A love story woven by a loveless mistrust girl, Kaede Tamaki who works for a small video production company, and a mysterious young man Seishiro who is attracted by her . Satomi Oshima and Kentaro Hagiwara, who also teamed up for the currently released movie "30 Minutes to Sayonara", were responsible for the script and directing, respectively. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: あと3回、君に会える
- Also Known As: I can meet you three more times
- Screenwriter: Oshima Satomi
- Director: Hagiwara Kentaro
- Genres: Romance, Drama, Supernatural
Cast & Credits
- Yamamoto MizukiTamaki KaedeMain Role
- Maeda GordonMichibayashi SeishiroMain Role
- Kudo AsukaSawamura Koji [Kitchen car chef]Support Role
- Furukawa KotoneKawai Hana [Kaede's junior and assistant]Support Role
- Yoshiyuki KazukoTamaki Fujiko [Kaede's grandmother]Support Role
- Mitsuishi KenTamaki Kazushi [Kaede's father]Support Role

The story is pretty intriguing, although, it would have been nice if they had explained the whole number thing a little further. But, still, the romance had a nice pace and somehow we got to know each character, even though the length of the movie is a bit short. Still, the performances were really good from all the actors and actresses of the cast. And, the couple especially, had chemistry, which helped a lot with the love story. Now, for the ending, it was more 'realistic', even though I personally would have loved if the characters had fought against their destiny and didn't give in to it.
So, overall, seven out of ten.
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