It is truly unbelievable how come a relatively short movie about four person who knew little of each others sitting at the supporter stand (in a school-level high school tournament) can be this entertaining. For example, how things in the latter part of the movie can unravel through seemingly unassuming courses of action and how one can symphatize with all its characters despite such short duration. All of those are achieved by omitting the 'main action' itself, namely the baseball match, perhaps due to the fact it's adapted straight from a stage play (with the same title), as well as to let the audience concentrate on how things unfolding at the edge of the supporter's stand.
All of these factors make this movie so unique compared to all if not almost all youth-themed movies and series out there. And oh the acting is so good by non-dark human dramas standard, owing to the tight directing and excellent casting, of which the cast members are fresh newcomers.
I kid you not, this is not just a run-of-a-mill school-themed movie. If you are into youth-themed shows with unconventional plot and realistic acting the likes of Kirishima Bukatsu Yametteruto etc (although I found Alps Stand could be more acceptable to the masses compared to Kirishima due to its straightforwardness), this is right up your alley.
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