1 people found this review helpful
Mar 2, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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So relatable!

I simply loved this drama because it was so relatable. In other words, I could relate to both FL and ML as well as many of the other characters. Theirs were real situations and real reactions. We didn't have any tripping and falling into ML's arms or accidental kisses that frankly, never happen in real life. (If you have experienced or know someone who's experienced an accidental kiss by falling on top of each other, I apologize, but it's practically impossible without at least getting a bloody lip.) The romance was the slow burn kind and wasn't a bunch of hearts and flowers and unicorns. It was a mature meeting of souls and hearts, common to what you'd experience in real life. That's why the first word I'd use to describe this drama is relatable. The situations you're going to witness could happen in real life.

I could see myself in FL – reserved, awkward around so many boisterous people, liking the finer things of life, unintentionally snobbish. I liked how the drama allowed her to have flaws, some of which were unpleasant but common. She was difficult to like at the beginning because of her city snobbiness. Even ML wavered back and forth between like and dislike. However, the viewer accepts her with her flaws just like the townspeople accept her. The only thing I didn't like about her was how she turned much too cutesy once she and ML were a couple. It was overdone in my opinion. The only thing she didn't do was pout like Chinese FLs. ML fell in love with you when you acted like a mature woman; why would he want you to suddenly turn into a little girl?

As for ML, I could understand his fear of allowing himself to love again, having lost so many loved ones in his life. I mean, heck, is this guy cursed or something? He lost far too many people – couldn’t they have spared him losing Gam-Ri as well? But, I guess, the writer felt we needed to experience all of life in this small town by the sea. It was amusing how ML basically could do everything – but dance. He had certificates for everything, a true jack of all trades, and I honestly felt there was no reason to change his preference for part time jobs and simplistic living. He wasn’t unemployed; he just made his living doing whatever was available, and by keeping his living simple, he didn’t need a lot of money. Not everyone defines life by a successful career. Some prefer a simple, peaceful life based on relationships. I liked how this drama didn't feel the need to turn Du-Sik into a man defined by his material wealth or professional ambition. I wish I were as brave as him. Seems like an idyllic life to me. And it was heart-warming in episode 15 how the town people had a hard time coping with their businesses when he secluded himself. It was also great how he and his love rival (Seong-Hyun) became good friends. A nice bromance.

Now, I'd like to comment on responsibility and blame. Du-Sik had a guilt complex. He blamed himself for everything. For example, he blamed himself for his grandfather’s death because he was out playing soccer when grandpa had a heart attack. Then he blamed himself for what happened during those 5 years in Seoul, which was not his fault at all. He was only coincidently involved because it was his job yet he received the blame (and accepted it) from the grieving family members. Why do these family members always have to find someone to blame rather than the person who’s really responsible? Gun-ho’s son viciously attacked ML, repeatedly calling him a bastard, yet the father (Gun-ho) was ultimately to blame for making the decision to invest in risky funds and then his attempted suicide. It wasn’t ML’s fault that the market crashed. He was even less to blame for his friend’s death yet the widow went off on him at the funeral. This blame game that relatives engaged in needs to stop in Korea and elsewhere. Sometimes crap happens, and nobody is directly to blame for it. It's just life. I was so angry at how Du-Sik was treated by these two families and even angrier when he willingly accepted the blame.

Poor Seong-Hyun – he should have confessed to FL back in university since she had a crush on him at the time. I really feel bad for these male love rivals who hesitate and then end up losing the girl. Seong-Hyun was a real sweetie and even more outgoing than ML. I really didn’t want him matched with Ms. Wang in the end. I don’t know why some writers think everyone needs to be paired off for a drama to have a happy ending. MC couple, yes, but other couples/characters, no.

I congratulate the writer/director for being able to juggle a supporting cast of 10+ characters. It was done effectively with each character adding to the overall story. At no time did it feel like there were too many characters since each had a part to play, and they didn’t distract from the MC at all. A Chinese drama wouldn’t have been able to do this. I would love to comment on each character, but I haven’t the time or space to do that so I’ll just mention my favorite of the group – the little boy, I-Jun. He was just such a mature kid and his little childhood romance was so cute. It’s obvious that when he and Bo-Ra grow up, they’re going to be a couple. Koreans love the childhood connection thing.

Speaking of childhood connections – I loved how ML/FL met each other throughout their lives in various situations. I also liked how at the end of each episode, there’s a short scene expanding on something that’s happened earlier. It allowed the viewer a peek into motivations and actions.

This is definitely a drama worth watching. It’ll make you laugh, cry and just feel really good about living in a small town. Plus, it’s so nice to see a drama set outside a city (Seoul). I wish more dramas would be set in the countryside rather than the city.

P.S. I also loved the 'la la la' song!

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Oct 25, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
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Impressive actings

First time rating a drama on MDL because I'm full of emotion from the show and from the incident of KSH in real life.
Re-watching ep 16 and I appreciated the drama more. It is simple yet it is beautiful in its own way. The scene of the wedding photoshoot with every Gongjin character appears one by one (except Gamri) is beautiful, warm and full of happiness. Sikhye happiness is truly undetachable with all Gongjin ppl. At first impression they are the most nosy humans in the world but deep inside they care and love with purest intention. It is a fairy tale unlike in the real world where ppl's act are driven by a lot of motives and however long I think I can't figure out why they act that way.
I'm more of a rom-com type than slice-of-life type. I can't bring myself to watch Reply or Hospital playlists despite all the praises. I watched this for the actor but surprisedly like it.
I recall many good memories along watching the show. Almost no dramatic scenes except ep 15. As simple as the scenes are, quite a few of them like in ep 5, they solve math and play in the rain, in ep 10 the confession and in ep 16 when Hyejin says she stay because she loves and belongs to this place and Dusik hugs her, pushed my emotion so high I repeated those scene countless times I didn't even know why. In the beginning I couldn't quite feel Dusik and how he acted but after ep 15 with a good cry everything seemed to make sense, there are some things I can relate to myself as well.

I've found a few gem actors/actresses in this drama:
- The coffee shop owner Oh Joon Jae: I've never watched him before. Some ppl do not like ep 2 but i like it very much. I feel his story, the way he portrays the awkwardness and doubt about himself and in the end find hope again. He's the one who opens the door to Gongjin tales. And the real actor must be good-hearted and brave to be the first among Homecha team to secretly support KSH.
- Hwa jung and I jun: every scene between mother and son got me teary-eyed. She made me recall her role in Sweet home as a mother as well. Also the scene where she's hurt by her husband despite being the most loving and thoughtful wife broke my heart. The child actor is also a genius.
- The chinese restaurant owner Nam sook: she has weird look and annoying character but along the show we learn her hidden story, not only we sympathy but also grow to like her. Hwa jung and Nam sook both can't be called pretty yet I find two of them charming in their roles.
- Ji PD: I also find his appearance not attractive so it's a disadvantage compared to Hong ban jang but the actor has this cuteness and sincere about him. I like his face expression every time Dusik mocks him about something.

I have to admit some points many ppl criticize about this drama, they also bug me a lot: some cliches, too many unembarressing product placements, too cringy in ep 11-12 but between these there are beautiful scenes created by talented actors/actresses.
The OSTs are not incredible if it they stand on their own but they are put perfectly on the show, suit every scene they serve and shift harmoniously as the show progresses, from happy "Romantic Sunday" to blue and soulful "Wish" and other songs.

Lastly, a few words for my male lead. He has shortcomings, like all dramas he acted in have shortcomings. There are a few k-dramas i like much more than his dramas, but none of the actors from those dramas have ever made me feel like he made me in his scenes. When he acts, in his eye I see emotions, empathy and sadness. I've read plenty of his past interviews and the latest ARENA interview which he gives insight to Dusik character. I think if any of you are interested in the show, watch it first, then read his interview and second time, rewatch some eps that you liked, perhaps you will discover something that you missed the first time. With all my bias I rate the drama a 9.
No controversies could alter my impression as a devoted actor. If he's a good actor and a decent human being, that will make me super happy. But if he happens to be not so good a man, his actings that makes me believe such thing must on another level amaze me.

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Oct 19, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.5
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Let's be real. This drama wasn't perfect. In fact, it was far from it. But I don't think it deserves to be hated just because it's "mainstream" or "too many people watch it" and my personal favorite, "just because of those dang dimples" . If you didn't like it, or some parts of it, at least state some actual reasons as to WHY. So here's my take on it:

Firstly, that summary really doesn't prepare you for what's in store when you start watching, so I felt kind of deceived. By reading the summary, it makes it seem that Hye Jin is the character we need to watch out for, or focus on but actually it's not. Well, it was based on a movie called "Mr. Hong" which never really occurred to me, so I guess I should have expected that.

Second, there were so many events/conflicts that were introduced, but in the end became so disjointed from the main plot. Some of these had so much potential but they weren't utilized well, and it just pushed back the main plot up to the last 3/4 episodes. They became scattered fragments of a story that were left forgotten, strewn all around the main plot. I've seen this pattern in some dramas before, and I must say I always get disappointed when it happens, ESPECIALLY when the first few episodes were so darn good.

And third, with the same train of thought as the paragraph before this, I felt like we were just fed good moments, fluff, cute bickering, interesting plot and main conflicts, during the first half of the drama, just to make us stay. Just to please us with fanservice and the typical plot lines that makes fans squeal in delight, without actually progressing the story. Just giving us small glimpses every now and then, but it just kept getting pushed back.

Well, these were my reasons as to why I couldn't give it a perfect 10. But still, I do believe that it doesn't deserve anything less than a 7, at the least.

Honestly, Hye Jin is probably my favorite FL so far. She was fairly consistent throughout. She showed growth as an individual, but managed to retain her morals, her beliefs, and her personality, despite being in an environment that may have shamed and disliked it at first. She knows what she wants, and she does what she needs to do to get it. She's unapologetic with her taste and her interests, which is so empowering as a woman. Definitely my favorite character (after I-jun of course ?)

Speaking of I-jun, I honestly LOVED the side characters and the cast!!! They played the characters so well, special shout out to I-jun and Cho Hui!!! Both characters were so well thought out and well played, and even though they didn't have as much screen time as the others, every time they were on screen my eyes were glued to them. So good! The side characters all had their moments to shine, and I really loved learning about them. Though I do admit that their stories took up so much time, which I believe caused the main plot to be pushed to the side. Still, I really do love the chemistry of all the characters.

***this is where the SPOILER is***

Third, I absolutely LOVE the fact that they made Chief Hong a normal human being. I'm glad that they didn't make him some kind of prodigy in engineering or mathematics (w/c was what I was expecting, tbh), or some kind of unexplainably lucky man that suddenly rose to power. As he said, he was just a normal person with a desk job. I love it. I love how realistic that part is. He was just a guy who studied engineering, but got an unrelated job because of a sunbae who helped him out. Honestly, it happens to the most of us, and this is just one tiny detail but IDK man, I really appreciated that.

So okay, this drama isn't perfect at all. It has plot holes, missed opportunities, it overused the leads' chemistry, and it pushed the main plot to the side at some point. But wow it was fun to watch! Sometimes when I have absolutely nothing to do, I remember some cute and funny scenes and I would immediately come back to watch it again. It's gives you a warm feeling and I'm really going to miss that warmth every weekend. La la lalala lalalala~

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Ongoing 8/16
6 people found this review helpful
Sep 24, 2021
8 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

The Most Refreshing Rom-Com of 2021

Before the release of Hometown Cha Cha Cha, we watched K-Dramas such as Penthouse, Nevertheless, etc., and this was such a refreshing break from the genres that were airing. It's reminiscent of the old 2015-2018 rom-coms I watched and dearly loved, but instead of teenagers, they're actually adults (34F and 35M) which I am so thankful for. The main couple has great chemistry with one another and I can't help feel like a teenage girl squealing at every scene with the both of them together. I love the city girl and country boy trope too, so I already love them together. Plot-wise, as of now, the pacing is great. Music-wise, the intro is also refreshing. I can't help but keep using the word refreshing in this review, but that's what this drama is. I'll return and update the drama after it ends, but so far, it's one of my favorites.

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2 people found this review helpful
Apr 16, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.0
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Overrated & Boring (Not bad, but not great either)

I had high expectations for this drama, but it was too slow and boring for me.

Although I really liked the ML, the story is not rich enough to be interesting. The characters and conversations don't have the depth they need.

In my opinion, this is just an OK show. I found myself skipping over many scenes of the many other side characters whom I wasn't interested in.

Halfway through I was literally counting the episodes as I couldn't wait for it all to be over.
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Ongoing 10/16
Kaka honey
5 people found this review helpful
Sep 28, 2021
10 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 7.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 4.5

A really heart warming story uwu

I had watched the movie before so this drama is actually a modified version of the movie. To be honest, the drama is much much better than the movie.The movie didn't have this much of story-telling and I felt there were a few scenes where I couldn't understand the reason or plot behind it.....but the drama was really amazing, the grandmas were so cute and the child actors did such a brilliant job!! And the main characters were relatable too and the story telling and set-up was smooth and amazing. Kim Seon Ho as good as always...osts were also pretty good...the dimple couple really melted my heart......overall definitely a recommendable drama <3.

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Ongoing 10/16
3 people found this review helpful
Sep 27, 2021
10 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 9.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 3.5
Rewatch Value 6.0


This is one of those KDramas that is light and easy to watch. It doesn't leave you feeling like you just got off of an emotional rollercoaster, instead, it leaves you feeling happy, interested, and excited for the next episode. It has a very wholesome feel to it that makes it sort of addicting. I highly recommend it! definitely good for first-timers! It is easy to get into the story and feel attached to the characters. The acting is good but the music choice isn't my favorite, unfortunately, I feel like they could have done better here. (Sorry)I just didn't care for the intro/outro much.

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Ongoing 10/16
3 people found this review helpful
Sep 26, 2021
10 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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Healing story that makes your heart mealt

This show is absolutely amazing. I only started watching it because of Kim seon oh, since I really enjoyed his performance in Start up, but from the first five minutes I was hooked. As someone who often feels lost in life, I can assure you this drama does a great job in portraying the feeling of starting over, of making mistakes, accepting them and trying to be better. It gives you hope, and makes you feel all warm and fuzzy. The main leads are incredible, their chemistry is over the top and the dynamic between the two of them feels very real and healthy from the start. The villagers are also one of the things that make this drama so special, they're really a big family who support each other through everything, and they also add a lot of comic relief. I haven't finished the series, I'll make a better review once I do but, for now, the only thing I can say is, if you're feeling down, if you need a spark of warmth and happiness in your life, please give this drama a shot, it will be your cure.

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Dropped 14/16
1 people found this review helpful
Oct 24, 2021
14 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 7.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 7.0

A warm, healing slice of life drama

After draining my mind and heart with Squid games and One and Only, I just need something warm, a slice of life drama, so I’m checking out ”Hometown Cha Cha Cha”. Because of ML’s recent scandal, I couldn’t bring myself to complete the last two episodes of the drama, but I think it’s still fair enough to wrap up the review.
The script is nothing new. It is a story of Oh Hye Jin, an uptown girl with a promising professional career in Seoul, but had to move to remote seashore area in Gongjin to start her new life. There she met Hong Du Shik, an unemployed man, but kind and skillful, is willing to do any kind of job to help out the people in the village. He also had his hidden past and is trying to move on and live his simple life.
Oh Hye Jin is nice, but also cold toward people. She is straightforward, calculative and practical. She has a sense of upholding justice and does not sweet talk or sugarcoat. And because of that, there was some misunderstanding and she did not leave good impression on people.
However, with the help of Du Shik, people in town started to recognize the different warm side of Hye Jin, and she got to learn to open herself, understand that “life is not always fair to all people and thus everyone has his own stories and difficult time”.
When watching Hometown Cha Cha Cha, it reminds me of my hometown where both definitely has cultural similarity. People in town know each other. They gather together to eat, cook and gossip, but at the same time they help each other to overcome life challenging.
Aside from our main leads, the story also emphasize on side characters. Their daily stories and challenging they emphasize were truly reflecting realities that one may see them through their characters. We learn to appreciate our partners, to nurture parents-children relationship, to have good parenting and understanding our future generations.
I especially love our side couples Mi-Seon and Eun-Chul. Their cute interaction and confession always make me laugh and giggle.
Mi-Seon and Hye Jin friendship is truly golden, and that is one that everyone could wish for.
Overall it is a good slice of life drama though there are some clingy moment, and the music is just okay.

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1 people found this review helpful
Jul 13, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

COMPLETE romance ? ? with no open endings

I literally cannot think of one thing that I didn't like about the drama. I love the complete ending and how there was no dumb open ending. I love how there was no unnecessary breakups. I love how they gave everybody in the crew their own story but it didn't overshadow the main characters and they only gave them a little bit so it's not like a full episode. I loved the overall message of hope and beauty and how it taught you not to only look for CEOs as your man. It was down-to-earth, it felt real and relatable. It felt like you were in the small town in South Korea. It was so cute.
I just really liked the way the writers went about this. I gave it and I 9.5 Because I feel like it's still not perfectly complete with the whole package exactly like I wanted. But it's still so good. I really love this and recommended it 10 out of 10.

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1 people found this review helpful
Jan 26, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 3.5
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An enjoyable beachside romance

This drama is not overrated in the slightest.

I’m not one for romantic comedies especially in a small town setting but this one has a special place in my heart. I’ll share about what was really enjoyable for me and what I felt could’ve been better.


Every episode was interesting for me and the humour was OUT OF THIS WORLD. No seriously, shut up I’ve never laughed so hard my entire life. I loved, loved and LOVED chief hong’s character. The way he managed everything in the small town and had so many official licenses. He was so cheerful and charming that I couldn’t help but adore him even if I personally am not a fan of Kim Seon Ho. His character had so much substance and humour. Plus, his interactions with grandmother was so touching and tear jerking. When he piggybacked her and that boyish laugh he let out…God, I was done for. When I learnt about his past and what he had gone through in Seoul, it was the only time I ever cried with a character. His backstory wasn’t what moved me but more of the way he finally let out his bottled up emotions and dropped the act. Goes to show that behind every smile, there really is something more.


Every form of entertainment came from them. The three grandmothers, Bora and her family, the divorced couple with their son. All of them made a lasting impression with their funny interactions and bittersweet moments. Personally, I liked the little boy whose name I can’t seem to recall the most. He was so mature for his age and when he cried, it really stuck with me.


There wasn’t a lot of drama because this was a lighthearted watch and the events that took place were quite trivial, with occasional conflicts here and there getting resolved fast. It wasn’t entirely based on the main lead’s romance because most of their interactions were centred around things happening in the town. The main “plot twist” or “climax” was really discovering about Chief Hong’s tragic backstory. Other than that, everything was enjoyable and realistic.


Yes. I understand that in the end, there was character development but her personality thoroughly annoyed me even until the very end. She wasn’t excessive or anything but her disdain towards her was very apparent and I didn’t like how she had to rely on Chief Hong to save her ass. BUT what I did like was how realistic and refreshing her character was at the same time. Sounds contradictory but hear me out. Despite how difficult the dentist was at first and how rude she was to her neighbours, I couldn’t help but relate to her in some ways and find bits of myself in her reactions. I liked how honest and upfront she was about her feelings but yet, she also felt apologetic when she knew she was in the wrong. Her character isn’t perfect or ideal to say the least but that’s the part that moved me the most.


It wasn’t much of a love triangle but rather a history between the dentist and her ex classmate who after so long, still pined for her but respectfully did so. It was an unrequited love and a matter of bad timing and I do like how unlike some typical seconds leads who spend their entire lives in a one-sides love, this man got a decent ending of his own. It wasn’t rushed or anything but a slow matter of healing from his first love and embracing a new one. It felt natural and refreshing.

I’ll now be moving on to the parts which I personally didn’t like but didn’t find unbearable to watch.


My cringe tolerance is very, very low so rest assured it’s probably won’t be cringe for you. Just throwing this out there. I was up to my neck when they took pictures in school uniforms and the female lead was constantly whining or shrieking in ways that…bothered me. Some parts were okay, quite sweet but it felt overdone a little. I won’t say much but yes, that is my take on the romance and if you enjoyed it, don’t let my opinion spoil your enjoyment :)


Yes. There was already enough going on what with Chief’s Hong past getting revealed and his backstory. I was praying hard that the grandma would not die when she said those sad things before sleeping and it broke me when she didn’t wake up the next morning. I felt it would’ve been better if she had at least seen Chief Hong come out of his house before she passed on because the last time she went to visit him was to leave him corn on his doorstep .

Overall, this was a lighthearted drama with hilarious scenes and a perfect beachside romance. It’s something like crash landing on you with the village camaraderie and all but very different in a way. A must-watch if you’re an emotional person!

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1 people found this review helpful
Oct 18, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

A drama full of life lessons

The drama in general is already perfect in every aspects so i wont discuss much about acting, plot, ost etc.

What made this drama stand out is the life lessons the writer and director managed to incorporate. The drama was highly anticipated because of the leads but as the drama progressed it was no longer just about chemistry and typical romcom that we watch to free ourselves from stress. It has become the light and reflection of our past our present and our future. When i watched this drama it had me thinking of the life choices i made. It is very rare for a drama to bring an impact on viewers and having read alot of comments im not the only one. Im so proud to the whole production of this drama. I wish nothing more but for more dramas like this.

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Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha (2021) poster



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