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29 people found this review helpful
May 2, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 2.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 4.5
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
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Should be called King of Tears and Ice Maiden

This is a single layer story about a greedy woman who abandoned her son and coiled herself around a rich ceo to inherit all hus wealth by destroying his family. And she is truly wicked - doesn't shy from murder, sending her own child away to America etc etc.

In this straight layer you then have multiple players who are entangled. Then there are subsets to these people.
Simple, boring, clichéd, seen that before, yawn.

What then races these dramas to the top are the players and their nuances - both of which are absent here.

Let's start with the players.
Stand out performances by Grace (the spy), the FL wimpy brother, the FL secretary, the ML attorney friend and the bad villain (abandoned son)..

And now the leads:
One would think that if the premise is love/marriage /divorce/remarriage to same person, then there has to be an iota of chemistry.. Should they not test this in the audition? Maybe the stars are so big they discarded the auditions.
So Alas Alas - here we have to use our wildest imagination and fantasy to assume the two are madly in love.- because frankly they behave like they are allergic to each other.

There is not one heart fluttering moment between them, no sizzle, no intimacy, no intensity.
We have miss ice maiden who is mean to the ML through ep.15 and then agrees to hold his hand in16.
We have the king of tears who spends 80% of his screen time with wet eyes.

What a pitiful drama.

I think k dramas need to stop focusing on these so called big regional stars and get back to making their old classic story line with real actors.

Think about it - we've had 3 dumps already in 2024 with hot shot actors :
Doctor Slump, Welcome to Samdalri, and now this Queen of tears........all dramas that totally missed the point.

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46 people found this review helpful
Apr 28, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 6.5
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 4.5

What. A. Letdown

QOT had the potential to be a heart-wrenching exploration of fading love in marriages but instead it gives you bland nothing but a frustrating mess.
Sure, the initial premise was intriguing. A couple from opposite worlds, Haein with her messy family dynamic burdened by family issues and Hyunwoo a seemingly picture-perfect handsome guy from a humble family falling in love despite their differences? This is what I signed up for. From the promos, the show even promised to delve into the complexities of their unraveling marriage.

But here's where things go south. Haein who was surprisingly honest about her family baggage from the get-go during the proposal, gets painted as the villain in her own marriage. We see her blaming herself for the miscarriage, a wound the show never bothers to properly explore. Its there solely for the shock value, just another trope for the writer to add to the list. How can you leave something as important as this, which apparently caused Hyunwoo to be withdraw from the marriage open to interpretation? If this was the main reason, why wasn’t it discussed between the couple? Major Ick.
The initial portrayal of Haein as a cold, workaholic CEO immediately positions viewers on Hyun-woo's side in their contentious divorce. Yet, the series never fully shows us the nuances of a complex character like Haein. After bombarding us with many reasons why Hyunwoo wants to end the marriage, these motivations are inexplicably dropped. The narrative then shifts gears, showing Hyunwoo seemingly forgetting his initial animosity and falling back in love just like that. This was so frustrating. Why establish these compelling reasons for the divorce only to completely abandon them later? This emotional whiplash left me dizzy.

The show never bothers to address the root of their problems. We never get that crucial conversation, that heart-to-heart where they dissect what went wrong. We never get them discussing their insecurity or even the miscarriage.
The only saving grace is the phenomenal acting by Kim Soohyun and Kim Jiwon. Their performances are the sole reason this drama doesn't completely sink. But even their talent can't salvage a story that abandons its own premise.

I believe unconventional love stories can be powerful. But without proper exploration of the conflict, it feels like a missed opportunity. QOT had the potential for greatness, something people remember by for years to come, hailed as one of the top kdramas ever made, but the execution left me wanting more. It's a show that relies solely on its cast's charm, ultimately failing to deliver on the promise of a unique and thought-provoking drama.
While I don’t regret watching it, there are far better K-dramas out there exploring love and relationships with more depth. This one, sadly, remains stuck in a melodramatic telenovela past.

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Ongoing 14/16
46 people found this review helpful
Apr 23, 2024
14 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 6
Overall 7.0
Story 5.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 1.5
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Plotholes, tropes and bad writing.

Let me start off by saying that I was hooked for the first 11 episodes. Yes, the story is soap opera-y but the actors and actresses acted the heck out of what was given to them. Kim Soo-hyun can do no wrong and I’ve always enjoyed Kim ji-won so the problem is not because of them (or the production, cinematography, styling, etc). It’s the writing.

The last few episodes were just so painful to watch. Common sense were non existent, villains just did whatever the heck they please, the story just dragged and more and more tropes are being added.

I’m serious - nothing made sense.

Like, how did the SML think that he can just “erase” the FL’s past by throwing away some pictures and mementos. She exposed him on national tv and have recordings of him threatening her! It’s so dumb.

Why is our smart ML not more careful? The SML and his mom literally stole, threatened and put a hit on him. Like maybe get some bodyguards or let the hospital know, “hey there’s this guy that’s dangerous to the patient, beware!”

Why weren’t FL’s family with her in Germany?

Why did it take so long to convince her to do the surgery!? I thought the choice was a no brainer.

Anyway - if I didn’t have only two episodes left I would’ve just dropped this drama. I will finish it.

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12 people found this review helpful
May 20, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 3.0
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Perfect example of how great actors can’t make up for a weak story

I don’t care how popular a drama is and how much attention it is getting because of popular cast but if the story is shit nothing much popular actors can do to. Well the drama did got popular but won’t be remembered for that long as it offer nothing new and refreshing.

Honestly I couldn’t understand whether the story’s main focus was on issues of a married couple, illness of the female lead or the villains revenge schemes . Because there was just too much going on and it made a mess.
I WISH OH HOW I WISH the focus was on the marital issues of the lead couple instead of all the other drama then this show could’ve been soo good. But what a waste!! Don’t even get me started on the amnesia!

I tried really hard to relate to the characters but couldn’t. Characters like cold CEO Female lead and jack of all trade yet caring Male lead are the ones we have seen before multiple times. And then the dumb and incompetent brother who is going crazy after her scammer wife! He was annoying ugh

What intrigued my interest in the drama was how the ML wanted to end the marriage at the beginning of the show but that plot was thrown out pretty quickly without proper explanation. And that plot was the very reason giving some comedic side to the show otherwise it was just crying crying and crying. Honestly it got really annoying at the end.

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Dropped 14/16
37 people found this review helpful
Apr 23, 2024
14 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 4
Overall 4.0
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 1.0


I was excited for this drama for long time because I am a fan of the Main Leads.
And the first Trailers also seem intriguing.

Cinematography is just okay imo - it's beautiful but I do not think it fits well for this kind of drama.

Plot is just so-so it started interesting but honestly speaking, I was disappointed. It was really tough for me to finish each episode without getting bored. And then it became overly convoluted! Too many things happening, too many unnecessary and additional stories.
It would've been better if they focused on the relationship between the main characters because honestly speaking it just doesn't make sense.
They fell in love and then eventually their marriage didn't work, ML started hating FL. He was even happy to hear that she is dying but then suddenly he cannot live without her anymore?
I wish the writers focused more on their relationship instead of mini backslash. Give us a proper explanation on HOW their relationship turned sour.

And honestly speaking, FL isn't likable as well. Almost every character is unlikable in this series. And just like most kdrama - the emotional negligence of parents are just brushed off in the end. They said sorry and it's forgiven and forgotten

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11 people found this review helpful
May 3, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 1.5
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Horrible show unless you love to be angry all the time.

Before i give my two cents i want to say that i watched up to episode six and then skipped big chunks up to the last episode since it was just horrible to watch all those evil people.

This is one of those shows where i loose hope in Humanity.

i find the characters very unlikable even the male lead. While i think the acting wasn't to bad but ultimately it wasn't believable for me. I am very aware that there many people who love these kind of shows and i can tolerate it to a degree but not in this Drama.

I think the drama has a high production value and capable cast but the story and characters are just so bad that i would never recommend it to somebody unless you're into shows with horrible people and want your blood to be boiled.

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9 people found this review helpful
May 29, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
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A mess

It felt like first 10 episodes were written by one writer and last 6 episodes were written by a completely different writer because there was little to no coherence in the plot. Last episodes were filled with all old k-drama tropes and lacked any originality. The writer run out of ideas as how to proceed the story as the main couple had already cleared their differences. So there was nothing left aside from bringing the amnesia plot.

The writer filled the story with every possible cliche and trope possible. I was on verge of breakdown as to what they did with the story and ruined it. They had the perfect cast and a reasonable story to began with but it all went down the drain. The constant lead’s constant crying made me exhausted.

It would have been fun if comedy was retained till the end of the drama and lead couple's martial issues were focused on rather we were given unnecessary drama. And to top it all ,Hong hae in's amnesia after surgery made me completely lose it. Don't have it in me to watch it again or recommend it to anyone .

Actors were the only good part about the show. They saved the show.

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9 people found this review helpful
May 17, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Just my opinion...

Apparently, I watched a different show than everyone else. I'll put the sadly necessary disclaimer - this is my own personal opinion, so don't come after me.

For me, the show had a lot of style, and not much substance. Beautifully filmed and beautifully dressed beautiful people, so much of the time I felt like I was a spectator watching a fashion show runway catwalk. Lots of walking from here to there, "look at what I'm wearing now", models with no expression.

I just didn't like anyone in this show. For me, there has to be something likeable about someone to make me care about what happens to them. Both the ML and the FL had personality issues. FL in particular was unlikeable, she was such a cold person. Kim Ji Won tends to play the same type of character, and her lack of facial expressions just doesn't endear her to me. The ML's reaction when he found out she was sick was just wrong. And the sequence, with the overabundance of flashbacks, was out of synch and made it hard for me to like them. I didn't believe in their story and was never able to feel their love for one another, even at the end.

And can we talk about tropes? In this drama, the tropes were piled high, one after another. When they got to the amnesia part, I laughed out loud - my trope bingo card was complete!

Should you watch it? Don't go by me, because apparently, I'm an outlier. Give it a try and come to your own conclusion.

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14 people found this review helpful
Apr 29, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.5

Plot is mid

If it weren’t for the actors, I wouldn’t have watched this drama until the end. The plot is mid....

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8 people found this review helpful
May 17, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 2.0
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The drama didn’t live up to the hype!

In an interview actress KIM JI WON said she signed the show because she was curious and wanted to know why the couple hated each other that much . Every viewer had the same question but the question was never really answered properly. The writer didn’t delve deep into the issues of the couple. Like why their love turned cold? . Yes we saw the lovey doovey memories and how they fell in love but not how they fell out of love and most importantly how it turned into hate!

In the first episode HYUN WOO was miserable and wanted to end the marriage. After finding out that HAE IN is terminally ill and will die soon he was genuinely happy and wasn’t even a bit shocked. This showed how much he hated hae in and wanted this marriage to end. There must’ve been a strong reason for him to be this way considering how empathetic and kind person he is in the show. But his wife, (who he use to love) is going to die and he is happy about it!!! What caused this !! the writer didn’t unveil those details hence the plot felt incomplete.
And more emphasis was put on Hyun woo’s misery and Hae in’s side was left out from it. I couldn’t understand why she stopped putting effort in marriage and was soo cold towards him.

The story could’ve been complete in itself and didn’t need villains at all if the story focused on the main plot. It felt like a completely different drama afterwards. Hae in was terminally ill and eun seong still wont stop chasing her till the very end like a psychopath. And seeing him chase her again and again became boring and too dragging. So many thing were going on at the same time like the villain plot and hae’s in illness plot, that the main issue was swept under the rug.

Last but not the least I am tired of how no kdrama can go without lead hero being a saviour..The writer could’ve done better and not give us the same story that we have watched 100 times.
In the end I gotta admire kim ji won, she was phenomenal. Brilliant acting by her. She has proved how amazing of an actress she is. Baek hyun woo and hae in’s chemistry is also amazing. Their acting and Chemistry carried the whole show.

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21 people found this review helpful
May 1, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
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Cliche Plot with a Heartwarming Touch

Many compared this with CLOY - since both are from the same writer, some of the scenes are somewhat similar, but to compare, I think this is far behind. The starting of CLOY is already unique on its own, esp building a comedy on the North Korea's settings, whereas QOT is purely a story of a married couple - it's less fun but more realistic.

Cliche plot to expect - terminal illness, loss of memory, accident, gun shot - you name it. TBH the ending of the second last episode made me suck back all my tears and started rolling my eyes. Like, really?

But I gotta say, I do like the parts that make me cry - it gives a strong emotional touch on kinship and love, some of the lines hit you hard and made you look back in life, and also emphasize the meaning of life. [SPOILER] One very special scene that you might not find it in other dramas - the interpretation of FL's death at the end, it's really sorrow yet beautiful :')

Overall - watch this if you are finding a drama to cry on. I wouldn't say it's the most special one, I think the writer and casting itself gave this drama a huge "fame boost". I mean, how can you not fall in love with Kim Soo Hyun again? His crying scene is 10/10 - as always.

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Badass Bunny Flower Award1
9 people found this review helpful
May 1, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 4.5
Rewatch Value 1.0

Mix of Genres With Stellar Cast

I rarely write reviews, but maybe this is the TV series that might get me back to writing them on a regular basis! Hooray, I guess.
The premise of the story is very straightforward: we have an established married couple who goes through a crisis, which is very realistic, as nowadays, the percentage of divorced couples is skyrocketing in multiple countries, and with South Korea being one of them, I guessed that they tried to create a series that would give the South Korean audience hope in marriage once again. Did they succeed? We’re going to see that a few years later! Some statistics take some time, folks.
Let’s talk about my enjoyment of this series as a big fan of the cast.
The acting is marvelous and stunning, and no one can take this opinion away from me—not even the storyline. Going into this series, I knew beforehand that I was in for an acting treat and basically a masterclass, which I was not wrong about. I cannot name all the cast names, but imagine the list being very long. While some are praising mostly male and female leads, I am praising everyone—even the side characters—because even those side characters were played by well-known and talented actors. This is why I just have to give them all 10 out of 10!
Now, let’s move onto the music department, which... didn't overwhelm me, but this once again wasn’t shocking to me, as I am very picky with music. I like a lot of genres, but I cherry pick from each, so to have an OST  impress me, it takes a lot! I can literally name the OSTs that truly hypnotized me and are webbed in my memory. Sadly, this TV series simply didn’t have a single OST or BGM that made me shiver, cry, or just directly search for it on music platforms to listen to the full version. This is the reason why I am giving the music department 4.5 points, which isn’t terrible, but quite...below average, let’s say. It’s not that I hated it, but did it make me interested? Far from it.
Production value and visual FX—what can I say? Perfect! Yeah, it was an expensive series, and they showed this with various things, not just a stellar cast. I really don’t have a single complaint about the production value, because it was truly breathtaking. The shots were amazing, the locations were wonderful, and they made me feel calm and cozy. The costumes were also amazingly fitted and complimented the figures of all the cast members. A special thanks to the costume designer of our favorite auntie.
Now, let’s get to the backbone of the whole series—the plot! Yeah, we have reached the weakest link of this whole series, and it is truly sad because I have been waiting for years for another amazing TV series, not only from Su Hyeon’s side but from Ji Won’s side as well. Both their previous projects didn’t interest me much, so I had high hopes. Me being into more mature romances and overall melodrama vibes kind of made my expectations skyrocket even more. In the end, I was not satisfied.
Let me emphasize that the premise served me well and truly fed the melodramatic me, but the execution was the part where the series failed. The long format of the episodes was truly painful, as everything looked like filler, and I swear if you skipped some of the episodes and started in later, you wouldn’t miss a lot. I do think the plot was underdeveloped and lacking in many aspects. Some characters—the main couple—weren't written thoroughly, and for my taste, they were bland, and I honestly found myself not rooting for them at all. I get it; the premise is a marriage crisis and getting back together, but the writer has written mostly about the female lead as a very dislikable person, and I get it—she was born into a rich family, so she didn’t know that her manners were sometimes very... wrong. Still, I felt that the differences between the couple were way too big to overcome in real life, and since the series tried to portray a realistic relationship, I do think they failed. They were way too different, and even though couples can overcome differences and be happy, I felt that what they have isn’t anything too deep, and the love from both came out of nowhere. Other than that, the male lead truly tried to work the marriage out, but the female lead was very rejective of his attempts, and seeing the cycle repeat was very tiring.
In terms of the dramatic plot, I have to disagree with others who say that it reminded them of older TV series. I was there, and they were far more dramatic, I would say, and more tropey, while this had only like two prominent tropes: the second male lead being intrusive and loco, and the upgraded version of White Truck of Doom. I do not consider female lead being rich as a trope, sorry. I can vividly say and name the tropes in order with older series, and this series didn’t follow them at all, so I personally didn’t feel as if I was watching an older series.
Overall, I think the series would stand out more to me if it had shorter episodes and maybe even fewer episodes, and most importantly, a set genre. As I said, going into this, I expected melodrama, but in the end, it was a mix of melodrama and comedy, which ruined it even more for me. They dealt with serious topics (which I praise them for), but they set them in very bad times, I think? Like, writer, please decide if it’s going to be a comedy or a melodrama. Some say that because of the heavy topics, it was a melodrama, but I have to disagree. For me, it had very little melodrama vibes, even with the serious topics, and I hated that. I think if they strictly kept it as a melodrama and shot it with the same vibes as well, I would have enjoyed it far more.

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