Tania Tomar
0 people found this review helpful
Mar 28, 2024
30 of 30 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Slow burned natural romance

This drama is so so good, it has everything in it. If you're looking to watch something easy going without big plots and turns then you should definitely watch it. The actors played the roles so beautifully that you'll get butterflies in your stomach every time they share screen. If you love sports dramas then this is perfect for you. The way this story is written is so beautiful.
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Dropped 3/30
8 people found this review helpful
Jun 8, 2024
3 of 30 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 5.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

Very awkward romance

Full disclosure. I stopped after the 3rd eposide.

I usually give shows a fair chance to build characters and engage me. But in 3 full episodes, there was zero development, and zero character growth. The worst part, is that in a romantic drama, you want to see the attraction between the leads develop and grow. In this show, they seem to fall for each other by the 2nd episode, with absolutely no reason provided. All we get from them are quiet awkward conversations from the beginning. So when you add the fact that there is no other ongoing story line, i just gave up.

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Ongoing 16/30
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 9, 2024
16 of 30 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

The drama itself is very slow-paced, yet it absorbs with its narrative

I started watching ASSOL without any background information. At the beginning of the first episode, I thought that the blizzard city could be from Finland (by default, some place in China). After a while, I realized that the series was partly filmed in Finland. The cities of Helsin and Hel(l) in the story is Helsinki. Thus, as a Finn, the interest in drama rose all at once.

The drama itself is very slow-paced, yet it absorbs with its narrative. The male lead in his role is very convincing. The female lead is certainly a talented actress, but the image of women in Chinese dramas is annoying, to say the least, from such a European perspective. This time, shyness has been taken to extremes. Extra points for the following points: Due to Arctic conditions, this time there has been no need to look at the microskirts of female actors. In addition, the number of soft toys is kept to a minimum.

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Dropped 6/30
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 13, 2024
6 of 30 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 4.5
Story 2.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

Unexpected disappointment

I usually don't write reviews here, I use my twitter account to simply send my random thoughts during the watching party, but I am afraid this one deserves a greater explanation than 2-3 sentences I can squeeze in a tweet.

Back when this drama was airing, many of my friends were watching and praising it. I was asked on multiple occasions why I don't give it a try, and at first, it was because I was busy, but later on I found out it's a sports drama which is usually not my cup of tea. Lately, I've been more into cdramas so I decided to finally give this drama a try. Everyone and their mothers loved it, I should too, right?

Hah, how wrong I was.

I won't lie, the first 2 episodes were actually entertaining, I loved the idea of a guy who randomly saw this pretty girl and fell in love with her at first sight. I found their initial awkwardness around each other cute and realistic, but as time progressed, instead of dissipating, that awkwardness became more and more evident.

There was too much staring and almost 0 communication between them. Every time they had one of their staring parties, I had to divert my eyes because I was physically uncomfortable with it. The lack of communication between them was also killing me because how are you so madly liking someone, but not knowing anything about them except the basic info? They could be a total nuthouse, as opposed to their good looks, aren't you interested in finding out more? They even brought it up multiple times, asking each other why are they so quiet and that raised my first red flag because they literally had so many things to talk about (billiards, moving from China, uni life, adaptation to new surroundings, heck even weather talk would do), but they opted to keep their mouth stuffed with food with a sprinkle of bizarre staring on top (the lack of music in staring scenes made it even creepier).

We got a glimpse of ML's traumatic past which could possibly be a reason for his rather cold and seemingly unbothered behavior, but at the same time, he seems to get along with everyone - every random character that spawned out of nowhere had nothing but good words about him, treating him and taking care of him. So, if you managed to make them like you, why are you now blanking in front of the girl you like? Math ain't mathing.

FL's behavior also didn't really make any sense, but I guess it had to be like that for the sake of the plot. Moving in with the first guy you met on another continent seems like the start of a horror movie to me.

And my last, and probably the weirdest reason I dropped it is the age gap. Now, I watched HL before, and for some reason, I didn't really mind the age gap, but I just can't get over it here. I tried multiple times to forget it, but it just kept pestering me to the point that I started associating their lack of talk with their age difference which made me hate it even more.

I know I dropped this early and that there is plenty more room for it to get better, but I literally can't force myself through it anymore. I had a really high expectations and they weren't met so I should stop torturing myself and ruining the image for the people who actually loved it. The cast was actually good, I loved Zhao Jinmai in Reset and this whole review has nothing with them, but their characters, but even they couldn't make me stay. OST and pretty city shots are also a bonus, but they're not the ones I am ready to sacrifice 25 hours for.

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2 people found this review helpful
Mar 6, 2024
30 of 30 episodes seen
Completed 3
Overall 5.0
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

une si grande attente....pour rien!

Ah mais je l'attendais. Depuis Nirvana in Fire, je suis une admiratrice inconditionnelle de Wu Lei.
Il en faut bien. Après tout, cette année, mon chéri Nam Goong Min ou bien les soeurs Hong ont été mes plus grosses déceptions... Je pense, et ce n'est que mon avis, que ce type de rôle ne vont pas du tout à Wu Lei....
Des choses positives? hum....les premiers épisodes sont loin d'être mauvais et j'ai fort apprécié le début de la romance. Les personnages secondaires étaient amusants et drôles.... et puis, au bout de 10 épisodes, voire avant, je me suis rendue compte que cela tournait en rond...
Passons donc aux choses négatives :
La romance! c'est le GROS point noir de ce drama. Mais punaise, l'auteur (si vous m'avez un peu lu vous devez savoir que j'ai aimé "Go Go squid", "scarlet heart" et surtout ADORE " One and Only") a vraiment écrit une mauvaise romance... TOUT dans ce drama tourne autour de ce couple, qui est loin d'être de ce que j'ai pu voir de meilleur dans dramaland. La romance est ennuyeuse, c'est fou, les conversations sont d'une banalité incroyable et les interactions sombre sans aucune alchimie....Pas un seul instant je n'ai cru à leur histoire ou n'ai voulu les voir ensemble. Pire, le couple passe son temps à s'embrasser, à s'enlacer, à se toucher, à se regarder dans le blanc des yeux....AHHHHH mais c'était juste horrible! Je n'ai rien contre un drama 100% romance, mais ici je me suis sentie gênée, les scènes nous implique dans une intimité un peu malsaine. C'est un couple où il. ne se passe RIEN pendant 30 épisodes. Pas d'obstacles. Pas d'évolution. Sans aucun intérêt si ce n'est leur coup de foudre mutuel./ Il n'y a rien à raconter, rien à voir. Et c'est horrible de voir un personnage masculin qui se jette sur le personnage féminin à la moindre occasion : l'embrasser alors qu'elle se refuse, la toucher toutes les minutes, la coincer dans un coin.....Je n'ai rien contre un badass qui se montrerai un peu trop entreprenant (Xiao Liu!), mais ici, c'est too much.... C'est dans tous les épisodes. Je ne compte plus les nombres de fois où la nenette dit "non", certes un peu faiblard, mais un non reste un non...J'ai donc trouvé le comportement Lin Yi Yang trop déplacé et pas vraiment respectueux de Yin Guo....Il a 27 ans, elle en a 21.... Et si Yi Yang est un peu lourd en tant qu'amoureux transi, Yin Guo est la personnification même de la nana qui m'horripile le plus : parfaite, pure, gentille, chouineuse, soumise qui ne connait pas la défaite...j'avoue que sa façon de pleurer et parler m'a vite taper sur les nerfs...
Si vous vous attendez à des scènes intenses durant les compétitions de billards, passez votre chemin. Ici, le billard n'est qu'une façade, une scène pour nos tourtereaux. On n'apprend rien, mais strictement rien du billard. Un peu de "pin pong life" n'aurait pas été de refus, c'est à dire quelques petits explications sur ce monde aurait été le bienvenu. Et les personnages? ahahahaha. Ils sont tellement parfaits, des champions, que cela soit Yin Guo ou Yi Yang, je ne vois pas l'intérêt de parler de joueurs à qui tout réussi.... Ils sont aimés de tout le monde, ils jouent à la perfection, ils sont le couple parfait (sans disputes, sans malentendus, sans rivaux...), Mr et Mme parfait! Aucun intérêt en ce qui me concerne.
Bref, c'est en ce qui me concerne un drama dont l'ennui a eu vite raison de mon envie de voir Wu Lei jusqu'au bout. A la place, je me jette sur le drama de Yang Zi, "love endures" qui sans être la romance du siècle a au moins le mérite de me faire rire aux éclats.

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1 people found this review helpful
Feb 19, 2024
30 of 30 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Masya Allah drama yang dari keseluruhan sangat sangat bagusssss. Aktor, aktris, alur cerita, semua adegan, dialognya sukaaaaa banget. Kemistrinya dapat banget, drama bertabur berlian wkwkwk. Penyegar mata banget nonton drama ini. Semoga sukses terus untuk semua pemerannya. Dan bisa satu project lagi aamiin?
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Carolina Marques
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 20, 2024
30 of 30 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

Romance delicinha!

A China está apresentando cada vez mais dramas de romance que valem muito serem vistos. Depois de Hidden Love (Amor Oculto) o sarrafo ficou alto. Mas muitos estão seguindo uma linha parecida bem interessante. Foi outro bom drama chinês que assisti depois de um Amor Oculto
Aquela boa e velha história clichê mas muito bem construída de amor e superação que aqueceu meu coração. É daqueles dramas com construção bem lenta bem água com açúcar que para quem gosta como eu, é prato cheio. O enredo, embora familiar, foi executado com uma boa falta dos velhos clichês de romance. Não havia ex-namorados, nem triângulos amorosos, nem personagens secundários irritantes para desviar a atenção do romance central. Não sei como foi recebido na China, mas eu fã internacional aqui do Brasil, adorei.
No entanto, achei que eles se concentraram muito nos protagonistas e se esqueceram dos personagens secundários. E eram tantos talentos que poderiam ter sido mais explorados e ficaram esquecidos na construção. Eu simplesmente amei Jiang Yang e Meng Xiao Dong interpretados por Chen Ji Ke e Wang Xing Yue. Em vez disso, o foco permaneceu diretamente na evolução do relacionamento dos protagonistas, Leo Wu vivendo o maravilhoso Yin Guo e a belíssima Lin Yi Yang sendo vivenciada pela atriz Zhao Jin Mai. Os dois juntos, deram um verdadeiro show de atuação, mostrando uma química insana e uma interpretação fluida.
Um destaque importante foi o cenário deslumbrante de locais estrangeiros, filmados predominantemente na Finlândia. Mesmo com a transição da história de volta para a China, os locais escolhidos mantiveram seu charme diferenciando dos demais dramas chineses.
Coisas que me incomodaram: Eles retrataram o personagem de Yin Guo muito pura e tímida, que achei em certos momentos até exagerado considerando a idade da personagem e também por ser uma mulher viajada que conhece outras culturas. É estranho que ela se esquive do beijo 90% das vezes.

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0 people found this review helpful
Feb 17, 2024
30 of 30 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Jalan cerita yang manis

Drama yang punya jalan cerita manis ditambah chemistry akting wulei dan maimai yang bener2 bagus, ngebuat drama ini jadi hidup. Jangan lupa jg pemeran lainnya yang memanjakan mata xixixi. Tempat pembuatan film nya juga lain dari yang lain, baru pertama kali semenjak covid ada drama china yang di filmkan di luar negeri.
Semoga drama ini bisa dipromosikan lebih lama, karena menurut saya promosinya terlalu sebentar, banyak adegan yang di cut huhu
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Ongoing 26/30
1 people found this review helpful
Feb 15, 2024
26 of 30 episodes seen
Ongoing 2
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

SPOILER.... Estoy enamorada de este cdrama

Holis!!!. Solo una pregunta, en que capitulo se acostaron??, acabo de ver el capitulo 26, QUE ME PERDÍ?????.

Por lo demás, estoy enamorada otra vez del protagonista, jejeje. por segunda vez. El drama me parece muy bonito y romántico, sí, un poco infantil a veces, pero tierno y me encanta la inocencia que transmiten al pasar por la primera relación, lo tierno que son uno al otro, lo considerados y ese amor tan desinteresado sin malicia . Bueno en definitiva encantada con todo, espero con ansias los demás capítulos pero sin querer que termine.
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Cristina Lucio Valori
1 people found this review helpful
Feb 18, 2024
30 of 30 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

A graciosidade da história.

Não costumo resenhar as series que assisto, mas essa aqui fiz questão de deixar meu ponto de vista. Aqui nós temos um enredo clichês, aquele famoso amor à primeira vista. Às vezes, não acredito muito nesse evento, mas o Lin demonstrou que esse tipo de amor existe . Havia amor nos olhos dele . A maneira como ele foi tocado pelo amor, estava em cada expressão. No sorriso contido, no franzir das sobrancelhas, no sorriso com os olhos. Acho que uma boa parte do sucesso dessa série está na personificação do Leo Wu como Lin . Guo foi "feita" na medida. Nem muito ingênua (odeio quando colocam as mulheres como sendo idiotas), nem infantilizadas e nem exagerada. Ela era perfeita!
E quem imaginaria que a neve combinaria tanto com sinuca? Eu amei essa combinação. Outro ponto para destacar está no enredo sem "ex" chatas, sem famílias possessivas e controladoras, sem questões machistas, sem amigas traiçoeiras, sem vilões desnecessários. Em Amidst a Showstorm of Love o único vilão (se é que teve algum) foi o orgulho ferido. No entanto, quando Lin enxergou como sua vida era vazia ele percebeu que havia esperança para si mesmo. E eu amei essa evolução do personagem. No mundo em que vivemos hoje, uma história como Amidst a Snowstorm of love nos deixa com a sensação de que tudo ficará bem.
Por isso, recomendo muito essa série. Ela é leve, romântica, graciosa e aconchegante. Você assiste sorrindo durante os 45 minutos de cada episódio, desejando fazer parte das duas cidades Bei e a do Lin,

O que senti falta, foi conhecer um pouco mais do romance do primo da Guo. Ficou claro que eles ainda sentiam algo um pelo outro, mas entendo que o casal principal eram os mais importantes.

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