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gays rise!


gays rise!
Run On korean drama review
Run On
22 people found this review helpful
by yoonthethicc
Feb 4, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers
to be frank, i dived in this drama full force when i saw the feeds raving about im si wan. what a surprise it was for me to have my whole heart whipped not just for im si wan but for the whole cast and the characters they portray.

you may wonder if this is just another cheesy romance with some love triangle thrown in. well.... it's not. you have much more in store as you are presented with characters working their way around in life.

you have a female lead that values her self more but not in a selfish sense. she is a character that went through tough times and knows her worth. she is not whiny or overboard but she stands up for herself. the male lead is a sight to see as you see him go against his horrible father, wholeheartedly helps his friend from getting bullied and supports him in his recovery and full on knows what's right and what's wrong. two individuals who have different way of living and when together, they are the best duo you can find. this couple is straightforward and doesn't go round in circles about how they feel. when shit hits the fan, they actually talk about it.

the second couple is just as refreshing. sure... seo dan ah may seem too much at first. with how messed up her family situation was and having the mentality that nice things don't last long, we see her debating on her relationship with yeong hwa. her longing for liking something is overshadowed by her strong personality. yeong hwa is perfect for her as he may seem outgoing and fun but when pushed to the limits, he can be stubborn.

what i particularly like in this drama is how chill this feels. you have seon gyeom's dad being a whole ass prick but then you see the main leads have pure love for each other so everything is right in the world again. the chemistry of every single character in this drama is hella amazing. heck, even dan oh and mi joo have amazing chemistry together. it's almost like watching a square relationship but it's peaceful and not overwhelming.

i appreciate the gay character of yeong hwa's friend. it's good that they're opening a conversation. seeing seo dan oh apologise and the bromance with yeong hwa not broken had me clapping all the way. i also appreciate the asexual character that is mi joo's friend. such representations says a lot and i'm happy they're done well.

what else did i like?
-the amazing ost
-badass female characters
-the movie bits
-the cinematography

overall, this is a drama that i treasure with its refreshing characters and hilarious moments. the ending itself was nicely wrapped up (besides the trashy dad) and it goes to show that everyone involved in this put a lot of effort. i hope to see more kdramas done in such a way.
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