Follows Zha, a top student with a high IQ, who goes on a journey with Mo, played by famous Chinese comedy actor Deng Chao, a professional debt-collector and sometime hooligan, in order to face down her own neurosis, as well as cure Mo of his extreme insomnia. (Source: Ketterboxd) ~~ Adapted from the famous stage play of the same name/ Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 恶棍天使
- Also Known As:
- Director: Deng Chao
- Screenwriter & Director: Yu Bai Mei
- Genres: Comedy
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Cast & Credits
- Betty Sun Main Role
- Liang ChaoZhe Er'Gen, 'Divine Doctor'Main Role
- Dai Le LeGuo Si SiMain Role
- Zhang Zhen LeiSan'er [Clinic Staff]Support Role
- Li Dong[Mental patient]Support Role
This review may contain spoilers
This Review is spoiler free and judged by the mentioned criteria by my own opinion. What to expect from this movie:
Two words for this movie: Random and creative. You'll spend the first 5 minutes of the movie, thinking about what you're watching and what's happening. Then you'll proceed to have the same confused feeling throughout the movie until you just learn to deal with the movies randomness - and that's hilarious.The humor in this movie is strong, which explains why the only genre mentioned above is comedy. The story is fun, entertaining and leaves you waiting for the next funny moment. However, I must say that there's a sparkle of romance and action put in the mix as well.
The story is fun. It's about two polar opposites who heals their individual pains through each other, and they do it in a creative way. In my opinion, the director, Yu Baimei, is a genius in this movie. This is going to sound funny, but he makes a good movie look amazingly bad and overwhelming good at the same time, in just the movie's lifespan of 2 hours. You'll be left pondering about how such a director can make something so awesome and something so bad at the same time - it's hard to explain, but you'll understand what I mean when you see the movie for yourself.
The acting/cast gets a 6.5 score, which is above average. The acting shares the same confusing answer as the story. It's so poorly done that it's good. It just works in this movie - and it's amazing and refreshing to see. I absolutely loved every character in this movie - even those who were supposed to be bad guys received my heartfelt warm feelings. The characters were portrayed well by the actors, which made the movie even better.
The music wasn't spectacular nor the focus of this movie. I admit, a good movie has a good soundtrack, but in this case, everything just works, even if it's bad.
Although I rarely rewatch dramas and movies, this is a movie I'm sure I'll return to at some point in time. It's simply too hilarious to keep your paws away from.
Hence, with everything taken into consideration, I give this movie an overall score of 6.0. I really don't have much negative to say about this movie. I was positively surprised by this movie. I went in, thinking something completely different than what I received - which ended up even better.
I hope I helped shed a light on whether or not to watch this movie. I highly recommend watching it as I'm certain you'll have a great time - it certainly didn't let me down. If you're still hesitant, go on reading my 6 pointers on whether you'll like it or not.
You'll like this if:
- You're okay with fast changing moods (goes from "funny --> serious --> funny" in a heartbeat)
- You want something new, unique and fresh.
- You want a good laugh.
- You like it when opposites attract.
- You like watching a story with surprisingly complex characters that go through a good-old character development.
- You fancy unique characters that stay true to themselves,
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