Good Enough
" Team Bulldog: Off Duty Investigation " takes a whole twelve episodes to actually explain why it is named as it is.The drama is the classical police story, with some criminal cases, a big serial killer story, and a nicely blended team. The main characters were the highlight of the drama, with interesting as well as quirky personalities that somehow had smooth chemistry between them and, thus, provided entertainment and some funny scenes. The criminal cases, in addition, were masterfully crafted as to not drag too much and keep the thriller element high till the very ending. Unfortunately, there were some storylines and questions that were left unanswered.
Still, this was not the typical OCN drama, as it had few dark moments and a more comical mood. The performances were pretty great from everyone, especially from the leading lady, and the action scenes well choreographed.
So, overall, seven and a half out of ten.
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LOL they ended on a cliffhanger! but i am completely okay with it since this dream team deserves a continuity, they are really rocking it.i wish the main story arc this season is a little more complex and punchy. in fact i am not sure why the director would give away the clue to the real killer mid-series. coming from Memorist which was so brilliantly written, this definitely pales in comparison. plus the revelation to the real killer was so average-like, i don't understand why the killer would expose their identity so easily to the FL at the second last episode.
this could've definitely delivered so much more if it was a 16 episode series.
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A Good Drama to Watch
There is nothing new about the overall story line of team bull dog off duty investigation but they managed to make a really enjoyable drama within the genre of investigation comedy action. I think one of the main speciality of this particular drama was the strong come back of cha tae hyun and also its an ocn Drama so they always maintain good quality in their making.We often recently seen so many similar investigation dramas so here also there is no difference in making. The story around with mainly 5 characters One was a detective in charge of various crimes next one was a female character who was a channel PD and among the rest three one was a former crime profiler and second was a former forensic director and the last one was a gangster. So the real journey begins when the 5 of them work together and sloving some unsloved cases and the whole story was in the middle of them and was decently narration without any dragging or boring sequence.
In the genre action investigation comedy it 100% justified with so many funny moments and has good action also in throughout every episodes. Not a complicated or tough story line makes this easy to understand without any confusion and also with a good satisfying ending. Another factor that makes this drama a worth watch was its only 12 episodes so everyone can give it a try.
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Crime's my fav but this is just average
LIKEImpressed with the first case how the team solved it
Apart from one case, the rest of the story was just normal
Something somewhere fell short - kind of sad as I love crime genre
Not to my liking
It doesn't matter if I re-watch or not
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cari dimana ya detektif kayak detektif kangho?
waw dramanya asik si, plottwist di setiap kasus ada, kasusnya juga lumayanlahTAPII, banyak banget yang aku rasa kurang disni, mari bahas :
1. teamwork, jujur banget aku kira ini kayak taxi driver, kerja sama nya kuat. tapi ekspektasi ku salah, kayaknya mereka baru dua kali kerja sama. aku rasa teamwork ga ditonjolin disini tapi judulnya uda team bulldog, seharusnya dari awal mereka uda kerja sama dong, bukannya malah kerja sendiri-sendri terus jumpa di tkp. argh mereka jadi kerjasama tu lama banget. jadi kesel
juga untuk disetiap kasus, dari mereka ber5 ga semua punya tugas untuk kasus itu, aku maunya tu mereka semua kerja di bidang mereka masing-masing.
2. itu-itu aja detektifnya. dari sekian banyak detektif, detektif yang bisa mecahin semua kasus cuma kangho doang, oke emang fokusnya di kangho nya, tapi at least detektif lainnya bisa jadi informan dong, kepala tim nya aja juga ga membantu sama sekali.
3. banyak boring scene. scene yang gapenting juga ga lucu ditampilin tu buat apa.
4. at least dikasi tau lah hukuman hukuman penjahatnya biar rasa benciku tersalurkan gitulooo.
yaa masih ada beberapa yang ga srek di aku, tapi drama ini masih layak ditonton, degdegan nya nyampe di aku walaupum komedinya engga.
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É um dorama investigativo mesmo tendo momentos sérios, a comédia sempre está presente, me lembra The Fiery Priest.
Sinceramente todos da equipe são estranhos e loucos, não imaginava como funcionaria essa equipe e como daria certo, mas de alguma forma as pessoas singulares trabalham muito bem juntas. Achei incrível como tiveram suas vidas explicadas de forma que justificassem como são no presente e a música tema parecia tema de super heróis. Me surpreendi com o fato do detetive ser rico e achei bem inusitado o irmão da repórter.
Com certeza minhas cenas favoritas eram as do começo quando eles olham para câmera e aparecia o título, sempre foram inusitadas e o que falar sobre a grande parte do episódio 9 ser um flashback, o que achei interessante foi como diretor usou um tom mais pálido e um pouco sépia para representar isso, outro detalhe é que a maioria das cenas têm cores fortes.
Amo referências a Goblin, já vi várias, mas com certeza essa foi a mais divertida. Nem sei como passar tudo que senti com o último caso, teve um plot twist que me pegou desprevenida total, quero parabenizar os autores pois todos os casos me fizeram ficar focada.
Tentei achar algum defeito, mas não entrei muitos, apenas que só tem 12 episódios e realmente fiquei curiosa da estória do pai do detetive. O final foi maravilhoso e digo mais OCN quero outra temporada!
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