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The dogs and kids? T-T
Honestly its not even 2 minutes, more like one. and not even that. the first minute of it is in episode 21 at the end so we didn't see anything new. and the other one is cute but it could be still in episode 21 as the first half of this. AND WHERE ARE THE KIDS AND DOGS? Little disappointed about that part, it was cute and all but it could have more depth than this...Its not really worth (re)watching but if you want a cute short epilogue you can watch in a minute i think you will like it. (but i don't plan on rewatching)
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I Wanted More
Don't get your hopes high this epilogue is very short. In those 3 minutes, almost nothing is new. I was waiting for the dogs and kids!In the end, I don't understand why it took soo long to release this. I get that epilogues usually are short, but they could have added just a tiny bit more depth/story to it.
I would not rewatch this. I think it is enough to watch right after finishing My Love from Another Star.
(English is not my first language, so I apologize if something is wrong)
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