Secret Seven (2017) poster
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Ratings: 7.6/10 from 1,428 users
# of Watchers: 4,595
Reviews: 8 users
Ranked #5147
Popularity #3465
Watchers 1,428

This is the story of Padlom, a lonely girl who's afraid of love. However one day, someone told her that a guy secretly likes her, and this guy is supposed to be among these seven young men! Follow Padlom's passionate love story, and how will Padlom find out which of the seven guys is secretly in love with her? Edit Translation

  • English
  • magyar / magyar nyelv
  • dansk
  • Norsk
  • Country: Thailand
  • Type: Drama
  • Episodes: 12
  • Aired: Aug 19, 2017 - Dec 2, 2017
  • Aired On: Saturday
  • Original Network: LINE TV One 31
  • Duration: 60 min.
  • Score: 7.6 (scored by 1,428 users)
  • Ranked: #5147
  • Popularity: #3465
  • Content Rating: G - All Ages

Cast & Credits


Secret Seven (2017) photo
Secret Seven (2017) photo
Secret Seven (2017) photo
Secret Seven (2017) photo
Secret Seven (2017) photo
Secret Seven (2017) photo


13 people found this review helpful
Jan 3, 2018
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This is my very first LENG... Kidding! This is my first time to write a review, pardon my wordsmith hahaha!
• S TO R Y: Original plot and has its own good-cliff hanging ending.
The story is about a girl who has a Philophobia—the fear of falling in love or emotional attachment. The risk is usually when a person has confronted any emotional turmoil relating to love but also can be chronic phobia—and got rejected several times with different situations. In her second year college, entering the Faculty of Psychology, they need to join a club in order to graduate in time. Padlom seems to dislike every club they have encountered and with the support of her partner-in-crime, Spoil, they formed a new club that listens to 90s music in respect to Padlom’s parents. Having the smallest count of members, they need to share their club’s room with the student-model, Alan, who made the non-human photo club with all-male members. The story will focus on how Padlom search for his secret admirer known as the “Lovesick Bear”.

• A C T I N G | A N D | C A S T: Everything is perfect starting from the cast itself, characteristics, different persona and how they portray each roles.
1. Punpun Sutatta as PADLOM —Punpun is very simple and you will see how natural she pulls every role. As Punpun portrays Padlom, there’s no changes but a paradigm shifting of the characteristic of the main role. The way of how she acts is very constant. Anything else beside from that, HANDS DOWN. No words for Punpun. PS: PUPUN SUAY, MARRY ME <3
2. Kang Vorakorn as POK —As we can see, Kang and Punpun became a loveteam before in U-Prince The Series: The Gentle Vet. Picking Kang as one of the male lead makes the viewers harder to guess if who the secret admirer of Padlom is. Kang pulled-off the role greatly that he is not obvious as one of the secret seven men. PS: You will put a high expectation from him as the story goes on!
3. Tay Tawan as ALAN —This is the first main role given for Tay and it is great that every nerd role suits him (pertaining to his past role of Dew in Lovey Dovey) but in here, he has this nerd + manly + hot combination that makes women around him swooning (lmao). They don’t have that much chemistry but for plot twists, he really suits for it.
4. Oab Nithi as GENT —After Oab’s fine and epic role as Puen in Project S The Series: SPIKE, all of us (who were watching and see his growth as an actor) were expecting a run-off of another portrayal... and there he is! He went through from an orphan of SPIKE to a rich-youngman here in Secret Seven. He is rich but you can see how he handle his life and not to the extent that he is gambling and always using his money for vices. They also have a good chemistry and there’s something between them when they both smile together. PS: He’s my chicken hahaha I root for him. I also remember Nana and Ai from I Hate You, I Love You.
5. Lee Thanat as PLAY —The flirt! He really pulled-off the role of Play because of his smile. I like the way how he manipulate girls hahaha throw an oscar for him. Great ending for his role and this is a real shift from Survey of U-Prince to Play of Secret Seven. PS: You’ll miss the nostalgic “Hon” hahaha.
6. Mek Jirakit as ID —I don’t know how will I react because I recently watched U-Prince The Series: The Foxy Pilot and Mek’s persona in that series is very far from this obnoxious personality of Id. He is a good plot twist character for this series because everybody are rooting for him including me since day but yeah, the only constant in this world is change lol. They have a good chemistry in such a way that I shouted in Episode 8 when I saw the wall art of Id using airspray with the portait of Padlom. PS: I’ll miss Big Tits and Tiny Dick :<
7. Gun Atthaphan as LIFTOIL —To be honest, I wasn’t expecting that Gun will portray a heterosexual role in this series. I thought that he will be the gay bestfriend of Padlom and will turn into a plot twist. I wasnkt expecting much from him but yeah, he was the clown and center of fun in this series. You’ll enjoy watching his goofy side and how he turn every depressing situation into romantic excitement.
8. Captain Chonlathorn as NEO —Another cute act from Captain. He is always the classic Kiryu of U-Prince, very hyper and childish. Sometimes, you’ll find him annoying because of some desperate actions but you’ll find Neo and Padlom as so-so too. The way he cries is freaking dramatic and contagious.
9. Ampere Suttatip as SPOIL —HANDSDOWN. SPEECHLESS. EXCELLENT SUPPORTING ROLE. PS: More works to come and excited to see you in Sotus S!

• M U S I C: 90s music + thai melodies + indie-aesthetic-vibes = LIFE
So many music to enjoy and hear from. Every music were used as the best as it is! Nothing to ask for more. PS: Who knows about the playlist of every song that came out? Help a friend-in-need :’(

This series has its own plot and each frame is important. It is fun to watch and after you find out who will be the man of Padlom will make you watch the series again (just like I did) because you want to watch how everything start and I suggest that in rewatching, observe on how Padlom and the leading man progress their sweet scenes. You’ll like it!

• O V E R A L L: 11/10.
I liked how the story progress and who Padlom end with. The cancellation of characters are wisely projected and how rejection should occur. You can’t just fire the agreement just because you share a good moment with someone, but you should know your heart and consider your feelings too. This lakorn has so many moral stories to learn from and it will show too many situations in one story.
PS: Khob khun krap for another good lakorn GMM.

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13 people found this review helpful
Feb 15, 2018
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 8.5
I really loved this drama. Recently I've been branching out of the BL Thai dramas into the 'straight' dramas and I think Thai dramas have a lot of potential, I can see that they work hard on them and I love them a lot more than K-dramas shockingly! Before I was more a fan of J-dramas but Thai dramas took the cake and this one was a main factor. I'm glad that I watched this, I mainly watched for Captain, Chonlathorn, but I loved the leading actress, actually, I loved everyone. I couldn't stop watching it, I actually forgot about my other dramas because of this. It was hard to find translated episodes, which made me take longer to finish but the 90s Thai music was a plus, I love Thai music and this really made me love it more. The suspense was great because every episode had you guessing and the ending didn't disappoint, well it did a little mainly because of my personal preference, in the guys. I loved the emotions and I actually felt like I was a member of room 305. I don't watch dramas more than once but if I recommend it to a friend and she/he was watching it, I'd watch it with them, yes it was just that great! I always love Thai drama's opening and ending songs like they always know what to choose and it's just so fitting! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS FOR ROMANTIC FANATICS! Even if you aren't this is filled with a lot of friendship and bonding plus it's comedic.

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  • Drama: Secret Seven
  • Country: Thailand
  • Episodes: 12
  • Aired: Aug 19, 2017 - Dec 2, 2017
  • Aired On: Saturday
  • Original Network: LINE TV, One 31
  • Duration: 60 min.
  • Content Rating: G - All Ages


  • Score: 7.6 (scored by 1,428 users)
  • Ranked: #5147
  • Popularity: #3465
  • Watchers: 4,595

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