The Great King's Dream (2012) poster
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Ratings: 7.4/10 from 178 users
# of Watchers: 953
Reviews: 7 users
Ranked #93229
Popularity #9373
Watchers 178

Story about Kim Choon Choo, who led the unification of three ancient kingdoms - Goguryeo, Baekjae and Shilla - and achieved the restoration of Shilla Kingdom. This drama has interpreted the historical records of United Shilla founders, King Taejong Mooyeol and King Moon Moo, with dramatic imaginations. It, also, highlights the leadership of Kim Choon Choo who achieved the most glorious cultural heyday in nation’s history. It is the drama that will give you the lessons about the great cause, vision, loyalty, success and failure by looking into the lives of the politicians and the heroes of that era. It will present the virtues needed in this age of limitless competition. (Source: BS World) Edit Translation

  • English
  • Español
  • magyar / magyar nyelv
  • dansk
  • Country: South Korea
  • Type: Drama
  • Episodes: 70
  • Aired: Sep 8, 2012 - Jun 9, 2013
  • Aired On: Saturday, Sunday
  • Original Network: KBS1
  • Duration: 57 min.
  • Score: 7.4 (scored by 178 users)
  • Ranked: #93229
  • Popularity: #9373
  • Content Rating: Not Yet Rated

Cast & Credits


7 people found this review helpful
Aug 12, 2013
70 of 70 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
Ok where to start. i started watching this Drama becuz of Queen seonduk and i was curious to see what this version wld be like. To be honest it was good, just a little above average. However it fell down in a number of areas for me. I did find it a bit drawn out in some episodes and that's rather funny tho becuz the ending seemed rushed. I mean major battle scenes between Goguryeo and Tang was rushed n kept on a small scale. Anyway i know $$$ probably caused that, historical Dramas can cost a handsome penny.
With all said it was a good drama that explored and explain Korean history to me for that time period. It basically surrounds the unification of Korea under the Silla kingdom. Showing what major players like Yusin did for the country, for that aspect well done. CHUN CHUN & YUSHIN carried this drama rather well, i missed Mishel wen she was dealt with.( she is a very interesting character). you`ll find a lot of battle scenes, politics, very very low romance for its main push was the history. Anywayz take it in small doses but its a good drama.

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4 people found this review helpful
Mar 17, 2016
70 of 70 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
This review may contain spoilers
I enjoyed this drama and I'm glad I watched it ^^ It kept me fully invested for at least the first 67 episodes ^_^ I got a little bored in the last few b/c it was all just jumping from one factual event to another which can get uninteresting when nothing fun happens... I thought the ending was kind of rushed b/c they didn't dig into any of those events they just skimmed them :/ That could have been due to what one user said (they apparently originally planned for 80 episodes and cut it to 70 - but I don't know if I could have watched Beopmin for that long lol *I didn't like his character*). I would have rather had them give us written subbed credits telling of when everything else takes place instead (like 'fact based' movies do).

Story: This is about the life, or more accurately, dream of King Muyeol (Kim Chun Chu) of achieving the cause of unifying the Three Kingdoms of Silla, Baekje & Gorguryeo - so they can stand stronger and be more able to fight off any enemies and live in peace. Without being unified the Three Kingdoms were constantly at war with one another and people lives were constantly in danger of another "country"'s war. It was a dream that started when he was a teenager & this drama shows us from that point all the way to the fulfillment of his dream. He made the pact with his friend Yushin and they swore together that they would dedicate their entire lives to achieve this goal - whether or not they lived to see it fulfilled - they always said "Even if we should die before we get to see it, our kids and their kids will unify the Three Kingdoms." This drama takes us through all the events in history from that moment forward.

Cast: Chun Chu (Choi Soo Jong) He was my favorite character of all the characters in this drama, his insight and wisdom to look far into the future and into peoples hearts was like no other <3 I had high respect for this man and never doubted his reasons or actions b/c I knew all he wanted was unification & nothing could stand in the way of his great dream! He goes through all sorts of trials in this drama (whether they are fact or fiction is purely up to the watcher to decide lol - I believe it is a mix of both). His legacy to me will remain forever! *Those of you that have watched QSD - QSD's version of Chun Chu is completely fictional - whereas here it is much more based on Fact. I didn't like Chun Chu in QSD but I love him here <3
Kim Yushin (Kim Yoo Suk) - I liked him better in this drama then I did in QSD as well ;) Both the young character played by (Noh Young Hak) and his adult version ^^ Both actors did an excellent job in portraying the friendship between him and Chunchu & all of the trials and lost friendships in the drama. He was very stubborn, strong willed and had an even stronger belief and faith in Chun Chu and their cause :) There were a few times in the latter half of the drama where I got a little irritated at his actions but overall I liked him.
Bidam (Choi Chul Ho) - I personally like the "fictional" version of Bidam portrayed in QSD over the factual based character here - but Bidam was portrayed brilliantly in both versions of fiction and non-fiction ;) I fell in love with Bidam from QSD whereas the Bidam in this drama was your typical villain - I enjoyed his performance none the less and I was glad they chose CCH to play him in this drama as he was perfect for the role. His "evil laughter" got a little old in the latter half however. I couldn't hate him in the end b/c he did have spirit :)
Deokman/Seonduk (Park Joo Mi // Hong Eun Hee) was great when she was here, I enjoyed watching all of her scenes ^^ The actress got replaced in episode 19 b/c of PJM's car accident :( But both actresses did a good job.
And of course there are several other characters like Queen Seungman, Queen Sado & thier Henchman (Yushin's grandfather) - (who I hated & couldn't wait to see eliminated) lol I was glad when King Jinpyeong's part came to an end - just like in QSD he was such a pathetic ruler -_- and then there is the the Crazy - literally crazy - character in the drama - Gukban - he was such a disgrace! & then comes Yeonhwa - another character that manipulated a guys mind for "revenge" that I thought was really stupid b/d her revenge had no justification - why would you even want to take revenge for a person like that? I didn't like her at all.
And then we have Chunchu's kids: Beopmin & Inmun - as well as Yushin's son Samkwang. I really really liked Inmun - he resembled his father so much (or so I thought) the last episode ended up ruining him for me *check my spoiler if you like* but overall I really liked him and I liked the actor that played him. I never warmed up to Beopmin (except for when he was a child) the Beopmin as an adult I could never have respect for - he was rash and only saw what was right in front of his face -_- I liked Yushin's son Samkwang though ^_^ Such a cutie and a great son & brother :)

Music - There is only 2 songs in the entire drama (actual lyrical songs) 1 is: 'Heart Road' by Jessica (Girls Gen) and then there is an ending song at the end of a couple episodes - but I have no idea who it is by... as the only "ost" I could find was Jessica's....

Rewatch: Maybe in the far far future (I don't re-watch many dramas these days lol)

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  • Drama: The Great King's Dream
  • Country: South Korea
  • Episodes: 70
  • Aired: Sep 8, 2012 - Jun 9, 2013
  • Aired On: Saturday, Sunday
  • Original Network: KBS1
  • Duration: 57 min.
  • Content Rating: Not Yet Rated


  • Score: 7.4 (scored by 178 users)
  • Ranked: #93229
  • Popularity: #9373
  • Watchers: 953

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