Favorite genres: romance, human drama, slice-of-life, rom-com, youth, lgbtqia coming of age/romance, comedy, psychological thriller, supernatural, webtoon/novel-based
Least favorite genres: melo/makjang, historical, sci-fi, horror
- I drop dramas easily (being increasingly selective and short on time), but that doesn't mean I don't like them. I've had a few that I got back to several years later and ended up loving them
- Completed dramas/movies in the dropped section mean there were too many skipped eps/scenes for me to consider them as completed (or that I watched only one or two subplots).
- Have watched very few K/Jdramas in recent years so mdl activity is minimal
- My scores are primarily based on personal entertainment value, not really as an objective rating of the show as a whole. Unless it really is wonderful/awful. You just have to guess