The story unfolds in the tranquil yet tense setting of the Korean DMZ, where two contrasting souls find themselves drawn together. Following the formal end of the Korean War, the two Koreas established the Pyeonghwa Village in Goseong, Gangwon Province. Im Ju Hyeong, a prodigious pianist seeking respite from his demanding career, retreats to this haven. There he encounters Ha Na Gyeong, a holder of Ph.D. in Hydroponics and the pragmatic daughter of a high-ranking North Korean officer. As they navigate their lives in this village founded on hope and peace, their shared experiences and unexpected bonds blossom into a poignant love story, bridging the divide between the two worlds. (Source: IM YourOnlyOne at MyDramaList) Edit Translation
- English
- Русский
- Français
- Português (Brasil)
- Native Title: 사랑의 안단테
- Also Known As: Love’s Andante , Andante of Love , Sarangui Andante
- Director: Yoon Ryu Hae
- Genres: Comedy, Romance, Fantasy
Where to Watch Love Andante
Cast & Credits
- Kwon Hyun BinIm Ju HyeongMain Role
- Song Ji WooHa Na GyeongMain Role
- Heo Ji WonKim Ju Hui [Peace Village Resident from South Korea / Content Creator / Webtoon artist]Support Role
- Hong Joon KiKoo Jin Sang [Peace Village Resident from North Korea / Doctor]Support Role
- Ki Hyun WooNam Gyeong Ho [Peace Village Resident from North Korea]Support Role
- Kim Bo RaPark Dam So [Peace Village Resident from South Korea / Doctor]Support Role
A people's hope
Somewhere out there… in a parallel universe… “Peace Village” exists and a similar story happened which eventually led to the unification of the Korean peninsula.Grassroots made it happen. Ordinary people created new relationships that crossed the DMZ. They showed the politicians of both the North and the South that no political ideology can separate them any longer.
I hope the lesson from this parallel universe “leaks” into our reality, and hopefully, the Korean War will end once and for all in our time. It has gone far too long, and families who were separated by the DMZ are passing on one after another. Don't let the day come when no one can remember the pain of the separation; of an eons-old dream of having one Korean flag, united and happy together.
P.S. There are only 8 episodes officially, not 12. ^_~
A village that represents peace
I loved the concept of a peace village and a secluded community with South and North Koreans.. But this beautiful concept wasn’t executed well into a story. All the events happen in an underwhelming way. It was hard to pinpoint the moment when the main leads fall in love. Cuz things happen either too slowly or too quickly. But even with all the pitfalls there were some sweet moments that captured my attention and i wanted to finish the drama for the sake of the lead couple.Even with the poor writing the lead couple had good chemistry. They did well and I find them adorable together. Definitely their love story could’ve used more intensity and depth because their relationship is complicated. Yet the new actors did a good job.
The drama’s intro is beautiful and nostalgic.