This unusual series follows Mimita Harihiko, a man referred to as "hari-kei" - while normal humans have evolved from apelike ancestors, Harihiko is part of a family evolved from hedgehogs ("harinezumi" in Japanese, where "hari" refers to the needles). The story focuses on the challenges he faces in trying to lead a normal life, including a romance with a normal human. (Source: Tokyograph) Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: ハリ系
- Also Known As: Hari kei , needle type , Harikei , hedgehogboy
- Screenwriter: Nemoto Nonji, Oikawa Shotaro
- Director: Kawahara Masahiko, Tanaka Mineya, Kariyama Shunsuke
- Genres: Comedy, Romance, Life, Sci-Fi
Cast & Credits
- Nakamura Tomoya Main Role
- Murakawa Eri Main Role
- Motai MasakoMimida HarieSupport Role
- Taguchi TomorowoWanibuchiSupport Role
- Matsuzawa SuguruFujiiSupport Role
- Fukikoshi MitsuruFurukawa ShigeSupport Role