, I'll have to admit!
Last but definitely not least, the OST is simply fabulous. The score is always perfect for enhancing the viewers' experience, and the songs are really beautiful ! Honorable mention for the lovely "Sanctuary"!
Summing it all up, a perfect 10 in my book! Instant top5 of all times, as far as I'm concerned. I loved every single minute of it!
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