0 people found this review helpful
Dec 16, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
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Either You Love It, or You Hate it.

As the headlines says, this is a series where you will find yourself loving it or hating it for whatever reason. It boils down to your own perspective.

I saw that those who gave this series a low score had one thing in common in general. Those reviews said Lian (ML) is a toxic person who basically groomed and forced Kuea (MC) to have sex with him all the time.

I noticed that there's a trend in some of the review bombers. They compare Cutie Pie to other BL series, particularly KP. Also, they compare Cutie Pie to Why R U (Zee's old series with a different partner). Some of the low reviews MIGHT come from those who hate to see Zee moving on to a new pairing [ZeeNuNew], and some MIGHT even be review bombing this series just because they want to compare CP to KP, I saw that weird trend going on.

Now, let's dissect this series.

For me, I love Cutie Pie down to the bone.

That's because there is CONSENT, there is no R@pe, there is No Grooming. Toxic Relationship? Depends on you.

If you really watched Cutie Pie, like honestly watched it and not just review bombing it as I've seen what other reviewers are doing (They 'supposedly' watched the whole 12 episodes, uhuh), you'd know that there was No Grooming done in this series. Kuea had a crush on Lian ever since he was a kid, and Lian didn't treat Kuea inappropriately when they were kids and while growing up. Lian treated Kuea as a brother instead. Even in the novel version, Lian waited for Kuea and didn't even touch or kiss or treat him inappropriately before Kuea became an adult. Even when Kuea became an adult, Lian didn't treat him inappropriately.

That's the MAIN REASON why Kuea was unsure if Lian truly see him as a true and legitimate fiance, because Lian didn't show any overt romantic interest towards Kuea while they were growing up.

Cutie Pie 1 and Cutie Pie 2 is BIG on CONSENT. Like, it's basically the invisible tagline of the whole series.

Lian made sure that Kuea knows what they're doing before doing the deed. Also, there's even a time where Lian refused Kuea when he saw that Kuea was drunk even though Kuea was practically throwing himself at Lian.

Those other reviewers literally had the guts to review bomb this series because of the 'no consent' thing then compare it to KP or other risque BLs. Like, wth? Did we even watch the same thing?

As for the toxic relationship where in Lian supposedly 'limits' Kuea, like in going out or whatever.
Now I can tell you that some of those review bombers, who stated Lian as a toxic person because of this, didn't watch the whole series [ep 12/12] unlike what they stated in their reviews.

Let me tell you this, Kuea 'limited himself' on his own. In the series, Cutie Pie 1 and Cutie Pie 2, and even in the original novel, aside from that one particular time where Lian forced Kuea to live with him with the consent of Kuea's mom, Lian NEVER again dictated what Kuea should do, before living together, and after living together.

Kuea was so in love with Lian that he got this in his mind to be a 'perfect' fiance. He lied about his course, his hobbies, and his circle of friends because he thought Lian will be disagree with those things. But I have to tell you that Lian already knows of it, and even if he doesn't, he's ok with it as long as it makes Kuea happy.

Kuea was the one who chose to lie about himself because he's afraid that Lian will be disappointed with him. Lian knows that Kuea was lying but he chose to patiently wait for Kuea to tell him the truth. Lian supported Kuea in everything, and I mean everything that Kuea wants to do. Lian even stated that he will give Kuea his company and all of his assets once Kuea is old enough or something happens to him. Also, Lian supported Kuea in his career in Cutie Pie 2 at his own sacrifice, don't want to spoil too much about this.

Lian is actually one of the most misunderstood characters in BL history if people are regarding him as toxic. He's literally the greenest of all the green flags out there in BL history.

However, there is a somewhat (?) toxic relationship though, but it's not with the main couple, it's with the side couple, Hia Yi and Kon Diao. On that side, I agree that it's somewhat toxic since Hia Yi sets a curfew for Kon Diao. Even though we know why Hia Yi does what he does as seen in the Naughty Babe series, they only hint at it in the Cutie Pie series.

Also, I do agree with the other reviewers about one more thing.


The characters needs to communicate with each other. Not just the main pairing, but even those 2 side couples.

Aside from that, I really like the story and find it cute and light.

Zee's acting was great, and Nunew really delivered as Kuea. I really can't see another Lian and Kuea aside from Zee and Nunew. Lian's secretary, Foei which was played by Poppy, was superb, I couldn't control myself in laughing whenever he's in the scene. I guess the only awkward one in the cast is Kon Diao played by Nat. He needs more acting lessons as I noticed that his acting is quite stilted. Aside from that, the DMD boys, and other side characters, all did great.

Music selection was superb. Nunew literally carried the whole OST and Kirin's songs. Kirin singing at the club was actually one of the main highlights in the series.

If you're still unsure if you want to start watching this series or not, just give it a go. If you like it, then you like it. If you don't like it, then drop it. Easy like that.

Just don't get discouraged by the review bombs. It's better to make your own judgement.

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0 people found this review helpful
Nov 7, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0

The right to love.

First, the love scenes….OMG best and sweetest I have ever seen. They had chemistry. I also like how they handled the consent in the scene when they had their first time together.

What I really enjoyed was how they calmly discussed real issues for a lot of the LGBTQ community in so many countries. They discuss how they will have no legal rights as a married couple. That no matter what happens they will see it through together and stay together. (Inferring that though their community, country, and culture’s view of same sex marriage.) My favorite line was something like “This is the reason we have so many problems. Open your eyes, open your mind, open your heart. Love is love. “

I am so happy to see a BL show that is not violent, or some kind of date rape scenario. We are getting closer and closer to main streaming.

I think this show took a lot of guts to attempt. Ina sense they went out on a limb. We all know what sells in the BL genre. This production did not rely on the standard attention getting sensational nonsense that is nothing like real life. (I am referring to the evolution of a love relationship. I think we can all agree that an aristocrat and a commoner from another country would probably not arrange a same sex marriage.) They relied on the acting, the sweet message, and the writing. It may be a little campy and the story may be far fetched. It is not meant to be some real life drama. It is a happy romantic love story that has some hot but not gross love scenes, that addressed some social and political issues.

FYI the behind the scenes is pretty cute. Especially the two leads. I think someone may have had a legit crush. Cute!

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0 people found this review helpful
Nov 25, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 7.0
There's 12 episodes with almost an hour duration - you'd thought they would plan out the story line well. The plot / story idea is really nice but the story evolvement isn't as great as I thought it would be. The ending wasn't my cup of tea but their love making scenes was top notch I'd say. Anywho......

The music is amazing. The cast is adorable and hilarious and there was a cameo of Boun & Prem - sorry spoilers. For once there is no entitled rich kids who spoils rotten. I adore the friendship with one another; always have their back.
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Ryan B
0 people found this review helpful
May 10, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 5.5

Doesn't meet the hype...

I hesitated watching this for fear it would be like some of the other BLs made strictly for pre-teen and teenage girls. Things for them to giggle and scream over for 8-12 episodes.

I actually had a multi paragraph review describing likes and dislikes. Decided it has already been said.

This series offers more frustrations than feel goods. You may have to let it sit with you for awhile before you decide if it is a good or, bad series.
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Proud Bibliophile
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 30, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

The Plot almost ruined it but chemistry saved it.

Ranges from good to great.
Fantastic. Main reason why it's so popular. All 3 couples were great.
Ranges from good to beautiful.
Overall good & another reason why it's so popular.

This show has a simple plot that was somehow still lost. Like they found it again towards the end but it was definitely lost for a while in the middle. This is the one time where telling a cliché story would've been the best course of action that would've resulted in a good plot.

Still the story & chemistry are the main highlights and in those two aspects one will very likely not be disappointed✌?

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0 people found this review helpful
Nov 15, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 7.0

My Top 5 Best BL drama

I became intrigue in other peoples list as there top BLs to watch. After finally watching it I have to say I truly enjoy it. Now I am not someone that cares for ships and fandom power of actors, but I do have to admit all in all it was good overall, although the mediocre acting by the lead males at some parts really cringe me. I will recommend watching this drama after TharnType or Bad Buddies, since in a way it has a mid similar vibe in the overall aspect of the drama, funny, good nc scenes and character development.

Will I rewatch it again maybe, would I recomended yes.

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0 people found this review helpful
Dec 28, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
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Iconic but certainly not for its plot

Cutie Pie's production value is high, the chemistry is sizzling and love the political messages here and there. But what is that plot? The novel's plot is kinda dumb, but the series? Straight up nonsensical. I definitely watched for everything but the plot.

I do appreciate Nunew singing the OST and not sounding terrible! Not a given in thai bl iykyk

Overall a fun watch regardless, could have been far better if they would have stuck a bit more to the whole "Kuea is also a baddie" plot and included more insights on Lian's feelings and thoughts (they are dumb in both versions though, no saving possible either way).

Bonus point for the added Angst towards the end, the Novel was a bit too angstless and uneventful for my taste. Lian turning while crying at being rejected hit hard and I'd like to thank everyone, especially Zee for it.

That being said, I am looking forward to Cutie Pie 2 You!

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0 people found this review helpful
Feb 14, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 5.5
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 5.0


This story takes its self so seriously and it comes across so badly. Zee does the best with what he is given, but he can only save the show so much. The onscreen kisses are embarrassingly overdone and overcompensating for lack of experience of NuNew part. I wished we got more of TutorYim as they were honestly the most interesting part of this whole show. Their story was far more engaging and I could watch them more.. i fast forward just to see more of them towards the end. Max and Nat keep trying, but the characters they are given don't have many connections and conversations to actually see any chemistry for them. This story felt very archaic and just like it wanted to be more than it was. I hated NuNew character to his core... i cant remember his name... but he was honestly so annoying. I won't be rewatched this and I hope they get better characters to work with i Would like to see what they can do.

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0 people found this review helpful
Nov 10, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
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A Hot Mess

- Genre –
Arranged Mariages/Romance/Students/BL

- Brief Synopsis –
Protagonist A and B are married because of a marriage contract. B however doesn’t really care about A in the beginning which saddens A. When the series starts, they somehow start spending more time together when B realizes he should be a better husband. They end up growing closer and closer. The story focuses on the development of their relationship.

- Plot and Storyline –
This plot does not contain any plot twists that would make the story memorable in any way. The central focus is on the protagonists growing closer, with a few additional subplots involving seemingly inconsequential matters. The overall narrative lacks a distinctive element, leaning into familiar tropes without introducing significant twists or memorable plot points. However, the chemistry between the A and B is a standout, portraying them as an endearing and cute couple. The intimate scenes, while not explicitly depicted, exude a sensuality that adds depth to their connection, a credit to the commendable acting skills of the two. On the flip side, the secondary couple fails to leave a favorable impression, lacking the appeal that the main leads effortlessly bring to the screen.

- Character Development –

- Acting -
The main leads deliver exceptional performances, showcasing their acting prowess with commendable skill. The chemistry they bring to the screen is particularly noteworthy, as the pairing of a charming and adorable main character with a serious and colder counterpart creates a compelling dynamic. Their on-screen connection adds depth to the narrative, making them a standout pair in the show.

- Production Quality -
Decent production quality with somewhat realistic sets and props.

- Writing and Dialogue -
Writing can sometimes be a little cringey.

- Pacing -
Pacing is good.

- Themes and Message –
Themes such as arranged marriage and love after marriage are explored.

- Audience Appeal -
Anyone who likes the concept of falling in love after marriage could take a look.

- Standout Moments -
The kitchen kissing scene really stood out to me because of how sensually it was shot despite it being rather tame.

- Criticisms -
x Nothing interesting seem to happen in the show.
x The plot isn't exactly unique. It is simple and predictable.

- Conclusion -
While the show as a whole may not have much rewatch value, the intimate scenes stand out as an exception due to their well-executed cinematography. The palpable chemistry between the main leads adds an extra layer of allure, making those particular moments worth revisiting.

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0 people found this review helpful
Jul 29, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
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I have to say that its been a while since i watch BL lakorn and I am glad that I chose this lakorn to watch after long time. Its my first time watching Zee’s acting and honestly, I am head over heels with him. Dont get me wrong but Mew kinda looks like Gun. Okay next thing we are going to talk is the plot.

The plot is interesting but somehow for me the issue of the couple doesn’t really that important. I mean they just need to communicate with each other. The issue is not really serious and honestly, i just love the cinematography of this series. Its not cliché and not cringe and i love the way they capture every scene. It opens a new point of view for me cause most of the BL lakorn have a lousy and cringe cinematography. This one is something new and i love it!

I don’t have much complain and i love the Steamy scenes as well. Looks so intimate and i AM IN LOVE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. Overall, 9/10! Lost one point due to the plot being not that interesting. But still a good watch. But I probably won’t re-watch them. Got a little bit bored.

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0 people found this review helpful
Aug 1, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 10

My first live action BL

and I found it extraordinary

Lian and Kirin are soo cute together, the relationship these two have is soo sweet and healthy wooahh it would keep on giving me that butterfly feeling each time they are on screen

If I have got something to complain?
YES (why they didn't give us more of Lian and Kirin episodes)

The story was simple still cute, outfits were beautiful and actors were super tantled that they were able to convey all emotions of the story

This has soo many kiss scene and I never get bored even once I mean each kiss scene looks different and one is more beautiful and adorable than another one I thought the car kiss scene was going to be the first and last one because they put so much work on it and it must have been already super hard but they still made it look it soo authentic.

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0 people found this review helpful
Sep 12, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 6.5
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Cute for sure but...

Hi humans ^.^
Let's start with main's chemistry: I already known Zee acting skill, before his old series so it's not a surprise he was that good but NuNew's acting fascinated me. Both actors rhythm were perfect. Second couple i also knew them so they good together and i'm waiting their own storyline.
Music's of the series marvelous. NuNew's singing ability also fascinated me and idk who pick the songs but they did a great job.
Now let's get the point of that i did not like much was "Story gaps". Why Zee has to be that definitive at the first place ? I can except that, but why he get softer that fast? or Why NuNew wait too long to explain all the trurth (Really Zee's father birthday party!!!) Also NuNew's school parts not that intriguing. Intimate scenes were good for sure but not enough to save story.
Generally well know topic, perfect mains and music, story needed some touches.

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Cutie Pie (2022) poster



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