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Although they have their differences, the overall vibe I get from them are very similar and I loved both!!
- Both have fantasy elements
- Both have one of the main leads being incredibly powerful (in alchemy of the souls, it's first the FL then the ML)
- Both have strong, well-written, and likeable leads as well as well written and likeable side characters
- Both have intricate story line with reincarnations and love persevering through many lives even if their memory was lost
- Both have FL actually being a very powerful goddess, which they dont discover till later
- Both show a cold lead's heart softening because of the other lead
- Both have memory loss and memory regain
- Both have really good, emotional and fitting OSTs
- Both have to end up going against their own people at some points
- Both have great chemistry between the leads
- Both have a forbidden love (devil x fairy, assasin x nobleman)
- Bonus but i feel like the way the emotions are portrayed in both dramas are very similar
Recommended by vyn - Dec 21, 2023
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Both have time travel. Go back couple focus on romance but twinkling watermelon focus on bromance.
Recommended by Ramees - Dec 21, 2023
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Somewhat similar yet different situation. It has a negotiation scene; if you like those intense scenes, you might like this. 
Recommended by call me roan - Dec 21, 2023
Similar vibes. If you like or are currently addicted to the ghosts category and fast watch, you might enjoy this.
Recommended by call me roan - Dec 21, 2023
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The main leads are polar opposites. Both main leads in "Killer and Healer" and "The Sign" have opposite personalities that complement each other well.
Recommended by anamr - Dec 21, 2023
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- main leads are related to the mythical creature naga (one is naga, the BL one is reincarnation of naga)
- characters are related to mythical beings of naga and garuda
- main leads didn't remember their past lives in the beginning of the series
- third-wheel from the past
Recommended by anamr - Dec 21, 2023
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- main characters are in the police force
- "hot" and "cool" main leads that complement each other
- mystery cases
Recommended by anamr - Dec 21, 2023
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Both are short BL films depicting a breakup and reunion between the leads. Both have a bittersweet feeling and relate in some way to food (one cooking for the other vs. opening a café to wait for the other's return). Half has a happy ending, TSPR has an open ending.
Recommended by emeraldarrows - Dec 21, 2023
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- A Journey to Love shared the same universe with A Journey to Glow.
- Both dramas also have the same scriptwriter and production company.
- A Journey to Glow is part of Linmon Pictures' A Journey series alongside A Journey to Love.
Recommended by CC_ - Dec 21, 2023
Both are coming of age stories in which young men have to mature and take hold of power and responsibility that is both difficult, meaningful and have personal stakes.
Recommended by Loren Evans - Dec 20, 2023
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Both are coming of age stories in which young men have to mature and take hold of power and responsibility that is both difficult, meaningful and have personal stakes.
Recommended by Loren Evans - Dec 20, 2023
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The relationship between Pak & Tin are similar to Cake & Seeiw, Pak and Tin live together, where as Eiw and Cake don't but they sleep together often.

Also Tin's personality is the same as Seeiw's, Pak and Cake are similar in the way they take care of there boys

The also have the best friend to lover troupe and they each have a good set of friends.
Recommended by Kaew - Dec 20, 2023
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Both are gripping revenge stories. Both are thrilling with the same somber feel. You get the grim satisfaction of seeing the bad guys lose their shit and despair when they are ultimately punished.
The visuals and soundtrack in "the Glory" are a bit better but "reborn rich" is still stunning
Recommended by kiseki - Dec 20, 2023
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“Students got hypnotized by an unknown culture and needed to avoid 100 signals (like drinking, eating, leaving the school) or else they would kill themselves without their control of their bodies.”
Recommended by AbuHammer - Dec 20, 2023
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Sapai Import is similar to My Forever Sunshine :
-FL leaves at ML's house as employee
-ML falls in love with FL
Recommended by Paola Lee - Dec 20, 2023