7 people found this review helpful
May 22, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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BL series that really stole my attention

I don't even know where to start. Hehe😅
Personally I really like this series. The cinematography is BEAUTIFUL😍 The players are really cool, the storyline is very interesting. will not be bored if this series is watched over and over again.
I admire Zee. I've been following him since Why R U? The acting didn't disappoint, and I'm very proud of NuNew. For a first time actor, he did a good job and the rest of the cast did a pretty good job too in terms of acting. The chemistry between the couple is also pretty good. Kuea and Kon-Diao are great friends, and really support each other, all of their Kuea school friends are cute and a lot of fun. Foei every time he appears I really enjoy the comedy he brings and he is a witness to the love of hia lian and nu-kuea Haha😅
Hot kiss scenes are always fun to watch😛 MUSIC I will honestly say I don't know much about Thai music but this drama introduced me to so many great songs that I have listened to over and over again. Nunew's soft voice I love all of them. I can't believe it's all over I will miss this series so much and will watch it over and over again. Thank you to all the crew and cast who have worked hard for this series and thank you also to the writer of the cutie pie novel for making a story as cool as this that can make the reader or audience cry, this laugh is very entertaining. 😘😘😘

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18 people found this review helpful
May 15, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 3.5
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
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One of the worst BLs out there

This was a complete trainwreck, I can't remember feeling so happy to be finished with a series. Here are my pros and cons:


FILMING. The series was indeed beautifully filmed.

HIA/DIAO SEX SCENES. Total soft porn. Hawt.


STORY. While I appreciated the families' acceptance and support of same-sex marriage, the idea of arranged marriage of any kind is so antiquated and frankly... gross. Besides that, there wasn't all that much to the story, and much of what was there made little to no sense.

KUEA. Was he ever NOT crying? Okay, that's an overstatement, but his constant whining (mostly about nothing) made me want to remove my own appendix with a knife and fork. He was too immature to be in a relationship of any kind. What Lian saw in him was beyond me.

THE THIRD COUPLE. They got a total of maybe three minutes of screen time for the entire series. Why were they even there?

I could go on, but I don't wanna.

It's a 3.5 from me.

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16 people found this review helpful
May 15, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Love Is Wanting To Take Care Of Him

An Absolutely Stunning Series. A BL with standards so high I have to wonder if anything will ever compare.

BUT WOW!! Look At the Reviews! You are either going to love this show or hate it! I have watched sooo many bl series and have a difficult time finding any to watch that I like everything about, so I am a bit perplexed on the negative comments. I think most people who leave negative comments on these types of shows are really drama watchers - and this is not a drama.

A Series that I will definitely watch more than once. I miss it already!

The vocals by NuNew were amazing. The songs were well written and fit exactly with the episodes, both Male Leads had really awesome voices! There is a song during one of the later episodes (steamy episode) was also really good.

The acting - were they acting? Every scene was so real, the main couple must really be in Love? There were three couples, the main couple had funny, sad, intense, emotional and sensual scenes, not a single misstep, every expression and gesture was perfect. None of the actors shied away from those steamy scenes - and while they are not R Rated, they are hot!

The second couple did an excellent job as well - one of these actors did a crying scene that was unbelievably sweet!

There was no expense spared for this series, lighting, settings, sound, directing - everything was perfect.

The storyline - Arranged Marriage? Definitely ok in a BL Series, and they did stress it was a verbal agreement. This story line seems to be what is drawing a lot of criticism, not real, ok? Two older men, both holding back and waiting for their chosen ones to grow up a little - and perhaps being overly protective in the meantime? I thought it was cute. The friendship between the two older guys was interesting too - a bit of tension there.

BL Quotes from the Series:

"I don’t’ care how other people define what our love is… Because my Love is real"

"Love is not just about getting married. It's about Human rights and Equality, it's what we all deserve" - Cutie Pie 2022

I cannot praise this series enough and I truly hope it gets the ratings and recognition it deserves!

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9 people found this review helpful
May 17, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 1.5
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It Wasn't Entirebly Terrible..?

I've already written this entire thing, but my laptop decided it had other ideas, so now I don't feel like repeating what I've said (and I also don't remember all of it), so I'll just reiterate some of the things I wrote. For one, I definitely remember saying that I wished I would've watched this series while it aired since it just felt so hard to keep up with in the beginning. This series had beautiful actors, half-a-million-dollar sets, and some perfectly sculpted heat scenes, but it still wasn't enough for me to leave feeling satisfied.

Let's Dive In,

Cutie Pie is a nontraditional Thai style setup (at least that's how it felt to me) about Kuea, an undercover rebel who acts as an angel around his arranged finance since childhood, Hia Lian. Hia Lian is a workaholic whose primary focus in life is his business and keeping the promise he made to Kuea's Grandfather. Through some misunderstands, poor communication, and a couple of heated kisses, it's happily ever after, with two other couples following the same problems. My initial feelings on why I think it would've been better to watch while it aired is so that I could have time to really understand what was going on. Instead, I just went on to the next episode, hella confused and just going with the flow.

In some cases, it felt like things were happening too late, like how I went through half of the series thinking that Hia Yi and Diao were also in an arranged marriage. Instead, Hi Yi just wanted to take care of him after some childhood accident made him forget his memory (even though Hia Yi bosses Diao around. shouldn't it be vice-versa?). Same with Nuea who has an apparent crush or maybe is weirdly overprotective of Kuea at the beginning, but then it's never explained why. He's then in la-la land with Syn and you just, again, have to go with the flow.

Now let's talk about Hia Lian and Kuea who I still don't know if I loved or hated. For one, I think the actors did a phenomenal job or at least did as well as they could with the material they were given. I also liked that Kuea needed to learn how to be his whole self around Hia Lian, and that Hia Lian needed to learn how to show his emotions and love and embrace his feelings for Kuea. But what I didn't like was the constant back and forth, Lian would have to reassure Kuea every other episode that he did love him, but by the time we get to the end and Lian proposes and Kuea shuts him down, it's frustrating, especially since his reason is the same shit that Lian had reassured him about on multiple occasions. And it's yell-worthy just for them to go back to the house and everything be okay. By this point, 2x speed was used. That also goes for the misunderstanding (or bad communication) with Lian's plan to help Kuea's family, something that was added at the last minute, and left me annoyed. And sure, their heated scenes were done very nicely, and the consent was perfectly sculpted, but it's still not enough for me. They tried to explain the whole marriage thing since it's pointless to be engaged in a country that doesn't support same-sex marriage, but it's so filler that I just roll my eyes. I think this show started to rely on the heated scenes and just gave up on telling a comprehensible story. I'm still indecisive about these two, but I think I've come to the conclusion that I'm satisfied enough, but if the showrunners had focused more on their story then they really could've been the 'IT' couple. Instead, they told Zee and New to do some kissy kissy time to get away with their poor writing.

I'm also indecisive about Hia Yi and Diao who I loved, but their story is rather a dumb one. The lost childhood memory is fine, but what specifically did he forget? and did I miss it? How come Hia Yi is bossy and mean and then all of the sudden he's just super nice? I won't even get into the whole fiasco of the weird dog-eating storyline. Anyways, the same goes for them, they had great heated scenes, but something crucial is missing. I can't pinpoint it with my finger, but it's something big, and it aggravates me to the fullest. It was probably the lack of character development out of Diao who is seemingly the same person he was at the beginning to the end, or how he's just written to be pretty much perfect with none of his own problems other than getting caught in lies and not keeping things to himself. Hia Yi has a crack of character development, maybe being a bit more lenient and not so harsh to Diao, but it's nothing much, or rather to-your-face-noticeable. My critique stays the same for these two, a better story, a better build-up to their relationship, and they could've also done well with some more screentime.

Syn and Nuea are cute, but nothing more. They had great build-up, but I didn't really feel the chemistry between the actors. Again, nothing wrong in the kissing department, but it comes out of the blue that it feels more comical than realistic. Also, Nuea is not my favorite character, just because the writers didn't give him much of a story, if one at all, and we know next to nothing about him. They barely have any screentime after the public display of affection in which they start to fall off the wagon for me. I think this could've been a fun couple, but with little screentime and poor development, it just feels like they were thrown in at the last minute, and instead of telling their story, the writers could've focused more on the other two that could've used more work.

I'll leave this off on a good note and talk about some things I did really enjoy: I loved Foei, and he might've been my favorite character. I'm kind of upset the writers didn't utilize him more, and I would've rather seen his story than the third couple. Jay was also a good supporting role, but more so just because I love Perth and there's no way I couldn't love any character Perth plays.

The friendship between Diao and Kuea is nicely done, with them being there for one another no matter what, and it's good to show a healthy male-male friendship like this that is still intimate and meaningful without crossing into romantic.

I want to see this company's receipts because the houses they used are MASSIVE. And yes, BLs tend to use huge houses, but Yi's house? with the multiple expensive cars in the back? They did not disappoint in this department, and I am pleasantly surprised.


Story: 7.5 - There's a story, but it feels rather vague, and with the hype around this show only being because of the love scenes, it's hard to focus on this aspect when nobody else is. However, I won't knock it all down, there were a few things that I liked and it was enough to keep me watching so, I guess it wasn't all that bad.

Acting: 8.5 - I think most of the actors were good, but Nat was probably not the strongest performer, and you're only as strong as your weakest link. I've never been a huge fan of Nat's acting, but he did rather well in Y-Destiny, but here, I just feel that disconnect again. He's kind of awkward (in a good way) and it shows in his acting.

Music: 6.5 - Fine I guess, didn't really pay all that much attention.

Rewatch Value: 1.5: eh, very less likely.

I don't think this series is bad, but I do grade more harshly on things that are widely popular or hyped because I feel the need to see what others see, and 6 times out of 10, I don't. But if you are looking for some decent NC scenes, then you've got it here. If that's not really you're mojo, then this can be a series you watch later or as slow as you want. No need to rush.

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PapayaSammy on twitch
8 people found this review helpful
May 16, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
I don't think this show was bad at all. The acting was good, the music was good, nice chemistry all around. Nothing too crazy happening and if it was angsty, it was taken care of. Followed the book, always could be solved by actually communicating but the toxic behavior was nipped in the butt really fast and I truly appreciate that in my opinion. I loved the ML's, they were so sweet and adorable and even though there was a lot of questioning, I think their love was nice. I think the whole process and acceptance immediately about the sexuality and everything was nice as well.

I loved the chemistry between the actors on all rounds, main and secondary. Grandparents were nice, parents were nice, overall I liked it.

Music was fantastic! I loved that they were all so personable.

I wouldn't watch it again but I was truly happy that I watched it, made my Saturday nights worth it.

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15 people found this review helpful
May 15, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

My favorite BL series

I am extremely satified with the series. Couldn't have imagined it any other way for all of them! I can't believe it's over. I feel both happy and sad! This will always be my favorite BL series because it was the first BL series that I watched. The story, the plot, the actors, the characters, the aesthetics, the direction, the production and the OSTs - everything was beyond perfect and suitable. Thank you to the on-screen and off-screen team for working so hard to create a masterpiece like this. This has set my standards so high. It was a whole rollercoaster of emotions. Thank you for teaching us the value of communication and trust along with making us cry, laugh, and squeal. This was entertaining and addicting!

Thank you for also teaching us the importance of equal rights for all sexualities and gender identities. I am an LGBTQ+ supporter and I love to see that the series focused on this so seriously! I am so proud of Cutie Pie Series!

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10 people found this review helpful
May 21, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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Cutie Pie series

The whole story was fabulous and the story is all about respect. And when it comes love no matter what gender you are, your skin color you must be LOVED. This is the 1st BL series that i really really liked the emotions their acting skills is genuine. The script writer and director 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 And the whole cast of this series you did a great job.👏👏👏 Hoping for the Special episode and hopefully if there gonna do the special episode i wish we have season 2 🙏🏻🙏🏻
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10 people found this review helpful
May 21, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Must have to watch series

Cutiepie is one of the most wonderful series i ever watched. You must try to watch it, and you will know how beautiful it is, it will not just give you a sweet moment but you will also learn a life lesson. It's not only portraying a gay people but it tacles the important of humanity and equality. The actors are a chef's kiss, you will addicted to them. They portray the characters very well. The exploding chemistry and extraordinary storylines will you stock from it. Don't be discourage to any bad comments, just try it and you will know how this series is phenomenal. Must watch.

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7 people found this review helpful
May 16, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 10

arranged marriage, age gap, secret identity, cohabitation, rich kid problems, he’s in engineering

It was a real pleasure to see Zee again (Why R U?) and his new love interest is very well cast. MaxNat turned in their usual consummate side dish action, (origin Why R U? also Y-Destiny & Close Friend) and it’s always fun to see Perth (My Engineer) and the other guest cameos.

With very high production values at at first I thought they were gunning for Korea, but I’m got a real Japanese feel from this one, Thai style of course but there is definitely a lot of visual referencing live action yaoi. Also the music and sound were pretty darn good.

It took me a few episodes to accept the absurd conceit of this show and its quirky characters and motivation as ALSO EXTREMELY traditionally yaoi and very lifestyle D/s. After that I just rolled with it. I realized that if this had come from Japan I would have given it a pass immediately. Why be tough on it just because it comes from Thailand? So, about half way through I liked it A LOT more.

The chronic miscommunication really tested my patience at the end tho.

A Mini Essay on My Love of LianKuea in Cutie Pie (and ZeeNunew's performances)

Honestly I just love LianKuea's dynamic, it's so D/s but also so classic yaoi seme/uke. The way Lian smiles when his Nu does something cute is so damn sweet. He’s practically the definition of a caring Dom. Killing Kuea (and us) with stern softness. Zee did a fantastic job with this character. That said NuNew also managed to give us an appealing uke with gumption and a crush and a failure to understand self actualization who we liked.

But let's be honest here, the actors' chemistry is REALLY good.

Look, there is something about the way Zee looks as his acting partners. His eyes are very doting, no mater the line delivery or any other aspects of the scene. He's been given these fierce stern roles to play in Fighter and Lian but he always seems to manage to temper his characters with fondness.

I like doting affection on screen.

I also like to see a seme actually sexually intersted in his uke, otherwise the archetype comes off as more inclined to ownership and less about desire. To be frank, Zee is also good at transmitting the "I want to bone" thing.

Since a seme character is aggressive and obsessive and intrusive he has to be tempered by some sort of softness to appeal to a modern audience. Add in authentic feeling sexual interest and the seme character MUST be gentled by the actor's performance, or we end up with a H4 situation. And Zee manages to transmit all that with just eye work. It's great to watch.

But NuNew did a wonderful job too. Kuea was clearly interested and willing and game. There’s no sign of the Blushing Maiden with this uke. Thank fuck, could we PLEASE kill that archetype?

As much as I love a Daddy who wants his boy, a boy who needs his Daddy is about a billion times better. And genuine sexual interest from the uke character is still far too rare in BL.

In this regard, Cutie Pie was a breath of fresh air.

What can I say?

They love each other, they just idiots
is a favorite of mine.


They WANT each other, they just idiots?
Yeah. That one is gonna get me EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

The other pairs were good too!

MaxNat serve us high heat while smiling the whole time. Which was kinda charming and basically their signature. These two just seem to have fun together. It’s nice.

Language note on Yi’s confession: Diao’s nickname khondiao means “only” or a”lone” in Thai? So when Yi confesses, he’s using world play when he says “I love you only”. More here.

However, I gotta say my favorite kiss of this show (and it was VERY kissy), was actually Syn and Nuea. Adorable. I wish we had gotten more of these two.

Cutie Pie ended very navel gaze maudlin and sappy for my taste. The absurd proposal back-and-forth thing was kinda par for the course with Lian and Kuea and their miscommunication antics, but I was bored by it.

This show went from absurd to appealing to annoying and then back to absurd again - but always sappy and nicely high heat for what ultimate seemed to be an equal marriage propaganda piece. Which I’m fine with, but Taiwan’s Faded did it better in 20 minutes back in 2017.

Nevertheless, on the strength of the chemistry of all three couples, the odd but very old fashioned romance tropes, and clear high rewatchability this one is getting a 8/10. Watch this one for the pretty, give it a pass on depth.

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Not a Robot
14 people found this review helpful
May 14, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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A Cute and Fluffy Series

This story hits me in my soft spots. I love romantic fluff, when a cold character learns to open up to the person they love. Both leads had to learn that they need to be honest with their partner and that they are a source of strength to get through rough times, not to be protected from all things bad.

There were many unanswered questions in the end. Will Kuea continue singing? Will the Keerati mansion be turned into a show room? Maybe we will never know the answers.

The acting was spot on. Zee was able to show vulnerability in his gestures and glances, as well as the dialogue. I grew to appreciate him as an actor, having only seen him in Why RU. NuNew is a wonderful singer an actor. His singing skills are amazing and the role of Kuea had different characteristics, depending on who he was with. I'm looking forward to seeing what else NuNew can do.

I greatly appreciated the representation of LGBT elders with the two Grandpas. Most LGBT films and series (not only BL) do not give homage to LGBT elders, who bore much of the hatred and discrimination, while still fighting for their rights. It was great that the younger generation respected the Grandpas and the patriarchs of the family, and this show did not portray the children and grandchildren whispering and bemoaning their sexuality. The photo at the end was for the people would couldn't figure it out.

I will definitely rewatch this series, and am looking forward to other Domundi productions.

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9 people found this review helpful
May 22, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Best BL

I have seen so many BLs as you can tell by my list. This is the best BL, the one everyone has been waiting for. The chemistry between the actors is phenomenal, the colors, the music, it is everything and more.

It has an interesting storyline of two males who have been arranged to marry from very young. I believe this is the first BL story that involves an arranged marriage between males, which is why they touch on the struggles of the LGBTQ+ community in Thailand. The characters are obviously in love from the start, but the need to find a way to be honest with each other so that love can really blossom, showing us that love is not always the only thing needed to make a relationship work.

It really is a great series meant to give you a dopamine drip and a gay flair in this dark and cruel world!

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9 people found this review helpful
May 22, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

I don't care what other review talking about but for me it's good story

As a person who read the Novel and casually watch BL/Y series and tbh this one is the one that make my heart happy.

Not only they talk about gender equality but also minor issues in our social environment that are rarely discussed because they are considered normal. That's good point here.

All actors are amazing especially Nunew. If I don't see a post that talk about how he is marely a rookie artist, I will never know coz he is absolutly amazing in this series. About Zee, no doubt. he is able to convey the character's emotions well according to the novel

The OST tho, really2 good. All of OSTs.

Nb: It's so funny to read all bad reviews here that talking about the story without read the actual Novel 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Read first before you talking BS review. That's my suggest for y'll ^^ have a nice day.

Very recommend

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