1 people found this review helpful
Nov 12, 2022
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.5
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November 11, 2022

Roommates of Poongduck 304 just fills me up real good. MHHM MHHHM. I am so tired from o all these angsty shows and heavy weighted shows released this year that I am so happy this drama gives me the good amount of fluff I need. The story is literally your typical Kdrama plot line but I do not care cause the way the actors executed the plot is just so good.

I don't even have anything bad to say, for anyone who wants a short drama with good chemistry and cheesy romance. I heavily recommend this series! I literally screamed and paused so many times cause the feels I got were just hitting the right spots

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1 people found this review helpful
Nov 9, 2022
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10

Just what I was needing

OKAY. First things first, I'm really LOVE Ji Woong and Seo Bin, for real. I watched "sweet blood" and just get in love with Ji Woong, so when i discover that he was making a REAL vampire whit ✨protagonism✨ i was so excited and, again, fell in love with him and whith Seo Bin. And CMON they are so lovely together.
So, in resume, I'm just a little bit crazy for them. And, when I found out they're doing ANOTHER drama together i freack out.
I WAS SO RIGHT, this drama is really good, like, it's a cliché, BUT the acting is very delicius to watch, and I'm ever surprise whit the acting skills of Seo Bin, he's a such big actor, he can be cute , aggressive and bossy whit naturally. And the chemistry between them is INSANE (the kisses (⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠)). Anyway, this drama is simple and perfect, it's clean, it's funny and it's lovely. I really enjoyed watching this and hope they keep getting more jobs (together or not). I'm losing my mind, so, yeah, just watch this (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)

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1 people found this review helpful
Nov 5, 2022
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10

Very fun and enjoyable to watch!

You're looking for a simple yet funny and cute drama? This is the one
I simply loved this so much, its the kind of dramas i can watch so many times and never get bored of, its just exactly the type of humor i enjoy, its dumb but not too much and/or cringe
The actors did an amazing job, comedy is definitely their thing, i loved jaeyoon, hes just so cute and i love every single things he does haha (maybe im just biased bcs im head over hills for seobin)
Seobin and Jiwoong's chemistry is incredible, i already knew that since kissable lips (it was pretty much the only good thing about the drama lol, dont get me wrong i actually like kissable lips, its my guilty pleasure, but was it good? well... no) but now this show just made me want to see more of them being lovey dovey cause i just know i would enjoy a whole @ss episode of them just being cute together lol, their chemi is THAT good
Also i GOTTA mention the kissing scene, gosh they ate (literally lmaoo)

Anyways, i would most definitely recommand this BL!!
I enjoyed every seconds of it

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1 people found this review helpful
Nov 5, 2022
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.5

Way better than Kissable Lips!!

This is SUCH AN UPGRADE from Kissable Lips!! I loved it!

I went into this with pretty low expectations because I was expecting something like Kissable Lips, but I was so wrong! It was so freaking good!
The chemistry between the leads is so much better than before, every episode had me excited for the next episodes, the music was soo cute and nice, the acting was also better than in Kissable Lips, etc

If you watched KL and want to see more of the main leads, Roommates of Poongduck 304 is the perfect drama for you!
Enjoy watching this cute, entertaining and awesome series, byeee!!

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Jan 9, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

This made me happy after watching ?

I know we’ll never get them back anytime sooner but I just wanted to say that I really loved them and their series together. It made me happy while it lasted. I’m not a massive review-writer but I just wanted to let people appreciate the series and both characters for being friends and being proud of their work. I will really miss them together. I still sob in a corner whenever I watch their videos together or compilations because I really miss them. I support both actors individually now and I hope you do the same if you really love them ?
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1 people found this review helpful
Aug 16, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10

Superb drama

Guys let me tell you this drama is really good and filled with cute moments although we have only 8 episodes but still it covered all the plots in good manner like enemies to lovers and ceo employee love story , toxic past boy friend and goal in the life , comedy , intimate kiss scenes and top of that cute and very talented actors and script writers and director wow thumbs to all the members in the team bze I found many kdrama bl with great actors but script wasn’t good but this one had all of them please do watch this drama highly recommend for kdrama fans who are bl

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Oct 4, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Aaaaah, was für eine süße Serie! Die perfekte Mischung aus ernsten Momenten und RomCom Anteilen.

Ich habe die Serie angefangen, als ich an dem Tag bereits 2 Dramen gedroppt habe, weil sie einfach langweilig und awkward waren. Diese Serie hier war eine erfrischende Abwechslung! Ich liebe fast-paced RomComs und diese Serie hat genau das richtige Tempo! Ich hätte mir sogar noch ein paar mehr Episoden oder längere Folgen gewünscht, um mehr süße, lovely Momente zwischen den Beiden zu erleben. Sie haben eine unfassbar tolle Chemie und ihre Gegensätze ergänzen sich so gut! Der Sarkasmus in der Serie hat mich immer wieder zum Lachen gebracht.

Trotzdem gibt es auch ernste Momente, die ich so nicht erwartet hätte. Die Serie ist definitiv tiefgründiger als zu Beginn angenommen.

Die Musik gefällt mir auch gut! Die Szenen nur mit Musik sind gut gesetzt. Manchmal gibt es solche Momente, die dann aber nichts hergeben. Und nichts zum Verlauf beitragen. Die hätte man dann lieber mit Dialogen ersetzt, um einen Fortschritt zu erlangen, der für den Zuschauer besser nachzuvollziehen ist. Aber hier sind sie perfekt gesetzt und nehmen der Story nichts weg. Ich weiß nicht, ob man versteht, was ich meine. Aber manchmal haben Serien diese Musikszenen, um einen Zeitverlauf darzustellen, aber dadurch, dass dann nicht genug Dialoge eingebaut sind, habe ich das Gefühl, man ist einfach nur zu einem nächsten Zeitpunkt vorgesprungen, ohne eine Entwicklung mitzuerleben, die man nachvollziehen kann. Als hätte man etwas übersprungen. Hier ist der Verlauf und die Entwicklung aber gut ausgearbeitet und dargestellt. Die Musik ist passend und gut gewählt. Dadurch ist es eine gut abgerundete Sache.

Auch ist dies das erste Drama, bei dem mir aufgefallen ist, wie viel älter die Schauspieler eigentlich aussehen. Normalerweise kritisiere ich eher, dass die Schauspieler zu alt für ihre Rollen sind und es seltsam aussieht, wenn ein 30 jähriger einen Highschooler spielt. Hier sind die Schauspieler Anfang 20, spielen aber Rollen Ende 20 und es passt erstaunlich gut!

Das Acting hat mir auch richtig gut gefallen! Wie gesagt, die Chemie der zwei Leads ist einfach toll! Blushing und being flustered sind da vorprogrammiert. Auch die Produktion ist wirklich gut gelungen.

Den halben Stern Abzug gibt es lediglich für wenige Szenen, bei denen ich mir mehr Erklärung gewünscht hätte, um sie besser zu verstehen, oder die ich minimal problematisch fand, hinsichtlich "zu manipulativ" sein.

All in all ist das trotzdem ein sehr sehr gutes BL Drama! Es hat super viel Spaß gemacht und ich wollte gar nicht aufhören, weiter zu schauen. Ich hoffe, SK bringt noch viele weiterer solcher Dramen raus.

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Jun 3, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

Pleasant Office Drama With Lovable Characters.

This is one of those regular office romance dramas along with a lot of cuteness and stupidity thrown in the same plate. However, I immensely enjoyed this and its definitely one of the better short series out there. I'm not talking from the "BL" point of view. Rather from a regular drama objective.

When the spoilt heir of a famous company, Ho Joon, is forced to rely upon himself after causing troubles for his father, he has no options but to do as told. His stupid persistence and narcissism irks his new landlord, Seo Jae Yoon. However, Jae Yoon finds himself in a difficult situation when he finds out that the tenant whom he was trying to evict is his newly appointed Team Leader.

The runtime (more than 25 or 30 minutes for some episodes) and storyline was adequate enough to portray the emotional growth between the characters and how both of them slowly begin to understand their positives and the short comings. I was pleasantly surprised by the leading actors' performance here since in their last drama, their characters were not as voluble (particularly Kim Ji Woong, he was a delight to watch in this one).
The chemistry was natural and I particularly liked how everyone were just 'patient'. None of them were annoying or over the top. Both Ho Joon and Jae Yoon were intelligent in their own ways.
Nothing was rushed. And some scenes were genuinely comedic without trying too hard. One thing I will definitely not forget is when Ho Joon went, "How come he becomes stupid in Poongdeok Villa?" And then we have Jae Yoon skeptically ask in the next episode, "Are you a genius?"

I don't think I'll feel the same or whether I'll be able to rewatch it, but it's a satisfying watch, provided that you view it as a regular KDrama and not purposefully keep expectations.

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Aug 17, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

Basic with Perfect Execution

This is a belated review as I have watched this two times now. I remembered liking this series the first time but it did not stick with me much, hence why I did not review it. However, the second watch gave me so much renewed appreciation for this series, the cast, and just the perfection in its simplicity.

Let's just put it our there, this series is not the first of its kind nor does it have a unique storyline. But it shines despite having a formulaic plot due to the great character writing, amazing cast, and great comedic moments.

Jiwoong as Ji Ho Jun is absolutely amazing. With a lesser actor, Ji Ho Jun could've been annoying to say the least. However, JiWoong had excellent comedic timing and excels at pulling a puppy face which makes the character extremely likeable despite his egotistic tendencies, especially in the beginning.

Seobin as Yoo Jae Yun excelled in his emotional scenes, especially ones with the first guy he had a one-sided crush on. He delivered so much of that earnest energy that even though he was a complete pushover, I couldn't find it in myself to be annoyed at him.

Both actors are quite green and it is noticeable, but they have such amazing on-screen charisma that the acting still works really well. They both really do have potential even if the technical aspect of their acting isn;t perfect here.

The character writing was great and even though they are not written as very complex people, I still can see that they do have that rich inner life. I love that Ho Jun is extremely competent and caring even though he is a spoiled brat. I love that Jae Yun is ambitious and has strong convictions, but also has so much personal insecurities. I love that we have moved away from the stoic CEO with insane power imbalance over the employee, because even if it started out that way, Jae Yun being the landlord really helped even out the dynamics in the story.

Most of all, I absolutely loved how they chose to end it. I reckon it's the best outcome possible for a boss x employee trope.

However, one thing that I have to say is that there are pacing issues. I reckon this would have worked better as a 12 episode series, as I thought that Jae Yun moved on from his first crush a little bit too quickly. I understand getting over him after that one incident but going from that to falling in love with Ho Jun in what seems like less than a week was just a bit too much. I would also have loved to see more of their early relationship honeymoon period because the conflict was introduced way too soon after they got together so it was hard to justify that much angst on what appeared to be a very short-lived relationship.

Anyways I would still recommend this drama to all romcom lovers. This is an adorable, easy to watch series that makes your day brighter.

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Jul 14, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.5

so cute and fun

Here's what you get:
Office boyfriends who do real work, have great chemistry, hilarious power dynamics, a confession scene with rooftop energy, and fantastic, swoony kisses! Also, a great supporting cast!
Plus, great music!! Dreaming of you every day makes me feel like I'm in love, that's so precious

I loved this show, and I'll definitely watch it and any other works of these stars! The cuteness after they got together had me squealing like a pig!! I mean, "is he a player"? It was too much!

Yes, this show has the unnecessary breakup, but it leads to a pretty great getting- back- together scene, so it's worth it!

Also, love how they have full, long conversations!

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0 people found this review helpful
Apr 4, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 4.0
This review may contain spoilers






De nuevo, I dont think korean bls are my cup of tea but at least I enjoyed this one more than the last one.
TE AMO JIWOONG que hot que es ñom ñom y el otro tambien muy cute me hizo acordar a peat de LITA pero con los dientes arreglados no se su nombre asi que a ti te llamare pseudo-peat
Nada aber perhaps es el hecho de que los caps duraban 30 min en vez de 15 como otros bls coreanos y asi lo pude disfrutar mas? Me gusto la trama, me gusta la pareja los dos son muy tiernos y a pesar de que estoy un poco harta de los bls de oficina me da ternura como estan juntos en el trabajo a escondidas owo
Mi unica queja (creo) es que me parecio re fuera de personaje que pseudo-peat haya decidido irse a la mierda cuando se entero de que jiwoong era el hijo del presidente? siendo un tipo tan logico fue raro que no le haya preguntado sobre el tema, pensaria que inventaron un conflicto innecesario just for funsies PERO debo admitir que toda la secuencia de jiwoong triste porque pseudopeat se fue me rompio el corazon :( cuando finigia demencia de que habia renunciado y decia que estaba de vacaciones aaaaaaaaa y todos los recuerdos que tenia de el en la ufi, en la casa, etc. debe ser re complicado perder a alguien con quien tenes tantos recuerdos vividos en los espacios que aun habituas. which btw me hubiese gustado que muestren mas cosas de ellos juntos siento que fueron 3 escenas locas.
Also me molesto lo estupido que era pseudopeat con su compa de secundaria igual a jiwoong tambien le molesto asi que thats it
ALSO a pesar de que pseudopeat mintio cuando dijo que no se bancaba mas a jiwoong porque compartian casa + laburo, siento que es algo bastante realista que a cualquiera le podria pasar,,, y al final estan juntos ok todo bien pero ahora trabajan EN CASA los dos juntos en un 2 ambientes sabes que dejaaaa

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อาเว็ง ผัรดิลยั
0 people found this review helpful
Jan 10, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

It's a good series to watch.

I love the two main actors so much and i had a great time watching it. I'm looking forward to their next project together.

I like the storyline of this series. I will definitely rewatch it again. Main characters are both handsome .

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Roommates of Poongduck 304 (2022) poster



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