Different stories happening in Bangkok during the COVID-19 quarantine. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: กักตัว Stories
- Also Known As: Kak Tua Stories
- Screenwriter & Director: Ping Kriangkrai Vachiratamporn, Ud Awat Ratanapintha, Moo Chayanop Boonprakob, Claire Jirassaya Wongsutin, Kuyteav Jatuphong Rungrueangdechaphat, Wan Wanwaew Hongvivatana, Cook Tanida Hantaweewatana, Meen Tossaphon Riantong, Waew Waewwan Hongvivatana, Seua Pichaya Jarasboonpracha
- Screenwriter: Lee Jiraporn Saelee
- Genres: Romance, Life, Drama, Family
Where to Watch Quarantine Stories
Free (sub)
Cast & Credits
- Oab Oabnithi WiwattanawarangNeung (Ep. 1)Main Role
- Ton Tonhon TantivejakulSong (Ep. 1)Main Role
- Belle Kemisara PaladeshToey (Ep. 2)Main Role
- Pat Chayanit ChansangavejFame (Ep. 2)Main Role
- Maiake Kandis WanaroonAmmy (Ep. 2)Main Role
- Toptap Napat ChokejindachaiKulawit (Ep. 3)Main Role

Since its exploration of human behaviour is grounded in familiar themes, there's something for almost everyone here: romance (heterosexual and homosexual), horror, comedy, family and friendship. The cast is all great—even with the limited timeframe, you'll come to love the characters as if you know them in real life—and the smart production knows how to sell each event that unfolds.
Even if you only watch these few episodes, they hopefully won't be a waste of your time:
1. Day 10 (Ep. 4) - The only one to tackle its theme in an offline state, featuring a feel-good story about the beauty of human connection.
2. Because We Know You Still Have to Leave The House (Ep. 6) and Mother Distancing (Ep. 7) - These two aren't related, but both tackle the anxiety children face over their parents possibly contacting the virus, so having them back-to-back feels crucial to me.
3. Talk2DaHand (Ep. 3) - The shortest of the bunch and the one that owes itself the most to the weird state of communication in a COVID world. This one has an excellent punchline that stays with you long after you've first witnessed it.
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Director Kriangkrai Vachiratamporn - who has directing, writing, or production credits on the Hormones trilogy, ThirTEEN Terrors, and Project S: The Series - does an excellent job of producing a series under challenging circumstances. The storylines for each of the episodes are done well and the acting is solid as he enlists familiar veteran faces from the three other projects that he’s worked on in the past. Since each film is unrelated, it doesn’t matter which episode you watch first. Their short run times, simple storylines, and solid veteran acting make them easy and enjoyable to watch, Take the time.
My top Five Episodes. I don’t want to do a spoiler to explain more so just the titles.
1. Episode 6 - Close Friend
2. Episode 8 - Mother Distancing
3. Episode 10 - What Happened Last Night
4. Episode 5 - Pumpkin
5. Episode 2 - Lovers on the Street
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