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Sugar Crown

not a damsel - only in distress

Sugar Crown

not a damsel - only in distress
Meet Yourself chinese drama review
Meet Yourself
7 people found this review helpful
by Sugar Crown
Feb 1, 2023
40 of 40 episodes seen
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers

The Sun will Rise and Fall

A Windy Place far away from the busy city life .... this drama will ease you into a journey of healing, soul searching and starting a new life somewhere else. It's written, shot and acted in such a beautiful, poetic way that at times I wondered what the actual plot was. Normally that would be a major red flag but in the case of "Meet Yourself" it is the essence of the story.

When "meeting yourself" aka going on a self discovery journey nothing is certain and there is no set-in-stone-plan. Exactly that was captured by the creators and I would highly recommend this drama to anyone who isn't looking for the next action packed or cliche packed rom-com but rather something calm yet captivating.
I fell in love with all the characters, especially the grandma who was such a comfort character and of course our two beautiful leads, who in all honesty, were distractingly beautiful at times. I was in awe a lot!

The acting was flawless and I could write a paragraph on everyone but I don't want to spoil everything, so let me just say that the creators gave a lot of attention to small interactions, gestures, body language and overall demeanor of each character.

About the romance:
They truly were the perfect match for each other in the most realistic way possible. I absolutely adored our FL, who seemed to be a very private person but hit it off with the ML right away. Honestly it's so nice to see two adults act like adults and not be childish or bickering all the time. If you want to see a relationship develop in a healthy way, get butterflies and feel warm - then drama is for you.
Their flirting was oh so sweet! And I loved that the ML was not above the FL or anything, technically she was more successful and had more money even, so the set up for their story was already at a good base level and it was just a joy seeing them slowly but surely grow closer. It also had THE best confession scene I've ever seen in a Chinese drama, down to point where I could feel the persons nervousness and anticipation. Just wow.

Part of this dramas' charm was it's original soundtrack that was in English and although grammar was not the number one priority it will remain as a very memorable OST in my heart.
"Saddle of My Heart" will be blasted every single day for the next few days, "Days" will give me comfort during hard times and remind me it's just another day and the sun will rise and fall again, last but not least "Validate" will always make me giggle and remind me of spicy times :P

Little Things I loved:
- the storyline of his young brother, why he didn't wanna go to school anymore. On a surface level everyone laughed but I had something similar happen and switched schools, so this arc provided a lot of healing for me over something that I had long left in the past.
- the cats! and horses and cows! Oh what cuties those were and for once they seem to be treated well
- the scenery. Just wow, Yunnan Village seemed like a fairytale land to me

My Favorite Quotes!

"Walk when you can't run.
And when you can't run, mediate"

"You're a goddess,
holding the torch high,
showing me the way,
telling me that, you need self-respect,
self-esteem, don't look down on yourself,
don't be arrogant.
From now on, I believe in no one else but you."

"I want both the man and the career"

"Time will go on ceaselessly.
Happiness will never end.
Dark Clouds are temporary,
since there will always be the wind"

My only critique point:

Truthfully there were only a handful of little things that bothered me / left me with a bittersweet feeling.
The drama offered me so much peace and quiet, that I got greedy and wanted everything to be perfect.
I noticed that about half way through the drama a few supporting roles that I thought were here to stay faded into the background and it became more romance focused in the last 10 episodes, which was fine but my reason for cutting off 0.5 points. "Meet Yourself" started out as a self-healing journey and ended in finding a happy place. Slowly but surely you, as the viewer, were put back into the viewer position of the drama rather than being a part of it.


My biggest let down, which was entirely my fault, was that I became infatuated with a last minute couple that portrayed one of my soft spot tropes and I fell head over heals, something I should not have done since their story was concluded off-screen (happy ending tho)
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