The film tells the story of Detectives Chu Ja Young and Kim Dong Wook, who must solve a puzzling murder case involving a string of deaths at a local high school. Their investigation eventually leads them directly to a middle school student who has long suffered abuse at the hands of school bullies. In fact, each murder occurs just as it is described in the student's diary. On that evidence alone, one might think the detectives have an open and shut case. However, there's one problem. The student is already dead! Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 6월의 일기
- Also Known As: Bystanders , 6-Worui Ilgi , 6-Wolui Ilgi , June's Diary
- Screenwriter: Ko Jung Woon, Lee Man Hee
- Screenwriter & Director: Im Kyung Soo
- Genres: Thriller, Mystery, Drama
Cast & Credits
- Shin Eun Kyung Main Role
- Eric MunKim Dong WookMain Role
- Kim Yoon JinSeo Yun HeeMain Role
- Yoon Joo SangSquad Leader YangSupport Role
- Maeng Se ChangJang Joon HaSupport Role
- Lee Yoon SangGroper on the train]Support Role

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The story is a bit common but they executed it perfectly. It caught my attention immediatly and held it to the last seconds. It is well written and the only flaw was that sometimes it was a bit too much of a coincidence. This story is really dark but it manages to put in some acceptable parts of comedy in it. What I also really liked about the movie that it had twists and turns, and I didn't see all of them coming.
The actors did a great job, it didn't feel like people were out of place, it fitted perfectly. Also the characters were well directed and the emotions were very raw.
The music was on and off, sometimes it really set the mood but in one or two scenes I found it a bit off.
I would rewatch this movie and recommend people I know to watch this.
This movie remembered me again how much I can hate the human race. Actually this is quite a emotional rollercoaster, I laughed, cried, felt furious, disgust and more..
Watch this if you like dark movies, a good story and twists & turns.
Skip this only if you can't handle inhumane actions against people, but other than that, watch this movie!
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