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Destined with You korean drama review
Destined with You
2 people found this review helpful
by roylyn
Nov 27, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 9.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.0

I'm a sucker for a good romance and chemistry.

This was just so cute!

Idc about the stalker, the past lives, the curse, the witchcraft/shamanism…this drama as a ROMANCE alone EATS.

Rowoon is like a proper romance leading man (which was a welcomed surprise as the last and only thing I’d seen him in -to completion- was Extraordinary You, years ago and he was just a babee).

The chemistry, the longing, the denying, the kisses, the looks are all a 10/10

The way this man speaks about his feelings is honestly what sold this drama for me.

I believe that he loves her with his everything and the prospect of her not loving him back or wanting him would absolutely break him.

I do think they should’ve landed on one solid antagonist or genre tho. We’ve got a stalker, crazy ex-girlfriend, and a past life/curse threatening to keep them apart. Is it a fantasy, romcom, or thriller?

Because there are so many things to keep up with, everything feels like it’s happening in the background.

You start the drama thinking the illness/curse is the biggest issue needing fixing and the intrigue of it draws you in, but you soon forget it as it fades into the back.

In comes the stalker and he does take over our mind for a bit but then he starts sharing screen-time with the weight of their past life and I honestly started to wonder if either of these things even really matters.

We should’ve just scrapped all of this and made it a romcom fully. The romance is what carries this drama

or at the very least, make the weight of the curse/past life setup something that mattered.

I mean it’s literally the synopsis, how could it have become a footnote in the story?

This is a great drama if you want a swoony romance to give you the fuzzies with a twinge of thriller. If you’re looking for a real fantasy drama, I might suggest you look elsewhere.
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