A coming-of-age story follows Yan Po Yue, a young man who is outstanding at everything yet remains a loner that doesn't fit well with the team. After surviving harsh training and difficult missions, he becomes a proper soldier who fights alongside his comrades. Yan Po Yue comes from a family of soldiers. With something to prove to his father, he applies for military school at the onset of the gaokao examinations. During the assembly for new recruits, Yan Po Yue delivers exceptional results but fails to win the favor of his superior. He is sent to become part of the cooking crew, which turns out to be a place full of people with hidden talent. Yan Po Yue joins the selection for a special force in the army with only his own success in mind. However, he realizes that he is still lacking in many ways and through the help of his comrades, he starts to become the soldier that he has always aspired to be. (Source: ChineseDrama.info) ~~ Adapted from the novel "Te Zhan Rong Yao" (特战荣耀) by Qing Hu Lang (青狐狼) Edit Translation
- English
- Русский
- Français
- Español
- Native Title: 特战荣耀
- Also Known As: 特种兵 , Te Zhan Rong Yao , 中国特种兵之特别有种 , Te Zhong Zhong Guo Te Zhong Bu Dui , China Special Forces
- Screenwriter & Director: Xu Ji Zhou
- Director: Yi Jun
- Screenwriter: Feng Ji, Fen Wu Yao Ji
- Genres: Action, Military, Youth, Drama
Where to Watch Glory of Special Forces
Cast & Credits
- Yang Yang Main Role
- Jiang Lu Xia Main Role
- Meng A Sai Main Role
- Li Yi Tong Support Role
Great drama!
Story - very interesting and dynamic. World class military action series.Plot - without holes in the storyline, realistic, intensive and fascinating.
Acting - Yang Yang and Jiang Lu Xia are amazing and giving their all to the roles. This is Yang Yang best drama so far. The supporting actors are indeed great and have huge contribution to the drama. Until 45 ep no bad performance all actors complement each other.
Cinematography - very professional and impressive.
Costumes and make-up - unbelievable good and realistic.
If you are a c-drama lover Do Not Miss this series highly recommended it is simply a masterpiece the story of yanpoyue from an arrogant highlyselfconfident army boy who thinks that he is and has to be the best bcz he has to rely only on himself in his life and doesnt know the importance of his comrades to a mature soldier who eventually becomes down to earth understands the meaning of teamwork and learned to value his comrades the character development of yanpoyue is greatThis drama has shown every aspect of a soldier's life with a great perfection and detail
This is package full of:- bromance courage,selfconfidence,teamwork, hardwork,passion,motivation and many more amazing life lessons are conveyed very well through this drama
Yang yang has given his 1000% for this drama the hardwork he has put in for his dream role is really commendable
All the actor and supporting actor did a fantastic job in giving justice to thier roles i got connected to every character of this drama
One of the best work of yang yang so far and the best military drama till date
This drama does'nt have and does'nt need any romance its bromance love respect care for the comrades is more than enough to make people connect and fall in love with this drama
This One is surely one of my Forever favourite