My first BL drama
This is my first BL drama & I love it.... <3. The chemistry between gong jun & Zhang Zhe Han is really spot on. Really like the interaction between Zhou Zi Shu (A Xu (AX)) & Wen Ke Xing (Lao wen (LW). I think this is the first time i wanna scream to my TV, "kiss kiss kiss..." in several scene. Haha. Because one thing for sure there will not gonna be kissing scene in this drama... :DWhat i like about costume kung fu drama like this is we can see how hypocritical people really are. In the end yeah sometimes the 'good people' is worse than the 'bad people'.
This is also, for me, the first drama that have so many secret within until there are many video explained about it in YouTube, I especially really like the explanation by 'Ty the Canasian'. Many hidden secret....
Really like the story & development of all the character here. Like ChineseDramaFan wrote, AX, LW & Zhang Cheng Ling (CL) 'When they meet, they become a family, watching out for each other.' They all have their own problem , but together they became family.
Ok lets talk about our cast.
- AX from indifferent people, who already doesn't care about everything else just wait for died, to finding someone that he care about.
- LW from full of hatred to be able to let go his ambition a little bit.
- CL from the naïve boy to find role model & be able to learn how to follow his heart.
- Cao Wei Ning (WN), really like how WN still a naïve man that really can keep his promise to AX
- Gu Xiang (AX) AX from 'the ghost' that only know about killing can learn what is love & touch by WN determination.
This drama makes me to like Gong Jun even more. So far I already watch him play as arrogant man (unique lady), quiet guy ( unrequired love) & in here he as flamboyant & flirty man. Really looking forward what character can he play next...
Ok. Let's talk about that soundtrack. Love some of the song, but there is some song that have annoyed voice for me, I guess that sang by Gong Jun, not love the voice ^_^.
Overall: like everybody write here & like I already write above, this drama really have many hidden secret. Because we know china is very strict with this kind of drama (BL drama). But this drama really good at hiding it so it can pass censorship. But yeah this one good drama with every cast have perfect chemistry with each other.
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Amazing drama! Loved it sooooooo much!
The first few episodes were just okay but then it suddenly got sooo much better. I loved the character development, the plot and the Music. Just everthing this drama had was excellent. Its definitely worth watching.First of all, the Opening song was a Masterpiece. When i now listen to it i get goose bumbs because it reminds me of all the stuff that happens in this drama.
Secondly, the character development really got me. The way the characters changed throughout the story was just beautiful to see.
And it was easy to feel with the characters and to understand their actions. I really love something like that in a story.
And even if the story started slow, when you look at it in the end it makes sense.
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Not That Kinda Cheap Movies
I have watched up to ep 8. Still pretty exciting to know what's gonna happen next. ZZH and GJ are pretty good in building the chemistry slowly. The CGI is very good and it's really my kinda genre. Fighting scenes and executed professionally and very high tech. I'm tempted to read the novel and compare it to the film adaption. Due to strict censorship in China, the producer might have worked really hard to maneuver the storyline to avoid getting censored. The female lead also very good looking, her acting is also very natural. GJ switched his emotion which we can notice from his facial expression. ZZH as always, stern and poise but in this show, he is more relax than his other series.Was this review helpful to you?
WOH is The best Wuxia ever
I love all about Word Of Honor .. love the story, acting, ost & I love the both actor Zhang Zhe Han & Gong Jun ❤️❤️ They are very handsome & talented. The best Wuxia ever !Though it's only 13 episodes I have watched until now but The story is very beautiful, and the actor Simon Gong's acting skill totally cool ! And his expressions ohh my God ! And when they flirting expression very cute .. There are a lot of fun elements. The audiance will eventually laugh and get along with it. Zhang Zehan acting as Zhou Zi Shu very good , he is cold but sometimes very cute.
I love this drama ! They are updating 1 episode per day with sub .. i almost die to wait ? hopefully everything goes well untill end of episode.
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could've been epic
1. a series like this would mainly be targeted towards male viewers.... there's kung fu... secret treasure manuscripts.... etc. why the F do these producers cast flower boys? who the hell would believe these skinny weak ass flower boys have any Kung Fu skills at all? 2 billion people in China and they can't find the new jet li's... Jacky chains.... Donnie yens?2. a guy will never ever never ever call another guy his "soul mate"...... I thought only Hollywood was injecting LGBTQ into every TV series
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Great drama and cast
Iam on ep 3 but already hook on it. The story line and the friendship between WKX and ZZS is very special. The way WKX looks at ZZS is just melting! ♥️Some very funny moments and serious talks between them.
Love how more characters of this drama are slowly introduced. The special effects are great too!
I rarely watch costume dramas but heard of the reviews and I have watched a couple of dramas by Gongjun and Zhang Zhehan so I was very curious. It def. didn’t disappoint!
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One of My Favorites!
I loved the acting, the action, and the storyline. The subtle romance of the main characters was a delight to watch. The development between the two isn't rushed or forced. I enjoyed not only watching their relationship grow, but the relationships among each of the connected characters. I am in the process of watching this series a second time. Not by intent, but as I was telling a cousinto definitelyadd this to their view list, I became excited all over again and just had to give a secon viewing.Was this review helpful to you?
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Unreliable review
This is likely an unreliable review as I only managed to get through two episodes. But the two episodes were enough for me personally.The initial scene was relatively intriguing but the actions of our main made no sense from the get-go. Let's say he slaughtered everyone because he was trying to be completely obedient to what he was asked to do. Yet he makes a scene about his regret, and then manages to leave the organization by doing self harm. If those he assassinated were really that important to him to begin with, couldn't he have just done exactly this to prevent himself from being a part of the murders? He makes another scene about how his self harm is part of his redemption, yet when the pain flares up, he does everything he can to ease the pain. Then the odd transition of wearing some mask to disguise himself so he can just drink his life away and be a bum... is pretty distasteful.
Insert the female who starts a fight with him, after an odd and awkward obsession to communicate with a bum. As if she's a two-year old who has never seen bums before. The fight causes damage to the carts of innocent bystanders, and they just prance off as if they are supposed to be respectable good folks. Insert again, some wealthy kid who also just coincidentally happens to be obsessed with befriending the bum out of nowhere after having met him for two seconds. Only for his family to be slaughtered later and this bum just decides to watch for a while until suddenly trying to step in at the last second to be a savior. Insert yet again, the male companion of the aforementioned female. The fight scene between the two is a dramatized dance rather than an actual fight.
Yea... no matter how good the costuming or background is. There's nothing that can redeem these details in only the first two episodes.
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Its too attractive
After watching the drama the Untamed I have never thought that I will like others bromance..instead of xiao zhan and wang yibo....I thought that they were too handsome and amusing actors...and I became very obsessed with The Untamed that I can not move on from this drama...but this drama is giving me untamed vibes...I am not comparing two of them...The Untamed is oviously masterpeace...No one could beat it..but this drama is also good..It is going to nailing all of us...I think all of you guys will enjoy this drama....this is also going to be a very high rating drama....and I think you will like the chemistry of the main leads?...So guys Lets enjoy it?Was this review helpful to you?
My Opinion
from the review word of honor , i know the drama story its good one, the cast its ok too, By the time i watch the trailer i just know this drama its not for me. i am not against the BL drama, Even though i know its a good drama story. Nevertheless its my own opinion even though the word of honor its a good drama . I wish this drama will have a high good rating. Good luck ????after watching 1 ep, my rate story 7,5, cast 5 music 3 rewatch 1. Its clear the story is good. But its nothing wrong if i score low in other aspect. Everyone have different taste and opinion.
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Une quête pour le "Graal" au milieu de nombreux complots & vengeances...
C’est un drama qui a assez bien fait parlé de lui de par le contexte similaire à « The Untamed » (J’ai vu pas mal de comparaisons entre eux) & de par l’auteur « Priest » auteur de notamment « Guardian ».J’avoue avoir été tentée par celui-ci pour ces deux raisons mais également de par la présence de « Simon Gong » que j’avais pu suivre dans « Advance Bravely ». [Je ne l’ai d’ailleurs encore jamais vu dans un autre contexte que BL (Même si la Chine censure x’D), il faudra donc que je m’essaie à d’autres thématiques ^^]
L’histoire est assez complexe et nous nous perdons parfois dans le vrai & le faux mais également dans le bien & le mal. Je m’explique : les deux héros ne peuvent pas réellement être considérés comme « bons », puisqu’ils sont la cause de nombreuses morts de façon directe ou détournée… (Vous me direz, dans un contexte historique, on pourrait souvent ressentir cette contradiction. Cependant, je la trouve bien plus présente dans « Word of Honor ». De fait, dans les premiers épisodes j’ai vraiment eu de mal à m’attacher aux héros, alors que j’étais captivée par l’histoire ^^)
Parlons des points clés de cette histoire :
• Une quête de vengeance : Ke Xing est le fils du célèbre « médecin Zhen ». Cependant sa famille a été chassée et puis assassinée… Alors qu’il n’est qu’un enfant, le roi des fantôme de l’époque décide de le gardé comme « animal de compagnie ». Il se développe alors dans une folie meurtrière jusqu’à avoir le pouvoir de la Vallée fantôme.
• L’alliance des « cinq lacs » : Il s’agit d’une alliance comprenant 5 grandes sectes, celles-ci dirigent le monde martial et imposent ses règles. Chacun des 5 « frères » possède un morceau de la clé de l’arsenal. (En sachant qu’en réalité, il y a 6 morceaux. Le dernier est entre les mains de Wen Ke Xing ^^ Il les aura quand même bien menés par le bout du nez x’D !)
• L’arsenal/armurerie : Il s’agit en réalité d’un endroit où toutes les techniques secrètes des différentes sectes ont été entreposées. On y trouve des parchemins interdit comme la Méthode de l’immortalité ou encore la Méthode du Yin Yang permettant de soigner toutes les maladies… (En gros, il s'agit d'une quête pour le "Graal" et comme toujours, cette quête ne mène qu'à la mort de millier de personnes... À croire que les gens n'apprennent jamais =D)
• Relation entre des protagonistes principaux : La relation est assez ambigüe (dû à la censure chinoise x’D), on comprend néanmoins que leur relation est bien plus que fraternel… D’autant plus qu’ils se considèrent comme des âmes sœurs. (Bromance/Romance la frontière est fort mince =D)
Le duo principal :
• Wen Ke Xing / Zhen Yan : Personnage des plus complexe… On a du mal à savoir ce qu’il pense réellement. Une grande partie de folie dirige ses émotions, elles sont donc rarement rationnelles. De plus, étant le « roi des fantômes », il fait preuve d’une grande cruauté & ne pense qu’à se venger… Il réalise de grands complots afin de détruire l’humanité. (Enfin, du moins, c’était son objectif de départ x’D)
• Zhou Zi Shu / Zhou Xu : Personnage torturé par ses actions passées. Il a perdu tout son entourage de par ses décisions… Voué à mourir car il s’est puni en s’infligeant le supplice des 7 clous… (Après avoir subi ce supplice, la personne n’a normalement plus beaucoup de temps à vivre…) Il finit par rencontrer Wen Ke Xing sans savoir sa réelle identité…
Parlons un peu de cette fin… (Que je qualifierai d’horrible x’D) :
J’avais lu plusieurs commentaires qui nous parlaient d’un changement brutale de cadence +/- à 10 épisodes de la fin, j’avoue ne l’avoir ressenti qu’à partir de l’épisode 35 (Oui oui, c’est-à-dire à 2 épisodes de la fin…) où se déroule trop évènements qui ne sont pas entièrement exploité :
• Attaque de la Vallée fantôme le jour du mariage de Gu Xiang (Je dois avouer que cette succession de scènes négatives alors qu’il ne restait plus que deux épisodes m’a quelque peu perturbé ^^)
o Mort de cette dernière avec son futur époux
o Anéantissement du top 10 des fantômes
o Récupération de la clé de l’Arsenal par le roi scorpion
• Le réveil de Ke Xing après la mort de Gu Xiang : Si on le voit venger la demoiselle avant de presqu’y perdre la vie, à son réveil, il ne se soucie que de Zi Zhu… (On voit que la fin est précipitée puisqu’on lui laisse même pas le temps de faire son deuil qu’on passe à autre chose…)
• Ouverture de l’Arsenal & découverte de la méthode martial d’immortalité :
o Le Roi Scorpion fini par avoir la clé de l’Arsenal et décide de s’y rendre avec Zhao Jing… Cependant, une avalanche se déclare et nous ne savons pas ce qu’ils sont devenus !
o La méthode martial pour l’immortalité : Nous ne savons pas grand-chose sur cette méthode sauf qu’à la fin du drama, Ke Xing décide de la pratiquer avec Zi Shu afin de le sauver… Sans dire à ce dernier qu’une personne doit y laisser sa vie… [Puisque le drama fini au 36ème épisode, nous ne savons pas ce qui se passe réellement si nous ne regardons pas l’épilogue. (Même si je sais qu’ils ont survécu tous les deux x’D !)]
En conclusion : C’est un drama que j’ai grandement apprécié. Cependant la fin à l’épisode 36 me laisse un goût amer. [Puisque je n’ai pas vu l’épilogue (disponible qu’en anglais & sous abonnement pour le moment), je ne peux savoir la finalité qu’en lisant le roman (chose que j’ai d’ailleurs commencé à faire =D)]
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