High school student Izumi Kawashima, whose daily routine is rating newspaper articles, finds a wallet containing a large sum of cash. Instead of returning the wallet to its owner, Izumi decides to lend a substantial portion of the money to a middle-aged male acquaintance. She eventually returns the wallet to its owner, a wealthy high-school boy named Koki, who notices the missing money, and as compensation, asks Izumi to do something for his friend - to create a newspaper that brings happiness to its reader. ~~ This movie has two versions, a black and white version and a colored version. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: ももいろそらを
- Also Known As: Momoiro sora o , カラー版
- Screenwriter & Director: Kobayashi Keiichi
- Genres: Youth, Drama
Cast & Credits
- Koshino EnaHatsumiMain Role
- Ikeda AiIzumiMain Role
- Fujiwara ReikoKaoruSupport Role
- Togetsuan HakushuPrint shopSupport Role
- Narumi Kyoko Unknown
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