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Weak Hero Class 1 korean drama review
Weak Hero Class 1
2 people found this review helpful
by vampbunny
Apr 1, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.5
This review may contain spoilers
Incredible. This show is deserving of it's almost 10 rating it has. It's super heavy and intense and I found my anxiety and heart rate spiking through the roof every time I watched an episode. It is VIOLENT.. there are fights every episode and they aren't small. I think this drama did a really good job of capturing the feeling and emotion that the kids were facing.. hopelessness.

First I want to give props to all of the actors, but especially Park Ji-Hoon. The way he played Yeon Shi Eun was incredible. The dead look in his eyes when fighting, but the warmth you can see on his face when he's around his friends is such an amazing skill and really added a layer to the overall story. It had me feeling everything for him and wanting him to be happy.

I have not read the webtoon for this, so I had no idea where the story was gonna go and I'm still confused on where things twisted. I usually am good at predicting how things are gonna play out in dramas, but this one had me. Right when I was getting comfortable and starting to like everyone, it throws you a curveball and you can't do anything except let it hit you right in your face.

I also want to point out that I loved the way they did the fighting scenes. I'm usually not one for action, but the way they use how smart he is and what he's studied in the fights itself was really cool and unique in my opinion. It added a really cool layer of knowing what was in his head before he actually acted. Every move was thought out and it made it super interesting.

Dark, emotional and intense.. I honestly can't wait for season 2.
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