Born during the Warring States period in ancient China, Shin is a war orphan who dreams of becoming the greatest general under the Heavens. After years of training himself relentlessly, he has a fateful encounter with a young man named Eisei, the true King of Qin. Together, they seek to reclaim Eisei's throne and unite the seven Warring States under a single banner. ~~ Adapted from the manga series "Kingdom" (キングダム) by Hara Yasuhisa (原泰久). Edit Translation
- English
- 한국어
- Türkçe
- Русский
- Native Title: キングダム
- Also Known As: Kingudamu , 王者天下
- Screenwriter & Director: Sato Shinsuke
- Screenwriter: Kuroiwa Tsutomu
- Genres: Action, Military, Historical, Political
Where to Watch Kingdom
Cast & Credits
- Yamazaki KentoShinMain Role
- Yoshizawa Ryo Main Role
- Nagasawa MasamiYoutanwa [Mountain King]Support Role
- Hashimoto KannaKaryouten / "Ten"Support Role
- Hongo KanataSeikyouSupport Role
- Mitsushima ShinnosukeHekiSupport Role
Criticism wise, I wish that the plot had been more complex and that things were a little harder to achieve. As the other reviews mentioned, the story felt a little too simple at times. Albeit, that just may because I usually watch 16 hour long dramas, and thus I am used to seeing things progress in more detail. Overall, I do think that the movie did a good job with the 2 hours it had!
I also think Kento's acting was also a little over-the-top at times. As much as I love him - I actually started this movie for him! - it was a little cringe to see his overly enthusiastic acting. Although, I understand that this is his first time playing such a big role and it is very different from his past roles. I hope that in the next three movies, he can improve and become better because I know he is a brilliant actor and capable of a lot (as seen in his works Death Note and Todome No Kiss)! Other than that, the cast was brilliant and all actors delivered their roles very well!
To conclude, I would definitely recommend this movie! There may be a few things that were a little lacking, but in the end it was a very fun rollercoaster! I am excited to join the community of the Kingdom fans and read the story in it's different forms of media (ex: manga & anime) ((:
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Maybe I should start with those things that I didn't really like about this movie. First of all, there were some scenes were the movie was trying to be too much of an anime live action and so the performances were over the top. Also, the ending was not as magnificent as the whole movie was paving it to be. It just felt too easy, too simple. But there is still room for improvement, as the story left some things unsolved.
Overall, the movie was entertaining, nevertheless. The performances were pretty good and the action scenes well choreographed and enjoyable. The CGI were good too and the story's pace was fast and suited the mood of the movie.
So, eight out of ten.
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