0 people found this review helpful
May 5, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 5.5
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Honestly from Episode One I was FULLY interesting in the show, I didn't skip much.
But There's one thing that I couldn't really y'know actually be THAT happy about.
Do-San and Dal-mi.
Those two, the main couple of the show apparently, I just don't feel that much of a connection? Like they're not bad of a couple but not so great either. I just didn't feel it to the point where I'm smiling at every single one of their scenes.
The First Episode made me believe that Ji-pyeong was the main lead, but I was wrong. But the fact that he hid that he was the guy behind the letter for 15 years? 15?! And the grandma also hid it to! I didn't like that part. Therefore, I didn't ship Ji-pyeoung and Dal-mi.
The Music. OH MY GOSH. I love it! Especially the intro! Could listen to the whole thing all day.
The acting wasn't bad but wasn't like "WOW! I didn't know that this was a show!" It was amazing but not bomb throwing.
The sister was kind of a waste of a role to be honest, I didn't really care about her so-called vilian of a sister role.
The story is pretty average but unique to me at the same time. Y'know average pen pal story and never knowing his identity until years later. But they did a twist and instead of the female lead ending up with the pen pal she ended up with a guy who's life was about to fall apart.
The Show is bad but good too. I find it unreasonable that some people give this show like a 1 or 2 star rating cause it's not all bad.

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Mar 28, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Props to the team behind this show

It's not very often that you see a show that depict a specific idea without butchering it.

As a developer I appreciate the details in this show... why... because it seemed that they actually hired a developer for the show and discussed the terminology and functionality of a lot of the items discussed in the show. While not everything was correct a lot of times it actually made some sense, that is if we compare it to the god awful shows about musical instruments that doesn't even meet the beat not mentioned the correct notes.

As for the show we have the basic ingredients for a standard romantic drama:

* love triangle
* misunderstanding
* tragic plot

That said the story was interesting and enjoyable to watch. Some of the plots were a little to large for their own good but it was a nice balance.

The show was like watching 16 movies one after another, since each episode was around 80minutes... and it seemed that there is no end to each one but in a good way. That said maybe if they decreased the episode count a little it would have been better, since by the end they almost revealed everything and I was starting to wonder what would they show for the last 2-3 episodes.

While I wanted a different conclusion to the love triangle I was OK with the culmination nonetheless.

There were a little too many product placement in a lot of the scenes that the camera specifically panned to a specific product that it became a little too annoying... there are so many times I can see how can a desk go up and down, no need to double take the same scene twice each time.

The actors play was really well done and the music fit the show.

So if you are looking for a wholesome show to relax to, give this one a try.

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Ongoing 15/16
2 people found this review helpful
Dec 6, 2020
15 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 5.0
Story 1.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 1.5
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This drama start with boom and drop it value from ep 9

First, after watching episode 1, I think this drama will best considering writer’s past drama that I loved to watch such as I Hear Your Voice, and While you were sleeping. I love the plots about exchanging letters and pen pal because this day we only using gadget to communicate with peoples but this letter exchanged make this drama different from other dramas out there and because of background story and cinematography I’m in love with han ji Pyong and haelmoni characters the most.

I truly hope after watching episode 2, SDM will end up with her pen pal HJP.

After episode 9 to episode 15, I was imagination that SDM will choose HJP all broken by the plot that not consistent and have many plot holes. First time watching Korean drama that I hate 1st male lead character. By the way I love watching Korean dramas. I only continue watching this drama because HJP. Wish HJP will find his happiness at the last episode.

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3 people found this review helpful
Dec 15, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.5

There was so much promise...

Honestly, I was super excited for this drama and as soon as I saw the trailer I decided not to watch ANYTHING until every episode had been aired. When I finally got the chance to sit down and start watching it however the excitement I once had disappeared just like the plot of this drama.

The main problem with this drama is that the first few episodes started on a high. From the very beginning, it had a very promising theme, storyline along with some great actors. The problem with starting off well, however, is that if you don't keep building on that high it's super easy to slip and in this case, the drama slipped and fell down the rabbit hole of disappointment.

After episode 5, everything really started to crash and burn. I've listed below just a few of the reason why this happened:
1. Main male lead kinda annoyed me – he whined a lot, felt sorry for himself and got a bit dramatic.
2. Some scenes just felt so irrelevant and others were just awkward to watch.
3. I rarely ever skip past the romance scenes of the main characters, but in this case, I did because they just weren't it.
4. SOOOOO much wasted potential with quite a few characters development.
5. Uncomfortably predictable story - Mainly because I really didn't enjoy the drawn-out love triangle and just didn't want it to end the way it did.
6. Sign me up for the inaccurate way they portray start-ups where no-one really has any business experience

Don't get me wrong the reasons I have listed above plus many others (which would be spoilers so I won't divulge any more) are why I will probably never watch this drama again. But if you haven't watched it I would still recommend it for the things that were done right during this drama:
1. Kim Seon Ho who hands down was one of the best actors/characters during this drama
2. The development of some of the characters relationships with each other did leave me feeling a bit emosh
3. It was nice to watch visually – the shots were great and it did have a lot of cinematic appeal
4. I know I've mentioned it before but it deserves to be mentioned again – Kim Seon Ho!

At the end of the day, I don't regret watching this drama, but there was so much wasted potential. They had some many chances to flip the script and create a unique and interesting ending. Instead, it became predictable and similar to basically every basic romantic k-drama.

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Ongoing 9/16
2 people found this review helpful
Aug 30, 2021
9 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 4.5
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 3.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 2.0

Only Kim Seon Ho saved this disastrous drama with the worst storyline & the worst ML & FL!!

Writer & the show makers tried so hard to sell their boring, bland & a spoiled brat ML Nam Do Dan but failed miserably!! The so called romance angle between the main leads was a pain for my eyes to watch. There was ZERO chemistry between the main leads!!!! I hate that arrogant, spoiled brat Nam Do San so much! He has such a violent aggressive personality that I wanted to slap his face hard so many times. Just like spoiled brats when you don't give them a chocolates they crave & they start throwing tantrums? Our weak ML Nam Do San is just like that spoiled brat. He will start breaking tables & chairs & out of nowhere will start punching someone for no reason! His sense of inferiority & jealousy & insecurity is too much! Okay I am done with my rant now. The only saving grace of this horribly executed, terribly wtitten script with expressionless ML & FL, is none other than our GOOD BOY HAN JIPYEONG!!

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Ongoing 11/16
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 22, 2020
11 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
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how it ends

was super hyped for start up from the beggining from the tearful scenes of their past to the present battle they have to face due to the comeback of their past events, but now in the latest episode i've been really frustrated on how the whole team of dalmi acts (sam sam tech)

1. not consulting their mentor with such a major investment
2. half of them don't even see him as a mentor but a rival.
3. i'm dissapointed with the episode 12 preview of Nam Do San picking a fight with Han Ji Pyeong.
4. And now they're pointing fingers at eachother because the plan went downhill.
5. Ji Pyeong has been guiding them the whole time, i personally can say that without Ji Pyeong the company would go downhill just like what happened in the recent ep of them signing off their company.

i have a lot more but i just want to express that my heartaches for Ji Pyeong, i've been team Ji Pyeong from the start and yes its predictable that they wont end up together in the end no matter how much i stress that they should be. Ji Pyeong dispite from being an orphan (which yes affects people a lot) and going through a ton of life difficulties at a very young age grew up to be the man he is today, an overall better man for Dal Mi than Do San; Mature, Loyal, Stable he even confessed to Dal Mi about his Feelings but he expected nothing in return he patiently just waited never pressured her, He is Wise for his age despite the circumstances he faced and i personally think that he is better man for dalmi in a landslide.

I Hope we get some clarifications on the next episodes i personally just want to watch Halmeoni and Ji Pyeong now,,, i hope the problem with sam sam tech would be fixed and they would realize they should put their ego aside.

may update this review after sometime later xx

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Ongoing 12/16
2 people found this review helpful
Dec 7, 2020
12 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 2.0
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
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Misleading title, it's a tragic story a selfless person who suffers all over for being honest & kind

I got recommended this on netflix and started watching expecting a story about passionate people chasing dreams. I completely misjudged. Was surprised but impressed with the emotional impact of first episode. Apart from that, the only watchable episodes are during which the leads participate in Hackathon at Sandbox- the fictional startup incubator. Everything else is about the love-story, which shows us all wrong reasons or no reasons at all to fall in love with a person. There is no real love through communication between Dalmi and Do San, it's all physical and horny. Dalmi completely ignores the person whom she was able to have meaningful conversations through letters in her childhood after she finds out who the person is, and is shown to miraculously forget about all of it in one episode. The end result is that you are most likely to drop the drama after running out of patience as there really is no redemption or character development for Dalmi-DoSan, who continue to exploit HanJipyeong at every possible opportunity, only to discard him after their job is done.
The only saving grace is top-notch action from Kim Seon Ho, who will make you root for him in every scene he appears, only to receive insults and injustice from other characters(except Grandma) and break our hearts. Idk what the writer wanted to convey, but the message I got through the story of Jipyeong is that it isn't worth always being kind to people, as they'll end up taking you for granted and even exploit you to the point where you're left with nothing.
I watched until episode 12 and after that only scenes of HJP as the lead-pair became truly annoying and the story easily predictable.

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Dropped 9/16
sunflower happy
4 people found this review helpful
Dec 6, 2020
9 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 2.5
Story 3.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

don't waste your time watching this

plot: in the first episode you are faced with an incredible story that promises to have everything to be one of the best dramas of the year but soon after you are immensely disappointed with everything, you hear a huge focus on a love triangle that didn’t even exist since dalmi only had a development with dosan, they forgot about business, letters, family and everything else that was good

characters: the secondary ones were much more interesting than the main ones, injae had almost no screen time and still managed to be a better character than dalmi. jipyeong carried the drama on his back even though he had a script that didn't value him and just made him emotional punching bag

ost: the only good part that I have no complaints about

actors: I really decided to watch the drama because I really like suzy, but it was only worth it because I met Kim Seonho

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1 people found this review helpful
Dec 21, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
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Push and Pull of Disturbing Relationship and One in a Million Company

First, Start Up's first look brings its theme: to make people believe and fight for their dream. Start-Up talks about youth's passion for participating in changing lifestyle through their fresh ideas in the digital company. In a way, some parts from this drama support the purpose, but just like another 'feel-good' drama, there is much more comfort zone portrayed in the story: the 'luckiness' and comfortable environment.

This drama's problem is that it feels confused about distributing the plot's ratio between romance and a slice of life about business and economic values. Also, maybe I can be too analytical and pessimistic, but the main character has convinced me it's a toxic relationship. The closure doesn't convince me otherwise enough.

I'll point one of the biggest reasons I think so. During the conflict with his father, Nam Dosan said that he doesn't want to be his trophy and pride, making him feel obligated to meet certain expectations. Clearly, what happened in their family is quite bad. No freedom for Dosan to think of himself since he won the Math Olympiad. However, he said the same line to Dalmi. The reason is that he feels good about Dalmi to boast about him? Why? Is it because he loves her? Doesn't he think it would turn out worse since family love and relationship one are different? Whoa, I am disappointed.

As for Han Jipyeong, I think he makes such a strong impression that everybody has second lead syndrome now. I don't know what to comment about him. I really think his relationship with Grandma is really precious and makes the drama heartwarming. Not everything is about money. I too, think, he is he rightful one to claim as Dalmi's love. However, most of the act in the present that comforts Dalmi at the moment is for Dosan so fair enough. Jipyeong would always be Dalmi's first love right?

I am glad I finished this actually, I think I would drop it. Thanks for this drama, I get more glimpse of business and I can't wait to start mine, maybe?

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1 people found this review helpful
Jul 31, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Best k-drama I've watched!

I am consistently captivated by the multifaceted elements of this drama, from its compelling characters and evocative soundtracks to its exquisite cinematography. The acting, storytelling, video shoots, and background music coalesce to create a truly perfect piece of art. Immense kudos to the entire team for bringing such a beautiful drama to life; I sincerely hope they produce another season!

No matter how many times I watch it, I never grow tired of it, which is a testament to its exceptional quality. Personally, the characters Han Ji Pyeong and Haemulni stand out to me the most; their impeccable acting draws me in every single time. This drama consistently hooks me, demonstrating its unparalleled brilliance.

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Ongoing 4/16
11 people found this review helpful
Oct 29, 2020
4 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.5
Beautiful episode to start with the actor & actress are fit to the role . Exciting to follow the next episode. The setting is great & the concept of the story . The music is fun to listen. Fun to watch with the family . The story give motivation for young entrepreneurs to start the business . Follow your dream make it happen just follow your instinct & mind & heart . Can’t wait for the new episode every Saturday @ Sunday .??? Goodluck to the show surely it make hits to younger generation
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Ongoing 4/16
13 people found this review helpful
Oct 27, 2020
4 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 5.5

*chefs kiss*

I loved it till now. I just can't stop watching it. I really thought it's gonna be something like other dramas where things would get boring episode by episode but it's getting better and better here. Its just perfect for me .
The bromance *chefs kiss*
The acting *chefs kiss*
The emotional ride *chefs kiss*
The thrill *chefs kiss*
What more do you want????
I like the relationship of the sisters and the's really Charming. I would love to see improvement in the elder sister...
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Start-Up (2020) poster



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