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Eu acho que é aconchegante igualmente, passa um paz no no coração mas ainda sim uma preocupações
Recommended by Yuyuzinha - Nov 9, 2022
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The two protagonists lose their memory about the romance of the past....................................................
Recommended by clau 123 - Oct 2, 2022
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Tell me your wish and Tomorrow are dramas that can you feel very emotional in every episode, both dramas leave important messages and even if the dramas touch sensitive topics it can also made you feel with hopeles and that the life can always give you second opportunities.
Recommended by jazz - Sep 30, 2022
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As duas falam de pessoas se escondendo atrás de rede social, além disso as duas teve pessoas transferidas de escola, e escondendo e morrendo de medo de alguém descobrir.
Recommended by Kmive - Sep 28, 2022
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Ubathteehet is similar to Kluen Cheewit because of the plot.
1) The male lead is from a modest family and earn his life from a honorable job
2) The female lead is a rich woman who seems to be extravagant and unreasonable
3) A car accident happens and the female lead killed the male lead girlfriend
4) The male lead takes revenge on the female lead by raping her
Recommended by Paola Lee - Sep 13, 2022
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Os dois contém assassinatos em série, vários plots, personagens interessantes e atuação impecável.
Recommended by Lorrayne Maria - Sep 6, 2022
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Apesar do seguimento desse ser passado num cenário 100% fantasia, a história dos personagens e seus processos de ajuste para chegar aos finalmente são gradativo com em "poisoned love" e quando a uma cura ou a solução dos problemas tudo clareia e segue se ao fim.

Ambos foram marcantes para mim tanto em enredo quanto em cenas de mimos do casal principal. Não faltam beijos, abraços e afeto mimoso. Tudo bem dosado sem ser meloso ou vulgar.

Recommended by Moon Prix - Sep 5, 2022
Los dramas muestran una perspectiva similar en cuanto a la muerte y ambos nos muestran como el/la personaje principal va resolviendo misterios, siguiendo pista y haciendo conjeturas para finalmente sacar a luz realidades de gente fallecida, haciéndote reflexionar y entristecer.

Recommended by LiAiLi - Aug 28, 2022
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Ambos dramas tienen la temática de supervivencia y juegos.
Los dramas son similares en cuanto a entrar en una realidad distinta, en donde, hay juegos en los cuales deben ganar o mueren.

En mi opinión Alice in borderland es más cruda, por ende para la gente que se le hace muy dificil verla: Die now es una buena opción.
Recommended by LiAiLi - Aug 28, 2022
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Los dos dramas son similares a la hora de presentar diversas realidades, tocando temas fuertes y delicados que deben ser tratados por la sociedad, además de que ambos dramas son sumamente tristes y reflejan el dolor humano muy bien.
Recommended by LiAiLi - Aug 28, 2022
Los dos dramas tratan de una protagonista que padece de algo que socialmente es estigmatizado: Woo tiene TEA y Yukiko tiene ambliopía.
Los dos dramas tocan las dificultades, el estigma y el surgir de las protagonistas.
Ambos dramas desarrollan una pareja principal memorable, sana y con gran química.
En lo personal disfrute de ambos dramas, aunque la trama no es igual, creo que el que te enseñen sobre realidades muy estigmatizadas y estereotipadas es realmente necesario, tanto como para tomar conciencia, como para empatizar e informarse.
Recommended by LiAiLi - Aug 22, 2022
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Both series talk about time travel and how it works as a way for ML to become a better person.
Funny "fish out of water" moments and sequences due to the new world that ML is discovering.
Both MLs are sometimes goofy, childish and clumsy, sometimes serious and mature. Both have a somber side too and have a great evolution.
SML has been a friend of FL since childhood.
The main couple have many swoon worthy moments in both series.
Both series talk about health problems of the elderly.
Recommended by Piquina - Aug 18, 2022
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because it's also about disaster and survival
Jsbsudbdjbdusbsusbushsudbdjdnsbhdnfjfhhiwhsjuvsyfyfjgyfvfjvvuvbkbjvjvycvj ncugydvhcychvfibmbkbhcyd GG ugtd GJ ugufugyxguvuvib
Recommended by Cheshire - Aug 13, 2022
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Even though Nam Se-hee Is not mentioned as an autistic person, he shares some characteristics that could indicate that he's in the spectrum. For example, he is very inflexible regarding routine changes, he likes order and cleanliness (it can't be said that these characteristics are specifically of those in the spectrum, but in this case it can be considered as such), among many other things.
The more you know Nam Se-hee, you start to realize that he's autistic.

Aunque Nam Se-hee no se menciona como una persona autista, comparte algunas características que podrían indicar que está en el espectro. Por ejemplo, es una persona de mente cuadrada con relación a su rutina, le gusta el orden y la limpieza (no podemos decir que estás características sean especialmente del aspecto, pero en este caso podríamos considerarlo), entre muchas otras cosas.
Cuanto más conoces a Nam Se-hee, empiezas a darte cuenta de que tiene mucho de autista.
Recommended by ShinitaFan - Jul 24, 2022
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Ces deux dramas sont mes deux premiers BL thaïlandais que j'ai vu et adoré ! Je les ai finis à un mois d'intervalle.

- Ils sont disponibles sur Youtube sur leur chaîne officiel avec des sous-titres : "GMMTV Official" pour Bad Bunny et "IDOL FACTORY Official" pour Secret Crush on You
- C'est une comédie-romantique. L'histoire se déroule dans une université, à notre époque
- L'un des couples secondaires est un GL (Girls Love)
- L'un des personnages principaux compose des chansons et chante
- Ces deux dramas sont adaptés d'un roman
- Ils s'aiment secrètement
- De belles amitiés
Recommended by Nami-05 - Jun 16, 2022