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The main lead served prison time. After they released, they still have to face the villian. They have to finish the business
Recommended by Chia6 - Oct 12, 2023
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Both Korean movie and drama the main lead served prison time but they wasn’t the main killer. After released they hunt for the real killer and seek revenge
Recommended by Chia6 - Oct 12, 2023
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Both female lead went to jail. After they released, they decided to seek revenge. Punish the real killer.
Recommended by Chia6 - Oct 12, 2023
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Ji Sunb in both drama. He went to prison on this one, but in Secret the female lead went to prison. They were both innocent
Recommended by Chia6 - Oct 12, 2023
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Both main lead went to jail. They tried to do right but can’t. They have to finish the business. They have to fight for themselves, as the justice system can’t be trusted.
Recommended by Chia6 - Oct 12, 2023
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Both female lead are strong minded. Seeking revenge and justice. Not trusting police. Personal revenge.
Recommended by Chia6 - Oct 12, 2023
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In both the female character recives a bottle with a "magic" content that make them slim (on perfume she becames her old self that was a modelo (before getting pregnant).
In both overcome themselves. However in Perfume it became a verter like "Change".
Recommended by Gaeul - Oct 12, 2023
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Both are very strong female leads seeking revenge. They are both skillful fighter. They put themselves in danger situation …
Recommended by Chia6 - Oct 12, 2023
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Both are woman seeking revenge. Chinese one in historical era, Korean one in modern. Both are beautiful and skillful. They plan and the execute
Recommended by Chia6 - Oct 12, 2023
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Both female leads in the movies are skill fighter, the seek revenge. Strong woman, fight against the powerful man
Recommended by Chia6 - Oct 12, 2023
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Beautiful female lead, but strong and skillful. They appeared weak, but determine and tactical. Fun watch. Revenge, Japanese one has more bloodiness and older day.
Recommended by Chia6 - Oct 12, 2023
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Both are single loner woman skillful fighter, fight for the weak, fight for the justice, against the evil. Fun watching the beautiful face but tough and strong
Recommended by Chia6 - Oct 12, 2023
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The skillful female fighter against the worst of the worst psycho, She looked weak, beautiful and young but she had enough of the horrible person. Kill for justice
Recommended by Chia6 - Oct 12, 2023
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Both are single woman who has problem of herself. She was loner, depress, poor but soft hearted. She stood up and fight the evil.
Recommended by Chia6 - Oct 12, 2023
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Both are about a close knit trio that eventually becomes a love triangle. Both MLs and FLs were neighbors in an apartment as children, and then the MLs were abandoned by their mothers who went on to have another child. Both MLs are very attached to the FL and the FLs are spirited and outgoing.
Recommended by emeraldarrows - Oct 12, 2023