2013, Taipei, a gay couple who just moved in together are forced to separate because one of them has HIV... (Source: GagaOOLaLa) Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 新居入伙
- Also Known As: 同居 , Xin Ju Ru Huo
- Director: Tung Wei Ye
- Genres: Romance, Drama

This movie deserve multiple rewatch and an award for great story telling and acting.An amazing healthy relationship depicted there between the two characters.
No complex plot
No many cast (just the two leads)
But focus was on telling the truth(based on true life events) and delivering the message they are trying to pass across.
The acting and delivery from the two leads were so impeccable you would think they actually are in a real life relationship. The message was very well detailed and told
An amazing ending.
The support they gave each other was too amazing.
His fear for having to deal with his now reality and trying to run away from it made me feel so emotional I could sympathize with him and the depiction of them having to know each other's habit made their relationship a whole wholesome one.
The confession at the end was very beautiful and one that would give any queer person hope if they watch this.
Truly Amazing
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The plot of the film takes place in 2013, two years before this novel. Jim lives with Mike, who is from Malaysia, and subsequently everyone probably already knows what will happen.
Where the Taiwanese keep getting new and new actors .... very well acted, believable, natural, as if the two really lived together, only these two characters appear in the film ... and the ending (!)
V roce 2015 Taiwan schválil novelu zákona, že cizinci infikováni virem HIV a žijící na Taiwanu již nebudou deportováni pryč ze země.
Děj filmu se odehrává v r. 2013, dva roky před touto novelou. Jim žije s Mikem, který je z Malajsie a následně už asi všichni tuší, jaký bude děj.
Kde ti Taiwanci berou stále nové a nové herce .... moc hezky zahrané, uvěřitelné, přirozené, jako by ti dva spolu opravdu žili, ve filmu vystupují jen tyto dvě postavy ... a ten konec (!)
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