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Sugar Crown

not a damsel - only in distress

Sugar Crown

not a damsel - only in distress
Flight to You chinese drama review
Flight to You
11 people found this review helpful
by Sugar Crown
Jan 12, 2023
39 of 39 episodes seen
Overall 6.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 2.0
This review may contain spoilers

How To Get A Promotion (and get demoted while you're at it)

I want to start by saying that I watched this drama on-going (2 episodes per day) and would strongly advise anyone against trying to binge this drama. If anything it's only watchable slowly - in my personal opinion.

This is the first chinese aviation drama I've seen and after loving American pilot dramas I was ready for emergency landings, heavy storms and many at-the-edge-of-my-seat moments but this drama is NOT that.
To put it simply "I was expecting a drama, but what I got was reality"

Essentially this drama is a career focused story of a young ambitious female pilot aiming for a promotion to become a captain. - and if you see it as JUST that it's alright.

The positive:
- very ambitious FL that has rational thinking and actually is qualified for her job and acts professional
- realistic portrayal of working at an airline and how decisions are made upstairs

and one more, maybe controversial take: a good antagonist.

Often c-dramas have comically bad villains that are corrupt from head to toe and seem to have no other goal in life than to make the MC life miserable and make lots of (dirty) money. And while I hated him as much as the next person I will probably remember him the most because it's the first time a "villain" finds his roots in the fact that he has an outdated world view and not because he wants to control everything or make money. Although he does get more villainous later on, we always see the human side of him too and I don't ever see him as truly "evil" in the sense of a TV Show villain.

The negative:
- the second FL (the friend of the FL) felt very out of place. I skipped many of her scenes, I know it's superficial but to me she just looked like a young boy(?)
- the love triangle and ultimately the decline of character writing of the SML in the finale few episodes, which made him just unlikeable enough to push the audience to root for ML instead.
- the whole Romance aspect and the entire character of the ML (enough said)
- the dark blue color palette that made every episode look so much like the last that it became hard not to drop the drama
- the drama ends with an uneven number of episodes. It ends at ep38, with the story fully finished.
Ep39 feels more like they forgot one part of the plot and decided to add it at the end instead of squeezing it in somewhere in the middle. I'd say this drama has 38 episodes and a season 2 with one episode only.

... all in all I scratched my head a lot thinking this drama tastes like cardboard but stayed for the rise (and sometimes fall) of the FL and her career. Admittedly, I do regret watching this drama simply because it added nothing to my life nor will I revisit this drama.

Watch it if you want to see a professional female pilot work her way through a male dominated industry but stay away if you want to see a great love story or good entertainment.

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