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Lost in Dramaland


Lost in Dramaland
Evening Star for You chinese drama review
Evening Star for You
1 people found this review helpful
by virgievirgie
Nov 24, 2024
100 of 100 episodes seen
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Decent short Vertical drama with Good Romance and Chemistry

Saw a fellow MDL friend recommended “Evening Star for You” as a pretty good vertical drama. I was in need of a quick romance fix. Here we are, 100 episodes later (which is only about 3.5 hours long), I got my fix.

It’s true that it’s pretty good for a low budget production. I watched the compiled version on YouTube with muted music and sound. It was a little annoying, but it’s to be expected. The romance is developed nicely and quite sweet. The acting of the leads is solid and they have good chemistry together. I am a fan of contract marriage, and their relationship is healthy with good communication. Even if there’s some misunderstanding, the issue is resolved quickly and just helps to build a more solid foundation of their love. If you need a quick romance fix, this is a good one.

But of course, there are still some plot holes here and there. We have a couple irritating ‘villains’ but no one so despicable that ruined my viewing pleasure. You’ll see characters recycling their outfits and some are super cliche and laughable. But it’s all in good fun and I guess part of vertical dramas’ charms?

Completed: 11/23/2024 - Review #519
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