Miracle of Love Over the Horizon (2015) poster
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Ratings: 7.3/10 from 82 users
# of Watchers: 295
Reviews: 2 users
Ranked #60298
Popularity #16855
Watchers 82

Ice is trying to find her dad who disappeared into a deadless forest while looking for gold. Many say he's dead, but she refuses to believe it and she and her boyfriend Chris go to find Khetphana, someone who knows the forest very well. Khetphana live with his younger sister Khwan after both of their parents found their deaths within the forest. When Ice first asks Khetphana to take her to find her dad, Khetphana refuses as the risk is too great. After some time, though, he feels pity for her and decides to take her with a group of people. Ice doesn't want her boyfriend to risk his life for something like this and asks Khwan to help take Chris away from the resort so he won't know. When Chris finds out what Ice has done, he finds someone to take him in after her. Khwan tags along, of course. (Source: ShareRice Wiki; edited by MyDramaList) ~~ Adapted from the novel “Patiharn Ruk Karm Kobfah” (ปาฏิหาริย์รักข้ามขอบฟ้า) by Budsaba Pafun (บุษบาพาฝัน). Edit Translation

  • English
  • magyar / magyar nyelv
  • dansk
  • Norsk
  • Country: Thailand
  • Type: Drama
  • Episodes: 24
  • Aired: Jul 14, 2015 - Aug 20, 2015
  • Aired On: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
  • Original Network: Channel 3
  • Duration: 1 hr. 20 min.
  • Score: 7.3 (scored by 82 users)
  • Ranked: #60298
  • Popularity: #16855
  • Content Rating: Not Yet Rated

Cast & Credits


Miracle of Love Over the Horizon (2015) photo
Miracle of Love Over the Horizon (2015) photo
Miracle of Love Over the Horizon (2015) photo


Theresa Klein
3 people found this review helpful
Feb 27, 2019
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 4.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.5
This review may contain spoilers
Story : ( Big spoiler warning again )

The story was good until ep 13. To be honest I was thinking at that point why there are so many episodes left since the characters were well developed and already went through some changes and troubles. If after episode 13 ep 21 had followed I would have loved this drama.
But no .... after that it became confusing and unnecessary. Suddenly new characters were added and a new land was shown.
I skipped my way trough that and even ended up not watching for about 5 episodes. I thought i might not be able to keep up but in those 5 episodes almost nothing had changed and I could still comprehend the story. That is just not a good thing.

The characters :

She was nice and ok. The acting of her was good.
The male lead was the reason I watched this drama. He was good as always even though I felt he was a bit wooden at the start and in some scenes just a bit over the top.
The rest acted rather well and the cast was well chosen. ( And was honestly sometimes the only thing that kept me going)

Negatives :

Like I said the story is unnecessary at times and just difficult to sit through.
The choices and development a character made, a lot of the times didn't make sense.
For example Chris :
possessive boyfriend till the very last episodes and then he is like nope ill stop that ! I mean like what ! That wasn't well developed at all.
And her .... I mean girl if you love someone go for it but it was like she couldn't leave her bf but there was never really a reason given for that. I would have appreciated it so much more if it was her decision to leave her bf and she didn't wait around for a different guy to free her or whatever she was doing for like the last 15 episodes.

In conclusion it was just way too long and so many story arches just added nothing to the drama and it just felt like the writers wrote a skirpt and then they said ok but make this 24 instead of 14 episodes.

Positives :

Some cute moments :)
The second female lead his sister was just such a sweetheart and a role model.
The cast was funny and cute.

In conclusion :

I wouldn't recommend this drama or maybe watch is till ep 14 and then continue with ep 21.
The rest is a waste of time :)

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0 people found this review helpful
Feb 10, 2019
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers
I really liked this drama. The synopsis doesn't give the whole story, which I liked. I really liked the fact that there were more than one story arks within this drama. The only bad part for me was that the main villian was only revealed in the last episode and didn't really have a role.

The story is sweet and I think the actors really matched the roles. My only problem with the main female lead was her indecisiveness. That made my want to scream at her just say it already. I really liked the second male lead. The actor did great in both his roles.

I liked the overall feel of the drama and recommend it to people. Watch it if you like fairytales and fantasy stories. It is sweet and does have some action. Plus the kisses were good and the chemistry between the couples was there.

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  • Drama: Miracle of Love Over the Horizon
  • Country: Thailand
  • Episodes: 24
  • Aired: Jul 14, 2015 - Aug 20, 2015
  • Aired On: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
  • Original Network: Channel 3
  • Duration: 1 hr. 20 min.
  • Content Rating: Not Yet Rated


  • Score: 7.3 (scored by 82 users)
  • Ranked: #60298
  • Popularity: #16855
  • Watchers: 295

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