blurry sky
3 people found this review helpful
Jul 6, 2021
49 of 49 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 3.0

anything more than amazing

Awesome drama. first of all, production very high, CGI is top tier usually I wouldn't even notice the quality of CGI in Xianxia dramas but this really takes the cake. love the storyline I like that its relatively fast paced and the fighting scenes are awesome. Chemistry between actors gives off a strong unsaid feeling for each other which holds much more depth and emotion than spoken words. xk's acting really has the ability to show internal emotions hidden inside that based on a cold character like BaiJue is had to depict. You can really see the pain and love in his eyes and how he tries to keep them bottled inside. As for zdy, her acting is clean cut in a good way Idk how to better phrase it but its good.

However the depressing emotions doesn't really make me want to rewatch it. (personal preference tho) Its honestly a rare find. The storyline is similar to other Xianxia but has its little twists to it that make it much more interesting. it really riles up emotion from anyone watching it. And for once, the ML had an actual acceptable and logical reason for hiding the truth from the FL. people who hate it mostly did not give it a chance to showcase and just cancelled it immediately which is just illogical
(btw Im quite stringent on ratings so yea when I rate 8 and above its already very high)

I spoiled so many eps for myself yet still so hyped for the upcoming releases. especially ep 41 I watched the same scene multiple times on many different platforms yet cried so bad each time. When the actual episode came out, it was the most emotional and easily overwhelmed the small spoilers given out. This really shows the true extent of the show's execution of the story

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Jul 28, 2021
49 of 49 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5

Binge worthy drama

I had no expectations of this drama and began watching only because of xukai. Wasn’t particularly excited as I was familiar with Zhou dongyu and didn’t know how the drama will pan out with her as the female lead.

After finishing the drama, I agree that Zhou dongyu is indeed suitable for the role even though some scenes were a little “wooden”. Her crying scenes were heart wrenching, as well as xukai’s.

There was one part of the story (transitioning from first arc to second arc) that was a little confusing to me as they started introducing new names and new people, i almost dropped the show cause I was very confused but people, trust me, watch on. It’ll all be explained as the show goes.

Love the story plot, there’s happy, sad, anger and every other emotions there is to a xianxia show. There’s growth in the characters and the plot and it gets better and better every episode.

Love the cast, not just the leads but also the rest, like wuhuan, tianqi, jingjian etc. ESP jenny Zhang for her character as wuhuan, it’s full of depth and it’s just beautiful.

Music is on point and heart wrenching.

All in all, very nice drama to watch, I love the drama even more towards the end. seldom cry for drama but cried few times for this. Worth the watch and rewatch

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2 people found this review helpful
Jul 29, 2021
49 of 49 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0

Up there with Ten Miles of Peach Blossom and Ashes of Love

I made an account just to write a review to capture my thoughts on this drama. I casually picked this one up without any expectations and mostly only watched because of the main actors. Unlike many drama-only watchers, I have watched almost all of Zhou Dongyu's movies and had high expectations of her acting, though didn't know what to expect from her in this xianxia genre that she's never dabbled in before. I understand some netizens critique of her acting in the early episodes, though I think part of it is because the dubbing brought her overall delivery down a notch. Also, Zhou Dongyu's strength (imo) has always been melodrama - I don't think any actress can cry as convincingly as her - so the early episodes of a carefree female lead weren't her forte. I also don't feel like she has has the face for a wise, serious, all-powerful goddess so sometimes when she was acting fierce, I wasn't fully convinced. But the parts of the drama that really get you are the emotional and despairing moments of sacrifice and Zhou Dongyu really delivered where it counts. When you contrast those moments with how her character was in the start of the drama, you can really feel how the character has been changed by all that she had to endure.

As for Xu Kai, I've dabbled a bit in some of his other dramas, though never finished any aside from Yanxi Palace and my impression of him from that was that he has a nice face, but doesn't have too much range in his acting. I think I agree with netizens' initial critique of him as well in the early episodes, though after finishing I think part of it is because the character itself was supposed to be stoic in the beginning. As the story progressed, Xu Kai also opened up his acting range to match it. You could feel a difference in the way he presented himself as Qingmu vs Bai Jue. I still feel like he falls short compared to Zhou Dongyu on crying and melodrama scenes, but he does best when he has to portray helplessness and worry for the female lead (that gaze!!). As for other characters, my overall feeling is that all the actors really fell into their roles in the 2nd and 3rd parts of the drama. Overall, while I've seen better acting in the xianxia genre from leads, they delivered overall and the supporting actors also did a great job.

The storyline itself has all the usual tropes for xianxia, but the overarching story was unique and grandiose in its own way. Sacrifice is a big part of the story and the main angle with which the romance is displayed. I expected but was pleasantly surprised to find that the trope of revenge and misunderstandings not being a big part of the thing that kept our main leads separate. Our couple remained steadfast in their dedication to taking care of and loving each other since the moment they fell in love. I also loved that our main female lead was the strongest goddess, rather than being someone less important compared to the male lead in the politics of the gods. Although some reviews say they liked the complex character of Wu Huan, I felt like the villain was too single-minded in her determination. She explained her decisions/motivations via her (very cheesy) monologue/dialogues with her servant but it all felt too straight forward. There were so many reasons she could have felt conflicted or regretful of her actions, given her family and all the people who cared about her but it seemed like she was hell bent on being evil and self-justified no matter what.

Along the lines of the cheesiness of some of Wu Huan's dialogues, I didn't like the delivery of some parts of the plot which felt low effort. Like dialogues where one character (who should have already known the plan) asks another character why they did something in order for the character to explain their plan and thoughts to the audience. There are also some sad moments between the couple that lost their dramatic appeal because the same confrontation and walk away of disappointment repeats itself like three times. And then finally, as with all 40+ episode xianxia dramas there are a lot of extra small quests/plots/side character stories that take up time which you don't really need to watch to get the main story. I admittedly skipped around a lot of those, but that's just what I always do with these types of dramas (such as Ashes of Love).

In my opinion with the xianxia genre, what makes a show great is less so the details of the plot and delivery, but more so whether it made me feel a sense of having been transported to another dimension and time, having heard about some epic mythology of the past. The music, CGI quality, and overall production of the drama makes a big difference in whether you can really get into the xianxia world and then the acting and storyline carries through the rest. With Ancient Love Poetry, I truly feel an emptiness at the end about wrapping up this epic tale of the most powerful gods of the realms. I'm still listening to the OST and it instantly transports me back to the epic love that our lead characters have for each other. The only other xianxia that has made me feel this way have been Ten Miles of Peach Blossom and Ashes of Love. For this reason, I put this drama up there with the greatest in its genre. However, in actual production I think Ashes of Love was better and in plot delivery and actor chemistry Ten Miles of Peach Blossom was better. But the story of Ancient Love Poetry belongs up there as an epic tale comparable with the other great stories of this genre.

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Komentator isenk
2 people found this review helpful
Aug 4, 2021
49 of 49 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers
Sometimes I really wonder why Xinxia drama have to be this painful to watch...? Hoho... After so long not watching pure Xinxia drama, I decided to choose Ancient Love Poetry as my next drama to watch. And I really happy I've watch this drama. Although quite painful to watch, but this is really good drama.

There is some lack in this drama that for me actually quite critical, that's why I don't give this drama full score, the timeline and narration. Sometime I really confuse about their timeline, 1 week 1 year 100 year all of it sometimes there is no clear differences. Like when Hou Chi go to mountain for 100 year & when Bai Jue wake up, that's no clear timeline how much time actually already pass, we just know when Qing Mu write at first is 2 years apart, then we go blind about the time. And about the narration, I really like the ten miles of peach blossom narration at the first episode where they explained to us about Ancient God, fox clan, dragon clan and phoenix clan, we know for sure how important that clan in that drama. But here no explanation about Ancient God, true God or just ordinary God. Yeah2 I know there are some explanation within the dialogue, but still no narration.

The most painful in here is Hou Chi (HC). Her story is just pitiful & I think the most Bai Jue (BJ) owe is to her, although BJ also pitiful but his pitiful comes because his own choice of action.

What i like:
+ I really like the relationship between HC & Qing Mu (QM) then Shang Gu (SG) & BJ. HC & QM relationship is more honest & cheerful. I really have to give applause to Xu Kai, he really done good job portraying Bai Jue / Qing Mu, we can see difference face expression that differentiate them. I also quite like Zhou Dong Yu, even though she is not too beautiful but her aura when she's as SG, especially after she wakes up, is really something we can sense as someone who has authority.
+ Really like Yuan Qi, he is one naughty but smart young boy. He gets what best from his parent, his look & brain from BJ & his behavior like SG. He make everyone overwhelmed with him, even Zhi Yang after he wakes up. ^_^
+ The CGI here also quite beautiful, although sometimes we still can see they are quite rough. But still beautiful
+ In here also we can see the bigger the power the bigger the responsibility. Like SG who has ultimate power, within her power comes the responsibility to bear the greatest trial in the universe.
+ love the relationship between Feng Ran (FR) & Jing Jian (JJ) . Their relationship is a though one. The choice between grudge that FR has toward JJ family, and her feeling toward JJ itself. Although we don't really get the struggle feeling in FR heart, but we know it's there. Really love that JJ is the most sane & kind one in his family even until the last time he really can differentiate the right & wrong by his heart.

With all the plus here comes the negative about this drama. except the one I already mention above:
Some action really plainly stupid or beyond explanation.
- Like we know Wu Huan don't want SG to wake up, but when Gu Jun transfer her power back, she did nothing to stop it just plainly watch it & after that she just want kill her.
- After HC gave birth & she return to her place & live peacefully as SG until she wakes up with Tian Qi (TQ), who at that time condemn by everyone as the greatest villain, logically everyone supposed to storm to their place to capture TQ. How can they live peacefully.... ? Is BJ protect them... Isn't at that time he try to separate himself from them...?! See... No explanation here too...

With all the (+) & (-) this drama have. I still think this drama really worth to watch. This is the first Xinxia drama that wanna make me scream for special episode... ^_^

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2 people found this review helpful
Jan 13, 2024
49 of 49 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Best xianxia drama ever

One of my fave xianxia ever. At first really not that interested and felt like dropping it but im so thankful of my patience and stayed till the end cause now i cant get over on this drama. I also went to read the novel thank you to blizzardahm for translating almpst half of the novel thankyou from the bottom of my heart. Novel and the drama were both amazing tho there's a huge difference since on novel its much cruel and more angst than the drama. I also love zhou dongyu acting and xu kai and also tianqi. I love every character of this drama the ending is a bit dissapointing cause we dont get the moment we wanted the most shanggu and baijue getting married. I wish they had put on the drama on the part of the novel where bai jue died and it shows how depressed shanggu became. Anyways couldnt add anything more this will always remain my favorite no matter what.

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2 people found this review helpful
Sep 1, 2021
49 of 49 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.5
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New Fav XianXia drama - Pacing/Plot, Acting, Characters


I am pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoy this drama and it has become my favorite xianxia to date after watching "Ashes of Love", "10 Miles Peach Blossoms", "Love and Destiny" and "Love and Redemption". I do not share the opinion with many netizens that FL is not suitable for this role. I think her petite size actually fits her role as a god-in-training for most of the drama, and not THE powerful god yet. The drama is from the same director as "Love and Redemption" so you see some of the same actors in this drama as well.

Things I Like:
1. Pacing/Plot - I was worried that the pacing of the drama would be slow and I would be bored towards the middle. But no, I am entertained and held my attention throughout the 49 episodes. I am also happy to know that this drama differs from others that there are no trials in the mortal realm, like most of them. Yes, it does have similar tropes/plots such as amnesia, evil villains from the Ghost and Heavenly realms, one-sided obsession love. I enjoy the story is kept within the heaven/god realms. However, nothing is over-the-top. The story develops well and continues to get better as the drama goes. The pacing and the plot are what propelled me to give this a 9 rating.

2. Acting/Characters - I enjoy all the characters in this drama, including the supporting cast. We don't have naïve/innocent spoiled brats, or cartoonish villains. All the characters are smart in their own ways and don't make out-of-character dumb decisions. I enjoy seeing contrasting personalities of ML and FL in the two story arcs. Acting is great all around. I watch this mainly for Xu Kai and he doesn't disappoint. He's a little "bland" in the beginning before we see his character's real personality and character development. I love his eyes... those big eyes speak to me when he's in pain and I cry my eyes out for him as Qing Mu. I also love Liu Xue Yi as Tiang Qi as the 2nd ML. He got to have more dramas as ML where he gets the girl (he does in "Qing Luo" but it's not a great drama).

3. CGI/Costumes - This is a beautiful drama. The costumes are beautiful along with the head pieces of the ladies. However, as much as I love these costumes, I wish there are more colors (even pastel colors). They seem a little too "white", but beautiful nonetheless. The CGI is really good. I love the purple power of Jing Yuan and the black evil power.

Things I don't like or am lukewarm about:
1. Chemistry of the leads - I feel that both ML and FL acted well, but when the two of them are put together, I don't feel the romantic chemistry as much as I've seen in other dramas. This is probably a personal taste. They are both great actors.

2. Confusing start of 2nd arc - The transition from the first arc to the second arc is a little too fast and too much. I feel that many characters are introduced in the beginning before I can figure out what happened after 60k years.

3. I want to know more about the relationships/love triangle between Gun Jun, King and Queen. Why did the queen leave Gun Jun? Really because of him traveling too much? Or there's something more to it. I am more interested in this love triangle than the romance between 9-tailed fox and Sen Yu.

Overall, I strongly recommend this drama if you enjoy xianxia dramas and are fans of the actors/actresses. The pacing is better than other xianxia dramas.

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2 people found this review helpful
Jan 15, 2022
49 of 49 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 4.0

Not that good, not that bad

okey, here is what is funny

I was so curious about the posters, and the story and the cast and since my first time to see Zhou Dong Yu in a drama, I already watched few of XU Kai's drams like the Legends , AMA , FINYS , and so I watched few first episodes and decide to watch it when it finish airing, anw until few days to finish it I make some time .

Nevertheless the very unsatisfying the xu kai's hairstyle in the drama, that dude look so cute with long hair, I was so shocked how good the scenery scenes , the cinematography, the music , the story was more or less all about tribulations, fights, evil and good , demon gods and true gods ... The point is whatever u r good or bad , whatever u pass tributions, or doing deeds , you life is depends on the writer and how he will be cursed if you are dead .
The very first 10-15 first episodes were good to see despite the foolish attitude of FL and her adventures, the very next was a full chaos for me .

I thought but the end they will show results but in the end , she was just stabbing him, poisoning him ,a dn he will not stop loving her , because that should be the root of the whole drama , shoutout to Xu FENG from Love and Redemption who suffers more than him but still keep the love untouched LOL

The second couples were cute apart in the end , the wuxi should so her part of job, I won't spoil any more for the one who didn't watch it yet

That was my personal opinion about Ancient Poetry Love

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2 people found this review helpful
Dec 31, 2023
49 of 49 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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MY fav drama of all time ...

This is my first xianxia drama and after watching this i fall in love with this genre ..I’m probably not lying if I call the Xianxia genre my soulmate. I am a sucker for this beautiful genre, and Ancient Love Poetry is a must-watch if you enjoyed/loved the previous famous Xianxias. The drama brings you into a world of magic and beauty that makes it terribly hard for you to take your eyes offscreen.
The whole cast are really great in showing their emotions , i can 't even tell how much i cry while watching this ...after this drama Xu kai become my fav actor ...and zhou dong yu really played her role very elegantly , from cute and carefree to a mature chief god who sacrifices herself , then again from helpless character to most powerful character shanggu ...

OSTs of this drama are like a strawberry on a big cake ...every ost is literally pleasant to hear .

Ancient Love Poetry’s production is such a gem . The production is simply gorgeous, and the drama’s high budget certainly paid off and was used to its full potential. The costumes look simple with its light pastel colors, but with its simplicity comes a wave of freshness and slight joy. The drama’s CGI is not a joke, either. Each strand of magic and spell is carefully produced to the most believable extent, providing a most magical experience for the audience. Each realm in the drama also gives off special vibes.
i wish i can see more of xianxia like this ...
It is still quite hard to believe that Ancient Love Poetry might have just become my favorite Cdrama of all time. The title of Xianxia of 2021 is most fitting for this drama, if not enough.

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Ongoing 29/49
6 people found this review helpful
Jun 27, 2021
29 of 49 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Objection to Paid Antagonists who unfairly target great dramas

As an American viewer of Chinese Dramas since 2019, this series is on track to be ranked among the greatest based on theme, acting, and plot. Plot well designed. Actors adhere to designed scripts beautifully. CTG is excellent for this type of budgeted series. Recent criticism by paid antagonist to lower the raising without even watching the series is UNFOUNDED. I seriously encourage every independent thinker and true critic of Chinese Dramas to watch it in its entirety and rank this series as a 9.0 or better as originally scored before paid antagonist weighed in.

Great watch!!!!

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1 people found this review helpful
Jul 2, 2021
49 of 49 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

At Least Watch Until Ep 4

The VFX is really good. I think it's the best of every c-drama I've ever watched. The cast are also awesome. Xu Kai looks handsome as ever here. To be honest at the start I feel that Zhou Dong yu is not beautiful enough as she played as the most beautiful goddess in here however after watching for 3 episodes in I feel like she is cute and quite lovely and she is such a good actress with myriad of expressions. In addition because the vfx is really good as I mentioned before and a solid plot I totally recommend this drama.

Edit: I really love this drama. Now that I have watched until the end. This drama is really good. The plot is all intertwined together. If you like fated love and unyielding love that can overcome everything, you should watch this drama!!! And of course there is the added bonus of the star-studded cast. All the actors and actresses is really beautiful. Most especially Xu Kai!!! I cannot take my eyes from him!!! His act as Bai Jue is really good, I can feel the emotion from his eyes. There is a couple of scene where his eyes just get watery but the tears won't leave his eyes, that kind of feeling, really just got into your heart. *sigh*. Anyway, rest assured, he will get HEA.

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1 people found this review helpful
Sep 16, 2023
49 of 49 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.0

Like a real folklore tale filled with romance, emotional scenes and epic magic battles

I decided to watch this drama because the sequel "The Last Immortal" will be airing soon. This drama tells the love story between two Gods who go through many hardships and work together to protect the realms from the war between the immortals and demons. The story is about Gods and takes place in the God & Immortal Realms. These realms always felt very real. The characters felt real. And at the same time, the story felt like a real folklore tale or what some might call an ancient love poetry.

- Emotional scenes HIT YOU HARD. One of the best emotional-romantic scenes I’ve ever watched in a xianxia.
- Amazing acting from the whole cast. Especially the acting during the emotional scenes which brought me to tears multiple-times.
- Very well developed characters, and I especially loved the strong female lead.
- Engaging story with multiple layers.
- Romance is always the main focus. Even though there are lots of side characters, the main leads are always at the forefront.
- Many God/Immortal realm battles.
- CGI is great. Costumes are nice. Set designs are beautiful, especially the God Realm.
- Absolutely loved the second male lead (the second male lead syndrome was very strong here).

- Lots of screen time is given to side characters (no wonder the drama is so long). At first I found it annoying but later I got to enjoy the screen time of the characters I loved. Even though all the side characters connected well with the main leads, I still found myself fast forwarding some scenes of the characters I didn't like.
- Certain episodes made the drama feel dragged out. Even though there are always things happening, the plot doesn't always move forward. Sometimes I felt that episodes were fillers and if certain things didn't happen, it wouldn't have made a difference in the plot.
- Lack of kiss scenes. I’m trying to remember if they even had kisses. Maybe one or two max but for such a long series I would have liked to see at least a few more.
- Sometimes I wanted to see more passionate intensity between the leads. I felt they loved each other deeply but that sparkling fire felt a bit like it was missing.
- Wigs of some of the characters were not visually appealing.

The drama tells the three lifetimes of the main leads:

First life, episodes 1-16:
This can be seen as the prologue of the story. It starts slow but still engages you. For me, after episode 12 it really picks up the story and it has an epic god realm battle in the end. Male lead is a typical cold and stoic character and the female lead is a spoiled princess type. At first glance this arc is nothing too exciting however I feel like I got to truly appreciate it, only after I watched the second life as you see all the parallels later. So in terms of story and character development, it's a very important arc to watch.

Second life, episodes 17-42:
This life is the longest and what the drama mostly focuses on. Instead of Gods, both main leads are only Immortals. Male lead is less confident which makes him more human and relatable. He is warm, affectionate, insecure but also protective, strong and loyal, so a very green flag leads. Female lead is more mature. Compared to her first life where she mostly cared about choosing pretty dresses, this version of her is serious about her cultivation and studies. She is strong-willed and less romantic. Side characters are well developed here so you learn to appreciate them as the story progresses. There is a second couple in the story too. For this arc, I felt episodes 33-38 were draggy as nothing much happened in terms of progressing the plot forward.

Third life, episodes 43-49:
This life is a mix of the first and second. Without spoiling anything, all I can say is that I loved almost everything about it. There were some boring scenes of the side characters but the scenes with the main leads were really good. I have mixed feelings about the ending. I understand it but at the same time I almost feel it wasn't that greatly executed.

If you want to watch a high fantasy (xianxia) drama that has a strong female lead, with many epic magical battles, emotional scenes that hit you hard and a love story between two immortals, this drama is for you.

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Li Chen Xing
1 people found this review helpful
Mar 20, 2022
49 of 49 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0


If you're unsure to watch this drama or not, just give it a shot. Don't mind some comments that said the main actress is ugly and the main male character doesn't have any emotions. This drama is a bit slow paced at first, but i swear it just gets better and better every time i watched it. The story is great and full of rollercoaster emotions, the chemistry of all the casts are just astronomical, and the ost are just as amazing. I personally think that this is the best xianxia drama that i have ever watched, given the cgi of this drama is just on another level.
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