2 people found this review helpful
Sep 10, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Poongduck Villa Really Is Special

One of my all-time favourites that I just can't help but keep returning to.
This is a truly excellent rom-com which walks some classic beats but also brings a lot of new ideas to the table.
It's got nice visuals, fantastic acting, a great supporting cast (looking at you Holland, truly noone steals the show like that man does), some great physical comedy, and authentic queer characters with real depth.

This show first won me over with the aforementioned physical comedy, however small a part it may play in the story. It's rare to see a rom-com incorporate a tangible, physical aspect into its humour without it being overly cartoon-y slapstick.
I mean when was the last time you saw one romantic lead deliver a round-house kick to the other romantic lead's face?

Then the show intrigued me with how realistic its characters feel. They all just seem like real, actual people, the main characters especially. Sure, they are both strange in their own ways and completely and utterly fail to be normal about anything at all, but thanks to the clever writing all their silliness feels like the respective idiosyncrasies of two oddly charming and deeply likeable people.
So much so that the two leads felt immediately and startlingly familiar to me. I kept thinking to myself "I know these gays, I have met them before, I know actual people like this"

All of the above are great points in the show's favour, but what really cemented its status as one of the all time greats to me is the deeply realistic and thoughtfully handled portrayal of queerness and queer experience that it depicts.
It explores the disbelief, curiosity, and relief of discovering your sexuality, the continuous heartbreak of pining for someone you can't have and the line between secret love and unhealthy devotion, the all-encompassing, giddy joy of experiencing a true romantic connection for the first time in your 30ish years of life, the way shame and repression affect queer people's lives and relationships, and the happiness and security that come from finding people who are just like you, who care for you, and who accept you.
And that dedication to depicting authentic queer experiences is what elevates the story as a whole and makes every familiar trope seem fresh and new. Take the show's climactic conflict for instance - this is an integral part of the standard rom-com formula which can easily become contrived and off-putting if a show includes it just for the sake of sticking to the format.
But here that conflict doesn't just serve to add drama for drama's sake. It stems directly from both characters' internal issues and insecurities and feels like a perfect culmination of something the show has been building up to from the beginning.
The entire thing is as painfully, achingly inevitable as it is necessary for the characters to progress, both as people and in their relationship. Rarely have I seen story with a romantic core woven together so perfectly and a relationship arc pulled off so masterfully.

I highly recommend this show to all rom-com fans, queer viewers looking for a believable queer romance with excellent representation which notably does not end in tragedy, and anyone in search of a solid romantic romp with great writing and acting and a fantastic wardrobe, that has some real bite and intelligence to it and is, most importantly, just plain fun to watch.

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Ongoing 4/8
5 people found this review helpful
Oct 21, 2022
4 of 8 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

It didn’t take me long to love this drama!

It took me a minute and 45 seconds to know that I would like this drama. I’m not even exaggerating. It was the scene with Ji Hoo looking for a place to live and you see him testing out a series of water pressures in various showers. The pure frustration and scream. I was rolling. The hilarity that ensures as you watch further is EXCELLENT. I was sold from that moment on. They managed to say a lot about a character without saying much in such a short amount of time. You learn in that one scene that he is very particular to the point we’re he fixates on water pressure of all things. He must be a privileged guy. Right? Then why is he looking for places that are likely cheaper then what he’s wearing? He has a dismissive attitude and is rude to the lady showing him around to these places. Yet his glee of seeing a flyer calling for a roommate and advertising great water pressure is just icing on top….love the kdrama magic that is building the blocks of a pending meet cute. The actor Kim Ji Woong acted as if the heavens parted ways to let the sun beams shine a light on the flyer. That didn’t actually happen. No light beam but his acting is so on point as if that could’ve happened. The giddiness he shows is soo adorable and then you think oh no this is shitty person but he is endearing? What do I do? Oh no I like him as a character now! Help!

So after writing a long ass paragraph about this one scene, this is me basically saying that I’m having such a blast watching this show. It is incredibly funny and makes me so happy. I’d be laughing out loud in one scene then in the next instance a character makes an offhanded comment that makes me feel for them. These 2 leads are soooo good. It boggles my mind that they were in Kissable Lips with how bad that drama was. As mentioned by someone else in their review, I also agree and wanted to say yes SAME because I felt the same way. It feels like a kdrama. In fact it feels like it could be a top performing kdrama on a level with wild popularity. But the reason why I don’t think it’ll get that far is because it’s a BL and it’s a BL with short episodes (8 in total) which is so unfair but homophobia is still an issue especially in Korea. Semantic Error is definitely a milestone drama that is helping to progress the genre. We are seeing more BLs slated to come out of Korea which is super exciting!!! So Im hoping this drama gets the traction that it deserves. It proved to me already that it can cover a lot in a short amount of time so we’ll see if 8 episodes is enough. I know only 4 episodes are out so I should calm myself but I’m having too much fun with this show already. Also, it was so nice to see Holland show up in the first episode!!!! He’s come a long way and gone through a lot since coming out to the public. So for now I’ll leave my thoughts till my next update once more episodes are out.

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Nov 3, 2022
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
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A plot that has been done before, and I still can’t get enough

This is a plot that has been done many times before, the most noticeably similar case being Rak Diao (One Love), in which the owner of a house or an apartment has an “unlikeable” tenant who happens to be his boss. However, this show is distinctly itself.

The comedic aspects of the show are great, and I really enjoy the humour. It’s light, and the drama doesn’t linger, instead flowing somewhat naturally (the final two episodes run a little loose and fast with the drama). The transition from pure comedy to romance to light angst is smooth, and the resolution is sweet, enhanced by the wonderful chemistry (comedic, friendly and romantic).

However, I think the pacing became a little abrupt near the beginning of the end, and although I understand that it’s because of the short run-time, I wish that they could have added a montage of time the main couple spent together so it would feel like some time had passed and the stress was starting to mount for Seo Jae Yoon rather than him suddenly being “bored” as he so said. We know his reasons, but it isn’t cinematically effective to simply show a timeskip and him expressing his questions about the relationship with some people chattering in the background about rumours surrounding a similar relationship to theirs. I also wish they talked a bit more about his insecurities and why he decided to leave for a bit - or at least alluded to starting that conversation after making up again.

I liked the return to comedy by the end of the series, and the tone was a relief from the slightly more serious tone episode 7 and the start of 8, and that led to an ending that I’m pretty satisfied by.

Overall, it was a nice drama, and probably one of my favourite short-length K-Dramas I’ve seen. The chemistry was great, and I liked the outro music. The plot is simple, and the drama was kept somewhat uncomplicated, and I know that in the future there will be LGBT stories a million times better in quality than this one as people slowly accept them as the norm, but for now, Solid 8.5/10.

Tl;DR: this is a nice, lighthearted comedy. Some aspects will require you to turn off your logic brain, but it tries to fill the time effectively, and it’s worth seeing the chemistry between the actors. One day, this show will be outshone by longer, higher budget KBLs, but for now, it is in the upper ranks of the genre. Worth the watch.

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1 people found this review helpful
Mar 23, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10


I actually found this when I was searching for any Korean BL series and yup, this is one of my greatest discoveries. I'm really so happy that I found this. I love everything... from characters, to their acting, to the conflicts, to the ending, the whole storyline... I love everything. Not to mention, the two male leads are really good-looking. Uhmm.. maybe I just hoped that they had longer sweet moments because their chemistry is just really good. I still love all their scenes together though, they're just fit for each other. Well done and well-executed. I love it! Ahhhh.. I've already added this to my favorite BL list. Highly recommended!

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1 people found this review helpful
Oct 6, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

Arrogant rich boy meets Sassy Office Worker

This series was short, cute and funny. Ho Jun was kicked out of the house by his dad in order to be taught a lesson and Jae Yoon was looking for a roommate. Coincidentally, they also happen to become work buddies. I really loved how the story and romance was paced out in the show, it didn't seem too rushed but it all felt like things were happening normally. The acting was great, the dialogue hit and there was a balance in comedy and seriousness.

Overall this was an easy watch, and I wouldn't mind rewatching it. It's not the most amazing show out there, but it does its work.

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1 people found this review helpful
Jun 27, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
This review may contain spoilers

Competent Housemates/Colleagues to Lovers RomCom

One of the strengths of this series is that both JaeYoon and JiHoon have individually defined character arcs that are influenced by the other. There is no secondary couple or plot, so everything is focused on the two main characters with a supporting cast that fills out the rest of the world as needed. The funny moments did make me laugh when they occurred, which is sprinkled in here and there like most kdramas.

JiHoon's preference for good shower pressure is actually pretty relatable. Despite playing up his spoiled brat persona to the hilt and got a nepo assignment, he's actually a competent team manager and can be quite observant and mature, being the first one offer a truce to JaeYoon and not even be mad at the concussion he sustained from his employee/landlord and having zero issue when JaeYoon drunkenly reveal love woes about a man. JaeYoon doesn't put up enough boundaries to either of his so called friends, both taking advantage of him in their own ways. The comparatively worse one being SeungSeok who JaeYoon is in love with and is aware is using him to buy all sorts of unnecessary and not good quality things, but continues to allow it like a moth to a flame. JaeYoon does start drawing boundaries as a landlord with his pesky new tenant and later no longer letting himself be used anymore after JiHoon helps him fully question how he's been treated.

Some memorable funny moments were when way before they realize their feelings for each other and JiHoon first starts patting JaeYoon's hair, looking into his eyes and thinking "I'm starting to get the feeling I'm going to get my annual raise." and later a heartbroken drunk JaeYoon finds an abandoned pig plushie next to his fallen fork which he leans against the plushie that he starts babbling his heart out to, a scene where JiHoon finds and takes both home and sets the plushie nicely with the rest of the apartment decor. I like how JaeYoon ups his styling game so dramatically after officially dating JiHoon that suddenly all the office ladies finds him attractive and JiHoon is all upset like "He's my boyfriend and I can manage to stay calm, why are ya'll making a fuss???" and tries so awkwardly to block BitNa from giving those ladies any information about JaeYoon.

It feels like they barely dated for a day before JaeYoon finds out that JiHoon is the president's son and breaks things off unilaterally and retreats to his parent's seaside restaurant. JiHoon's a new flashback to their happier dating times seems to indicates more time had passed between their dating and break up though. They should have put a longer montage to indicate that if so. We finally get JiHoon's full back story explaining why he had basically given up on his dreams, losing himself in partying and womanizing. It's nice that he decides to quit and start his own company, but that was pretty presumptuous to turn in JaeYoon's resignation as well without discussing with him first to start their own company. And not even offering co-ceo position to his man and they have another employee that interrupts their spicy lovey dovey work argument anyways.

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Kenneth Carl Vega
1 people found this review helpful
Jan 13, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers


Second time watiching this ! And planning for a 3rd one !
a few months ago I became stressed and was not able to sleep for straight 3 days ! And when I watched this KBL, I was able to sleep ! This saved me from my misery !
Lets talk about what I like on it, well actually I like everything but I want to elaborate it ! First I was glad knowing that it will be played by Kim Ji Woong and Yoon Seo Bin ! Like , I really admired them on Kissable Lips that made me sad because , that chemistry, that acting was somehow made waste because the way Kissable lips was made is a bit you know not that too great, and the runtime was so short ! But here they have a run time for about 25-30 mins !that made me happy already and the way the trailer and posters were made brought that romance comedy vibes to me !
The drama was like no flaws noticeable, like of course there will always be lacking because there is nothing perfect in this world ! Because the entertainment this two love-teams brought you would barely notice the flaws on the drama. My favorite thing here is that for almost 10 minutes and more Kim Ji Woong and Seo Bin was just conversing, but it made the story perfect ! It made the story complete, like you would notice they were just talking and talking but I was very happy and fluttered while watching them ! And the story was there on their conversation !
I liked their cuteness specially during the scenes that they are drinking and Ho Joon found out the struggle of Jae Yoon of liking his friend Seung seok, they were just so cute !
Also the scene where Ho Joon is hindering Jae Yoon from going to Seung Seok, I liked how they argued .. I liked the chemistry very very much !
The acting was great, you would barely notice this drama has only few extras , and that the settings was simple because the main characters and the supportings did all their job well ! I like also the office mate of Jae Yoon very cheerful characters.
The ending was satisfying And I was really happy ! I liked how the two of them ended, even There is a question in my mind what would the father of Ho Joon would say if his son has a boyfriend ! Hahah that would make the drama longer if they have included that part where the father would know or if they add to it the confession of Ho Joon to his father-that he has a boyfriend ! But that was just my thoughts but with or without it it doesn't make me less liking it !
And the kiss was blowing like Omg Seo Bin even bit a little of Jo Woong lips !! like I literally shouted on that moment!, actually aslo the scene where the two of them just started dating and they both came out of the room and Jae Yoon kissed Ho Joon OMG! My Heart ! The two of them are just so so perfect that they are my favorite from now on !!
I hope one day they will be together again as partners of couple on another KBL !! I love love them so much wahaha nothing to say anymore ! ♡♡♡

2023-09-21 3rd RE WATCH REVIEW


This is the 3rd time I watched this drama as I expected I can always feel the same feeling of comfort, the good vibes and everything about it. Come to think of it, I am watching this drama coincidentally every time I am having a hard time in my life and this has always been my source to divert. This drama is not like the high budget ones that's been releasing this year or recently but this is will always be my favorite, The story is easy to understand .. the actors Kim Ji Woong and Yoon Seobin will never be removed from my heart, it is not perfect but the acting is very giving. My always and forever favorite part is the long conversations of the leads but the conversation they have or the scenes they have is everything in the story like they are just talking in a certain place but everything that the story need to make it complete is there. I can say that you can never go wrong on choosing to watch and make this drama your favorite. This may be a just ordinary KBL for other people but for me this is my diversion and my comfort. I don't know how many more time could I re watch this drama but I am telling you , I will be keeping on re watching this drama over and over again whenever I feel like it and miss them. The actors Kim Ji Woong and Yoon Seo Bin might be on their different paths now I hope that they will be together again in one drama, and I will always keep on rooting for them, they are my favorite persons and come to think it my only most memorable KBL couple are them along with Jang Eui Soo and Han Gi Chan ! I love the new ones but man ! these KBL couples are Legends to me ! Going back I thank everyone who made this Roommates of Poongduck Villa 304 KBL this means so much to me ♥

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1 people found this review helpful
May 2, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10


I watched several BLs in a row that I thought were overrated, and I think this one is severely underrated. Maybe it's because I prefer lighthearted, comedy-type dramas. This one had everything I love in kdramas, with BL on top. Just the right amount of romance, comedy and drama. I'm honestly confused as to why this doesn't have Comedy listed in the genres.

The story was simple but not boring, the acting was great, and the OST was really good. I'm probably going to put a few songs from it on my Spotify playlist. This also didn't have the "low-budget" feel that some BLs have. Honestly one of the best dramas I've watched, including non-BLs.

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1 people found this review helpful
Mar 31, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 7.5
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They tried to fit all tropes miserably

*happy ending* story

Don't get me wrong, the story is cute, the actors are handsome too. However there are a lot of discrepansies during the series that made the flow of the story kind of weird for me.

First of all, I did not know when Team leader nim fell in love. It's like he is soo rude in the episode and in the next he is already finding landlord cute.

The money issue is not solved, the parent-not-accepting a gay son/people prejudice trope is also not properly discussed. It's like they tried to solve it with just i-love-you-i-dont-care-about the world solution and then have a timejump to 8 months and end them with kissing.

I feel like the flow will be much greater if it was extended to a longer season.

Landlord nim's reason for leaving is alsooo soo shallow. I laughed at it so much. I also didnt know or notice how landlord nim fell in love. Its just like one moment and he is already in love?

The kiss was great tho.

This is a great series to watch if there are anybody present behind you, it's just a series with a tinge romance.

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1 people found this review helpful
Nov 14, 2022
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 6.5

Roommates? Cute co-worker couple!

I went into watching "Roommates of Poongduck 304" sincerely hoping it will be the BL drama Kim Ji Woong & Yoon Seo Bin's duo deserves (their previous project together "Kissable Lips" is forgettable at best) and thankfully it turned out to be everything I was hoping for!

Story: 8/10
Love that we have an actual plot here. It's not the most complicated plot and it has some missed opportunities but overall I'm happy with what we got. The romance was built well, the side story with the office was also OK in execution, only thing is I wish the story didn't get that clichey at the end. It feels like the writer(s) had some ideas for the first half and the middle but then had nothing to the end and just went "eff it, they'll just do what leads do in romcoms" 😅

Acting/Cast: 10/10
Let's be honest, the main roles don't require much acting chops but Kim Ji Woong & Yoon Seo Bin perfectly demonstrated here they can do well and they can work well together. I think their chemistry was great! I liked the supporting cast also (despite them being underdeveloped and a little same-samey which was probably done because of the little number of episodes plus the focus being on the leads). All in all, the casting and acting feels just right to me.

Music: 5.5/10
I literally don't remember a single OST... I don't remember anything standing out as awful either so middle rating for me!

Rewatch Value: 6.5/10
I think I'll watch this again when I'm in the mood to watch a light, fluffy BL and don't see anything new on the market 👍

Overall: 7.5/10
It was worth watching for me because 1) of the amazing chemistry between Kim Ji Woong & Yoon Seo Bin's characters and 2) of the fact the actors got the redemption they needed coming off "Kissable Lips". Please don't watch that drama, just watch this one!

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1 people found this review helpful
Dec 7, 2022
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10

excellent kdrama with a bl spin

Honestly, when I heard JiWoong and Seobin were returning for a second outing in the BL world, I almost fell off my chair. Cobranding in Korea is unheard of in this manner, but to be honest, if it was going to be anyone, it'd be these two. Friends before they filmed Kissable Lips, their first offering (vampire college-based drama with a sad ending but showcases their chemistry and acting chops with a heavy plot) showed us their potential. In terms of originality, it was a similar enemies to lovers office based drama, however involved a chaebol and an intern, with the added complexity of a landlord/tenant dynamic that made for some comedic situations. The last few episodes introduced dramatic tension, the one nitpick I have being that Team Leader's past could have been explored earlier, giving more depth and explanation to his character and decisions, however at least we got something, which is more than I can say for others. Poongduck is an enjoyable, comfortable rewatch series as well, and fans of the pair got their happy ending in this drama. With a fan meeting coming, all signs are pointing to actual cobranding, and hopefully more series from JiWoong and Seobin in future. Their chemistry, raw acting talent and skill are too good not to see more of.

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1 people found this review helpful
Nov 12, 2022
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.5
This review may contain spoilers


November 11, 2022

Roommates of Poongduck 304 just fills me up real good. MHHM MHHHM. I am so tired from o all these angsty shows and heavy weighted shows released this year that I am so happy this drama gives me the good amount of fluff I need. The story is literally your typical Kdrama plot line but I do not care cause the way the actors executed the plot is just so good.

I don't even have anything bad to say, for anyone who wants a short drama with good chemistry and cheesy romance. I heavily recommend this series! I literally screamed and paused so many times cause the feels I got were just hitting the right spots

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Roommates of Poongduck 304 (2022) poster



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