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Dec 24, 2023
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

my fav drama of all time

excuse me WHY ARE THERE ONLY 6 EPISODES. you do not know how many times i cried because of the drama, and the fact that this is so short. funny story actually, i started watching this at the dentist because they have a tv on the wall of their waiting area, and i was scrolling through netflix (u gotta take advantage of the free netflix yk) and my mum said that this was a recent release, so i started watching it. boy i was OBSESSED. after my dentist appointment, i went home and watched all 6 episodes back to back. this was also the beginning of my ji chang wook phase oh no. anyway, because of this stunning cast, beautiful story and THE MUSIC AND OST. ive already rewatched this drama so many times and i still get so entranced. and because of this i give this a 10. my favourite drama ive ever watched!

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Nov 10, 2023
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10


I never got bored once while watching this movie.
Despite being a musical (which I honestly sometimes hate bc the singing and dancing is unnecessary and out of nowhere), the music was introduced in parts that actually made sense!
The actors are top tier.
I read the manhwa years ago, and the way they brought this to life exceeded my expectations!!

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Jun 7, 2022
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

When Ah yi said, "since when this world has become a place where even dreams have to meet a standard

? I am so glad I watched this because it made realize many things.
This drama comforted me in so many ways.
It will always be in my heart❤️
When Ah yi said, "since when this world has become a place where even dreams have meet a standard".
This really hit hard?
?The society which forces you to become mature and be an adult as soon as you hit 18....
I'm so proud of myself that I watched this drama. I relate many things in the drama, like parents choosing careers of their children without giving importance to their dream.
Although I don't have any dream I believe the road my parents paved for me would be a successful one..

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Aug 20, 2023
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10



I read the manhwa but it was left incomplete. How can a 6 episode show make me cry?

This show portrays how students are pressured by parents to compete in the education area. How parents leave their kids to suffer alone. How a child grows from these circumstances. Coping, sufferening mentally and emotionally all were displayed.

And how magic (upto one how they view it) can save you from this evil hole.

JCW nailed the character. An OP actor. One of my favourites.
The FL was absolute. It felt like she was actually living in that situation in real life.
HIY is 30 amd looked like an 18 year-old school boy...?... Are you kidding? Well his role as a student was very similar to JCW's school character. But this was HIY' had an upper hand cause JCW came to rescue. No one did it for him. He chose that path for himself.

The OST's were out of the world. I have them saved in my Spotify playlist.

Damn! this drama. I am in love. I am crying

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Jun 10, 2024
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

do you.. believe... IN ✨MAGIC✨ ?

it is the most beautiful coming-of-age show I have ever watched and I feel like it portrays that feeling of having to fit into societal norms out of fear of becoming a failure really well and oh god it was the most beautiful thibg ever i enjoyed every single part of it and the eye candy is amazing too Ji Chang Wook looking absolutely gorgeous and everything about this show is just truly amazing and really brings out the little bit of magic left in this world

read this review in parts, read it as you watch each episode because I will be probably screaming the exact same things y'all are so let's be happy together.

episode 1:

I just finished the first episode and I can safely say I fell in love with Ji Chang Wook all over again. how does this man do it?! i would never in my life believe this man was 35 when he shot this show because he is the most beautiful, adorkable person I have ever seen on television.

that said, the first episode was the most beautiful pilot episode I have seen in- possibly ever. i fell in love with the show just by that one episode. i swear it's been a very long time since I felt this interested in a show.

i started this show, obviously, because Ji Chang Wook and Hwang In Yeop eop were acting in it and I was so far not disappointed at all they are both there, they both look ✨ gorgeous ✨ and I am so wonderfully wonderfully impressed by the whole thing, the whole aesthetic of the show just leaves so much room for magic and wonder and- ohmygod look I'm rambling about just watching one episode, I'll update y'all on how it goes but I'm telling you now it looks amazing and you should definitely watch it without a doubt

episode 2:
can someone explain to me wtf just happened??? i mean i- Hwang In Yeop!! i was honestly really happy that Hwang In Yeop was in the cast, like when I first heard of the show i didn't know it was him but then when I started the show i found out it was MY DEARLY BELOVED SEOJUN who was acting in it I was really really happy. BUT I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT CLIFFHANGER IN THE END WTF WAS THAT BRUAH!!!!! NOO WHY YOU DO THAT!!! I LIKED YOU!!! YOU STOOD UP FOR HER! WHY WOULD YOU-

episode 3:
okay so I said this in the first episode and I say it again, Ji Chang Wook is the best person ever to play this character, I mean he is able to do this so well, on moment he is this adorkable person and the next he has that wicked gleam in his eyes that is a 100% necessity with these type of ringmaster/magician type of roles and like, Hwang In Yeop is the cutest little, itty-bitty thing and we love him to bits, he is a little shi, but we can fix him, he's golden at heart so we keep hope in him, I love them all so so so much.

episode 4:
umm... wow. like, one moment he's the cutest most wonderful thing we have ever seen and then one second he's raving mad and possibly a murderer, but like the music is to die for, the music is absolutely splediferous and I can't get enough of it so shout out to the composer because the music is ✨ amazing ✨ and I love how wonderfully Hwang in Yeop is able to portray the conflict he feels between the dream his parents have for him and his own dream that he wants to follow. I have to say, that scene where Ah-yi goes to see her past self really made me tear up, it was just so wonderfully written I don't want to believe the magician is a bad guy

Episode 5:
Uhm. What- i mean- why-. Okay let's try to start from the top, Ji Chang Wook is starting to turn into a creep, ummm.... The magic that we all really seriously believed is all starting to turn into a lie, i- I have to say I was honestly honestly heartbroken, like i could feel my heart crumbling when I saw the vanishing trick revealed and- uhmm... I am actually really really proud of il deung for trying to break out of the asphalt road paved by his parents and trying to break out of the norms set by society so yeah, I'm seriously rooting for him but like- my heart cannot take this magic disappearing little by little.

Episode 6:
thankshin... masureul.... misimika? HAHAHAHASHRGHDGGRB I LOVED IT SO MUCHHHHH!!!! I CAN'T USE WORDS TO EXPLAIN HOW MUCH I LOVED IT ? IT WAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL LAST EPISODE EVER !!! I can't believe how easily i believed in him, I was like Ah Yi, so quick to believe there was even a little bit of real magic left in this world, it was like reading Peter Pan all over again. i am so so so so happy I started this show and to everyone who sees this review please please please go watch it, the magic ? ✨ the magic is everything!!!!

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Jan 17, 2023
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

It's extremely difficult to rate this drama.

Strong points that I loved:

- Good actors (all of them.)
- The FX are magnificent
- Colours, contrasts, saturation: the photography of the film
- The costumes
- The moral: you have to keep dreaming even when if you are an adult
- The objective: to denounce school bullying


- Sometimes a bit long for really futile things
- The ending is a bit too open for my taste and doesn't explain a quarter of the drama.

Good drama but not the best.
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May 26, 2022
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 1.0

Luckly it's only 6 episodes

Firstly, i always have doubts when it comes to adapting a webtoon. In this particular case, the task is even more difficult since the plot is not easy to follow and the drawing had a particular esthic. I still gave it a chance...

How do you justify turning the story into a musical ?!?! I think it really turned me away from the plot.
There are many ways turn on the magic without putting music into it . Otherwise we could have called disney.
The signing is fine but whimsycal doesn't equal musical.

The plot roughly flollow the webtoon but i think that the personality of the female lead is not what the autor intended. She's ways to much naive/amazed/.. I think she wasn't very likeable

Rearding the cast, the acting is fine. BUT you need to stop asking >25years old to play highschooler it is impossible to believe (especially de FM).

It only last 6 episodes and that was quite enough for me.
You can still give it a try but don't forget to check out the webtoon.

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May 12, 2022
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

Você acredita em magia?

Eu preciso dizer que estou MUITO feliz. Eles adaptaram tão bem o drama que ficou melhor que o webtoon. Foi tão fiel, consegui entender tudo, as cenas, a cenografia. A escolha dos atores foi perfeita. O chang wook interpretou o nosso mágico tão bem! Eu tô sem palavras, esse final deles cantando foi o mais especial pra mim. Eu realmente fiquei com receio de ser um drama musical mas agora me sinto tão feliz. A energia combinou tão bem. A magia e a fantasia e a música fazem um som. Foi incrível. Parabéns demais. Eles conseguiram fazer um trabalho incrível!!! Eu nem tenho o que dizer. Eu realmente tô emocionada.

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3 people found this review helpful
May 9, 2022
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.5

Você acredita em magica?

Não sou muito fã de musicais, e um gênero que não me agrada, porém resolvi dar uma chance e esse dorama...

E para a minha supressa fiquei super envolvida na trama já nos primeiros minutos.

Confesso que os atores ajudaram e muito para que isso ocorrer (e o que comentar das vozes deles !?!? simplesmente incrível), porém a história me prendeu também.
Acredito que a mensagem que eles queriam passar, realmente foi transmitida, demos repensar nosso modo de agir, julgar e principalmente de viver, devemos acreditar mais na possibilidade de tudo der certo se acreditamos mais.

Só senti falta de mais um episódio ou alguns minutos a mais para mostrar o enceramento dos demais personagens...

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1 people found this review helpful
Jul 15, 2022
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5

credere nella magia è quello che conta

Ho iniziato questo drama in un periodo dove non sto molto bene mentalmente, sono triste e non ho voglia di fare nulla, infatti sono riuscita a vedere come massimo un ep al giorno data la mia instabilità mentale.
Sinceramente mi pento di averlo iniziato in questo periodo perchè non ho potuto godermelo bene, mi sento un pò giù di morale al riguardo, non è una delle scelte migliori se non la peggiore proprio, vabbè l'importante è che alla fine sono comunque riuscita a sentire dei sentimenti forti riguardo ciò che ho visto.
Questo drama è pura magia, in tutti i sensi, è una ventata fresca di tranquillità e belle parole, è servito molto sentire ciò che dicevano, mi sento più capita.
Mi spaventa il futuro e non ho sogni, la mia paura più grande è il fare scelte che mi condanneranno a una vita disastrosa e sono sicura di averne già fatte tante (come lasciare danza e scegliere il liceo delle scienze umane solo perchè non avevo altre opzioni), la mia vita già è un disastro e non penso di essere abbastanza ma alla fine ho capito che comunque anche se non ho sogni posso ugualmente diventare qualcuno di cui gli altri possano fidarsi e di cui io stessa possa essere fiera, basta essere se stessi e anche se adesso mi sento in un vicolo vuoto, so che un giorno apparirà una via che mi porterà verso la felicità…non so quando verrà, spero presto, devo solo tenere duro e non arrendermi mai, ce la posso fare…tutti ce la possono fare.
In generale la trama è molto carina, i personaggi raccontano una storia leggera ma che allo stesso tempo da un insegnamento profondo, viene tutto spiegato in maniera facile e carina.
Il mago è veramente una brava persona, anche se lo hanno incolpato più volte per omicidi e robe varie, non ho mai creduto fosse tutto vero, ho sempre sperato che non lo fosse perchè si vede che il mago è una brava persona che ha aiutato due ragazzi, gli unici che hanno creduto in lui nonostante tutto.
Mi piace come questo drama sembri un vero e proprio musical (non so se lo è veramente), il loro cantare parole stupende con le loro fantastiche voci…mi ha fatto veramente piacere.
La storia era un casino ma alla fine tutto si è risolto al meglio, la vita passata del mago è dolorante, infatti dovremmo prendere un pò esempio da lui per il suo essere riuscito a rinascere come un fiore ancora più splendente di prima.
Non ho detto molto ma il mio stare male non mi porta a voler scrivere molto quindi chiudo con una semplice domanda: “Dimmi, tu credi nella magia?”.

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1 people found this review helpful
Jul 20, 2022
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10


Decir que me encantó se queda muy corto.

Antes que nada sus canciones son maravillosas, la estética, los actores lo han hecho genial y es una historia tan pero tan adictiva que no he podido parar de verla.

Me ha gustado cómo ha hablado de la sociedad, todo lo que nos impone para llegar a ser un adulto de provecho. Realmente no nos dan muchos caminos. Siempre tenemos que ir a lo mismo y aunque te salga “rentable” económicamente tampoco está mal hacer lo que te gusta, al igual que haces lo que no te gusta.

Siempre tenemos que tener nuestro lado infantil, ser quienes queremos ser, soñar aunque lo veas imposible.

Me ha encantado varías frases del drama que si fuera un libro la mitad estaría marcado con post-it.

Es de esas historias que se te meten en el corazón y de ahí no saldrá jamás.

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Jun 16, 2022
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
"The Sound of Magic" é sobre três pessoas presas em diferentes fases da vida esperando por aceitação e a esperança de seguir em frente.

No primeiro momento a história foca na protagonista feminina, mas depois do meio pro fim foca também nos protagonistas masculinos, e a forma como as histórias deles se entrelaçavam me surpreendeu.

E como a coreia não decepciona, teve um plot twist bem legal.

Sobre as músicas, as letras foram bem marcantes e algumas até profundas.

Porém não sou tão fã assim de produções nesse estilo, mas com certeza se eu fosse esse teria se tornado um dos meus favoritos apesar de ter terminado com algumas perguntas na cabeça, principalmente sobre onde foi parar o mágico.

Mas apesar do final meio assim, é um drama que vale a pena ser assistido, a história é boa, a fotografia nos encanta.

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The Sound of Magic (2022) poster



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