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A Poem a Day korean drama review
A Poem a Day
0 people found this review helpful
by BimiluiSoop
May 16, 2018
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
A beautiful and understated slice of life drama that had me smiling, laughing and fanning away my tears (pun intended of course). I love the title "You Who Forgot Poetry" so much more. It really resonates. This drama indeed reminded me of how heartfelt poetry can be and how it can express raw emotions. You might come across a lot that this drama didn't have enough swoon, or didn't have enough big plot moments. Which is kinda true. But to me, the drama wasn't about those things. It was about the ups and downs of life, about the day to day struggles; simply put: the human experience. I for one am going to miss the bromance between Joo Yong Joo Yong and Dae Bang. I'm going to miss Woo Bo Yeong's sunny personality and bright disposition, Dr. Ye for just being Dr. Ye (insert heart eyes), Min Ho's childishness, the alligator, and each and every side character, who were all perfect in their own struggles, imperfections and subtle character growths.

May I give you some advice? Just watch this drama.
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